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Rofl... You're too fast for me drewpy, I was just in the process of posing on that Indonesian spam post! I had the witty start (referencing the Monty Python spam song), a request for blocking and removal, and a vague insult in Indonesian for the poster!!! But you'd already taken it down before I could post! lol
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Finally MOT'd my FZR1000 Genesis ready for some summer fun, trouble is the clutch engages right at the end when letting out the lever , it feels okay but can't get neutral with engine running so probably dragging, bled it twice, not a bubble! So with no other adjustment I'm thinking It will need the plates looking at. Not really a problem but is there anything else worth checking first before I dive in head first! Cheers
- 8 replies
Well summat I did not know even existed turned up today. My mum recently died and my sister was turning out her old pictures. Myself and the Yamaha RD250D my sister and her Puch maxi circa 1979 I reckon, please note obligatory cat, in the form of Snoopy a formidable moggie who could leap through that fanlight window above the puch with a half grown rabbit in her mouth that she had murderded to feed her kittens with
- 5 replies
Afternoon all. Does anyone know if the rear fender from an xvs950 will fit on my xvs1300a. Just wondered if anyone has swapped them over. Don't particularly fancy paying silly money for an aftermarket fender. Cheers .
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Ok, i done everything. Full service, i even installed a booster plug i removed the servo along with the end can. The bike idles too low. When i close the throttle and stop it cuts out! Any thoughts how to solve this? Appreciate it guys
- 2 replies
So short story, I was in a local village and they had a set of temp traffic lights set up which meant that there was quite a queue of cars waiting to move on, I love filtering to be honest, and so I wandered down the outside of these cars to get to the front, just my luck but someone was coming the other way and I dived into a gap between a car and a huge lorry, little did I know that the road dipped away to my left and was really steep suffice to say that when I tried to put my left foot down to balance the bike there was no road under my foot! the bike just tipped over like a felled tree with me going with it and then to add insult to injury my left foot got trapped by …
- 18 replies
Couple of weeks ago I found a beautiful looking pair of 1978 forks for my DT175 on Ebay that were in the US. If they were as good as the pictures I'd scored myself a decent pair that only needed new seal, oil and a little bit of a polish and they'd have been like new. So in anticipation of their arrival I bought some news seals and some oil for them. I was tracking them daily and after a slight delay because of bad weather everything was going swimmingly, until yesterday evening when I noticed on the tracker "Undeliverable" Never seen it before so I messaged the seller and asked if it would be an issue. Turns out I'm not getting them and according to …
- 11 replies
[url=https://postimg.cc/kDWTdhvh][img]https://i.postimg.cc/kDWTdhvh/Whats-App-Image-2020-12-11-at-14-42-57.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://postimg.cc/kDWTdhvh][img]https://i.postimg.cc/kDWTdhvh/Whats-App-Image-2020-12-11-at-14-42-57.jpg[/img][/url]
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Ok so finally got round to replacing the front wheel bearing on the bike, I have if I'm honest been thinking that the MOT bloke who did my bike way back in April was having a bit of a laugh when he said that the front and rear bearings were in need of doing. So finally got the time to slip the front wheel off, knocked out the first bearing and it was ok'ish a bit grumbly but not what you would call knackered 2nd bearing comes out and f**k me there is half the cage missing AND one of the balls is no where to be seen! I mean how can a ball bearing be missing? Counted those in the other bearing and sure enough I have one less in the off side ball race! I have been riding on …
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So today after over a week of trying I finally get a response from DHL that my parcel is in the hands of Parcelforce and has been for the best part of 2 weeks and is awaiting import duty to be paid. 🥳 I was supposed to have been notified by them sending a postcard but once AGAIN I didn't get one. No email or text either. 🙄 I recently tried importing some engine casings and the exact same thing happened, waited patiently until my patience ran out then got on to the seller whose attitude was "I got your money everything else is your problem" so I had to go chasing carriers to find out where my parcel was and on that occasion it had sat in the parcel place for so lo…
- 3 replies
Got this through the post yesterday via ebay. Promptly told the seller what I thought of it and to his credit he's sent me a replacement straight out. Rear brake light switch and not a coat hanger if anyone's wondering 😳
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My mate has been drinking brake fluid, I asked him if he was addicted? he said no he could stop anytime!
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Having just started a wee rebuild, the first for a long time, I have been looking on line (ebay) for bits and have been horrified at the postage and carriage charges, some as much as 3 times the cost of the item, some parts requiring no more that a Jiffy Bag yet are £20.00 postage. Outrageous. Rant over, for now. Ken.
- 3 replies
Just been out on the bike for the first time this year, it needed fuel and after all the suspension work over the winter I wanted to know if anything would fall off before I even thought about a longish run. Sun shining and almost empty roads was almost like being back in the 60s! Wife asked me if it was alright but I think the huge grin said it all. That said NOT ONE of the folks at the garage filling station had a mask or even a pair of gloves while using the pumps? are they just to cool to bother with this disease do you think? I had a crash helmet thick gloves and my snood on (it was chilly) but really! Moan over, that was a good day after 7 weeks indoors.
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Hi Guy's I have a 1990 535 I have replaced the wiring loom with one from a breaker's they claimed was the right year, it's fitted BUT The manual show's the wire's from the stater connect to one of the unit's below the right hand side of the fuel tank via the loom BUT there is no connecting block near the battery box to connect it to anybody got any idea what i should do ?
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