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The Bar

A laid-back spot for off-topic conversations, mingling, and building camaraderie among motorcycle enthusiasts.

  1. Hi all, this is my first time on the forum so thanks for any answers in advance. I have recently bought a DT 125 MX 1980. The idle screw has no effect on the idle of the bike (it idles so high it is basically screaming). I took apart the carb and noticed that the carb slide sits really high, maybe a third to half the way up the venturi chamber. Obviously this is the reason for the ridiculous idle. The bike has custom handlebars and forks from a more modern DT. Maybe when they were changed, the throttle cable was too small? How can I lengthen the throttle cable so that the carb slide can sit all the way down? The hex nut adjusters are all fully tightened so I can't ch…

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  2. Started by Peter Hartley,

    Hi.i bought a yl1 with no documents.i have been told you may be able to help me

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  3. Hello all I wondering if I could get some advice. I have recently bought a xvs 650 dragster 97. But when I first taken it out it was jolty, wasn't very responsive, and revs wound just go up and sit their then drop again. When I was ridding and release the throttle the idle was to low and it would cut out. I then taken it back cleaned the jets on the carbs out 2 of them was blocked and it ran sweet for an hour she was responsive no jolts or back pops rode a dream. Until on the way home she went back to running dig shit. This morning I stripped the jets cleaned them, fuel filter and air filter and put in some nice new fuel bit she is still runn…

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  4. Started by neandethal,

    Recently bought a 2013 EFI YBR125 and it seems to have a fault, but no error lights (The light does work on first turning of the key, so not a bulb issue). The bike starts first or second stab of the starter button and ticks over lovely and quiet, BUT is is really fluffy at picking up when cold and nearly stalls, so to be clear it doesn't increase revs cleanly, it has massive lag. Once it's ticked over for a few minutes it goes away and runs fine, and picks up cleanly. Air filter is spotless, plug looks OK if a little rich, has fuel. Is this "Normal" for cheap injected bikes, was expecting a nice clean pick up and pull away from the off?? Any advice/views greatly ap…

  5. Started by Dek,

    Looking to raising the handle bars about 2 inches. Any thoughes on where I can purchase a longer brake hose. Are the banjos a standard size.

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  6. Started by NE0,

    hi guys, thought I'd just share this with you, it made me chuckle initially! Over a year ago I declared SORN on my DT as I hadn't used it for a while , the tax was due and I was having a bit of trouble getting it MOT'd as the guys were claiming they wouldn't MOT it on the rear tyre as it had "IN USA & CANADA- NOT FOR ROAD USE". stamped on it. Even though they had been successfuly passing it with the same rear tyre for the past several years! I tried to fight my corner saying we're not in the USA where the statement applies! this is the UK but he said he wouldn't pass it if I was to put it in for an MOT. He said he was trying to save me the fail and all i had t…

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  7. Started by JefK,

    Hi All, I bought my 2006, MT 03 660 a few months ago, only had a handful of rides before the lockdown but enough to know I had a service job list to take care of. Que a full compliment of consumables and fluid change in order create my own history with the bike and learn where stuff is. Now the bars on the bike are non standard, nothing flash and looking through the MoT history it appears they were changed due to the originals being bent. There is other evidence that the bike has had a gentle fall over rather than been thrown up the road. The bars on the bike are very tall MX bars. I am looking to try and achieve a more roadster, not cafe racer, feel r…

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  8. I've just discovered that someone has attempted to steal my bike during lockdown. There's be a screwdriver forced in the ignition barrel and the steering lock has been forced open. I have a chain on the front wheel so not sure if that is what stopped them taking the bike, but it also needed a new starter fuse so it wouldn't have started for them anyway but can't tell if they tried. I had a scooter stolen a few years ago and when it was recovered I was told that as the steering lock had been burst, the whole thing was a write off as they could have damaged the chassis. So my question is, is that the same case with this bike Yamaha YBR 125 Custom? I hadn't been riding …

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  9. Started by Losborne,

    Hey guys, newbie here. I just purchased a 79’ DT 175 that had no papers and no title with it. I’m trying to get it street legal but have no idea how to go about doing that. A lot of people have talked about going through Vermont to get it registered. I would also like to find the VIN if I could but can’t seem to do that after looking the bike over pretty hard. Is there a place it usually is? I have a frame and motor serial number which is 2A7-001###. Can anyone speak to any of this? Thanks!

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  10. Started by Cynic,

    Crikey what a pain in the arse, had a leaky rocker cover gasket on the vmax, finally got to sorting it today after waiting for weeeeeeks for the damn thing to show up. What a thing to fit, officially you take off the seat, airbox, carbs, fuel pump, drain coolant, header tank......continue till dead. So like any good home mechanic I cheated. If you whip the seat off (4 bolts) you can get at everything but you have to change the gasket without taking the cover off, just lifting it maybe 15mm. Its fiddly, and a few strategic blobs of yamabond (or red hylomar) to make it behave. But it is possible if your careful and patient. All done in the time it would have…

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  11. Started by jimmy,

    My boy has told me he's looking for a new bike. He has had his xv535 since passing his test about 8yrs ago, although the last two years he's done the sum total of nowt. Last year he joined my job and a few guys on his shift are riding modern bikes so that's what he's after. Seems to have his mind on an xjr1300 (coz he liked my 1200) but I'm thinking maybe a bit too fast (protective father time) I showed him a tdm900 but he thinks it a bit small in height. He is 6'1" I don't think it is. Any other recommendations or should I just stfu and get a few shots of the xjr

      • Thanks
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  12. Started by Cynic,

    Pulled the trigger on a vmax this evening. Practically stole the damn thing. She is lightly modded to exactly how I would tweak a max. Motorcycle bucket list complete. So if anybody wants a tdr......

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  13. Good Evening, I picked up a 1972 G7S a few weeks back and trying to awaken it from its slumber. Electrically, I have cleaned all the connections and have everything working off a brand new battery except the headlamp. I read in an older post (Sacha's) that the headlamp circuit is powered by the magneto, and not the battery (similar to a DT). I have a rectifier, and no voltage regulator that I can find. The headlamp is intact. If that is the case, I will finish cleaning the gas tank, oil tank (shall I flush it with mineral spirits?) and order a carb kit and get this running. It has good compression and spark, so will sort the fuel side out. Thank you…

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  14. Hi guys, just wondering if you could help me. The thread on my front calliper in which the bleed nipple sits has gone gone; and I was just wondering if anyone could suggest an alternative front calliper because trying to source an original has proven to be difficult. any advice would be appreciated, Jess

  15. Started by LeeDT,

    Hello, ive just got myself a completely standard 2001 imported dt125. I’ve been looking at dep exhausts for a better noise and possibly better performance? Any one know if they make much difference and weather it’s worth changing the front pipe as well or just go with the silencer on it’s own? thanks in advance lee

  16. Started by blackhat250,

    Thats the law in now, historic vehicles [ 40 years old] dont need an M.O.T, and are already Tax free,,,?

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  17. Hi, I am thinking about buying this motorcycle I have found used for a good price. It's in good condition, very well maintained. My concern is the cruising speed. I intend to use it for longish trips. I need something that I can cruise at 90kph (55mph) for several hours without issue. Someone told me that at these speeds with this bike I would need to stop every hour or so and let the engine cool. (I do live in a warm weather zone) So I guess it's two questions really, firstly what is the top speed can you comfortably cruise for longer distances on one of these bikes, and how big of an issue is overheating? PS: I suppose I could also gear up and put in a smaller…

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  18. Started by bippo,

    I’m currently sat under a tarp near Mont Blanc - I’m camping at the foot of a glacier in fact, and there’s a silent thunderstorm going on around me. So it feels like a suitable time to admit something to you guys... Not long after our Wales weekend I found myself on a rare mid-week rideout on a very hot day. I had always planned a Europe tour for this year (currently on it), and by all intents and purposes I was doing it on my F800GT. The mid-week ride was to focus my mind and think about what I’d need to comfortably execute my 16 day camp trip in a self-sufficient manner. So anyway, I wheel my bike out my lock-up and for only the 2nd time in my riding life I had a flat…

  19. Wanted to drive the bike into work last week. Turned over for 5 secs but didn't want to start first go (its been 3 weeks or so since last start). Then all power went. I have had batteries start to struggle a bit to give you a bit of notice but not this one. The 5 secs cranking just completely killed it off. It is completely dead and the charger doesn't even register ....... "it is an ex-battery" 🙃 New one one the way now but was pretty miffed I missed my ride.

  20. Started by kevos1,

    Has anyone ever bought a new Yamaha and it arrived with lots of blobs of bright green paint on it? My son had his new MT125 delivered yesterday and there were spots of green paint all over it. The dealer said that they came from Yamaha like that and showed that the nuts had been tightened properly. However the paint was not just on nuts. It was on wiring, handlebars and tyres. It was a bit messy. My big question was why weren't these removed in pre delivery valet. No satisfactory answer. It was someone else's fault.

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