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Hi guys, have got a slight concern.. Whenever I try holding the revs at a few thousand for example, she starts shooting up - basically I don't have full throttle control. Any help on the matter is greatly appreciated! Cheers
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Hi all, I'm on the fine tuning section of fixing this Yamaha YBR 125 now and finally took her for a wee spin but the engine is making a horrible clunking sound. Any ideas on what this could be?
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So got the bike up and running yesterday. Went to go start her up today and she was ticking over fine.. Rolled her out the garage door (rear first) and she started revving real high on her own so I thought right okay, must have a carb/air filter problem but then rollled her back in and she starts ticking over normally again? I did the same thing several times with different time gaps but every time as soon as the bike comes out of the shade, revvs like hell?! Any suggestions?
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Been dicking around with my hit and miss engines
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Just watched Top Gear, must say not that impressed with Chris Evans but quite liked Matt LeBlanc.
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Hi i have a 1990 yamaha dtr 125 rides and accelarates great but gets to about 70mph at about 8 -8500 rpm then will not go anywhere and the engine is absolutley screaming,ive looked behind the clocks for the 'reed switch' rev limiter? And there isnt one there also looked for the 'black wire with green stripe' to eath behind clocks and cannot locate this either do the 1990 models have a restricted cdi or any different restrictions? i have a full dep exhaust system on it any help would be much appreciated tried looking on dtr.net but it just redirects me to google pages thanks in advance guys happy riding .danny
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Has anyone out there put straights on thier ybr125? If so could you please tell me what bars you used and pictures would be a treat cheers, Louis
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Is it wise to jump onto a 1000 from a 125, I've ridden a r1 street fighter before and felt pretty compitant?
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About 3yrs after our last dog was put to sleep we have succumbed to the lure of another. We have rehomed this beauty from Guide dogs Scotland. Just need to get the cats onside now.
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Hi guys! from yesterday, i`m the happy owner of an Yamaha xv1900a stratoliner, unfortunately I can`t go in Scotland until Monday so, the only pics are from the ebay advent www.ebay.co.uk/itm/231921333171 (click on the first pic to see more) I hope is working can`t wait to get her home
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I used to sing this to Mrs Meat, she always took the piss just cos I was a few years older than her and I lost most of my hair years ago. I guess that as somehow I've managed to reached the ripe old age of 64 today I should stop singing this song.
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Started work as an apprentice electrical engineer nearly 49 years ago at the ripe old age of 15, been working for myself as a gardener for the last 7 years or so after getting really pissed off with the rat race, now as of today I'm retired. I've been reducing the amount of work I've been doing over the last couple of years untill it was'nt worth keeping my little van, so thats it no more work, feet up and relax and i can hear those country roads calling me already.
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Having problems starting my 1991 dt 200 when its cold, Good spark, and fule, any ideas?
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Just got a letter today of the district commissioner. I'm going to recieve a Chief scouts commendation for good service to scouting.
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Just finished making this for her first birthday, it's not until August but wanted to make use of the crap winter weather.. Although the design is mostly mine, I did pinch the idea from a Canadian web site and used his method of putting it togerther but of course I had to make it as a v twin. It's made from 3 sheets of 2' X 4' plywood cut out with a router and then glued/pinned/screwed/dowelled together, the forks are made out of a bit of scrap 2" X 4".that I shaped with my router and a home made jig and the headlight is made from a wood furniture foot bought from the bay of fleas. I must say that I am quite pleased with it and hope that she will enjoy p…
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I'll not get back Looking for a pic, couldn't find it in my 'pictures' so remember that I had posted it on here. Went to my profile, looked in posts and then spent the next 3hrs looking through a load of auld posts. Finally came out with 30 pages still to go......found the pic after about half an hour, but kept trawling
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Found it on YouTube, go to minute 22.56 and there it is, well done Ian finally saw you on the telly !!! https://youtu.be/YDNYXnvgbTY
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