The Bar
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Hi all new to site hopefully your put me right. Have had my TDR 5yrs have stripped the seized wreck and rebuilt whole bike past 3yrs. I now have it running sweet on premix on the bench. I took photos as stripped but cannot detect where vac to fuel cock pipe goes. Have done away with water supply for icing so these in/out let's are redundant. Cannot feel a suction on other port either left or right carb. Can anyone send a few snaps of their plumbing around the carbs. Thanks
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Hi, I have been struggling with an issue with my XS500B. The engine has been rebuilt. Re-bore, new seals, gaskets etc. I took it apart because it was smoking from the right cylinder and running very rough. So imagine my frustration when it was still smoking from the same side! So I took it apart again and checked the valve seals, barrels, cylinder head for cracks etc etc etc. I carefully re-assembled it and guess what? The problem is still there. What am I missing? Is it something other than mechanical? Electrical? Fuel? I have replaced the coils and condenser. I also have rebuilt the carbs with a re-build kit and kept the standard airbox and filter. The airscr…
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Hello, I am in the process of restoring a 1976 Yamaha V50, the cylinder barrel is badly scored, has anyone fitted a barrel and piston from a later 1980 V80? No V50 cylinders are available hear in Australia. Thanks in advance, Paul
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i have just started to get clutch slip when the bike hits the powerband. the engine is on 34500 miles. so im guessing new friction plates and springs. are the EBC rebuild kits on Ebay good to use or should i go to for oem? not near a Yamaha deal which is annoying.
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Hi All, I was putting the crankcases together on a YBR125 when I found these 2 halves of a spring on the workbench. I have no idea where they cane from. The spring is still on the gear lever and it's not the kickstarter one. Help please! Thanks Don
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Hi guys! I went to change my oil for the first time on my bike I just got last fall. All excited until I saw the Oil Drain Plug. Completely stripped! I tried going full bore with channel-locks because it was too far gone to be cautious with and it wouldn't didn't budge, just kept stripping worse and worse. I thought I'd come here before I get myself in a bigger jam. I noticed there are kits online to drill out drain plugs but I don't want to go that far if I can help it. Does anyone have any tips or tricks to get this puppy unstuck? Oh, and I ordered a new oil drain plug, dumb question but; oil drain plugs are universal right? I mean I got the 14x1.5 threads I knew …
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Hey everyone! 👋🏼 I'm working on my first bike - Yamaha SR125, and there's a lot of technical stuff that I don't really understand - could use a bit of advice. So the thing is, I absolutely hate the original levers of my bike, they are way too big and out forward for my hands, the position also doesn't allow me to add handguards, plus they just look ugly. I really want to get a set of aftermarket levers, but of course they don't make any for this bike model. So I'm thinking - would it work if I got like a set of lever holders (perches) from a different model and coupled those up with new aftermarket levers? Has anyone done something like this? I don't see any…
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HI All Looking for a bit of help, recently bought a bike after not been on one for 40 years, its a Yamaha WR250F 2018 model, which has run great until now, last week I was out and it missed and spluttered and finally stopped and would not start, after leaving it for about 15 minutes all was well and it got me home, changed the plug which looked ok, done a few more rides out and all ok, so I thought maybe I had some dirty fuel. anyway went out today and it just cut out, engine warning light was flashing 3 long followed by 3 short flashes ,it did start after leaving it for a bout 30 mins, just looking for any help at what the problem may be Many Thanks …
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Hello all, im pulling my hair out over my D Reg DT125LC (1986). I bought this a year or so ago for my little bro so he can come out with me when I go green laning.... It was working fine then all of a sudden had an intermittent fault where if would 'race' and basically fart about... Took it to my local mechanic who said it was the main seals and bearings gone and drawing in air so paid loads to have the engine fully rebuilt with new bearing, conrod, piston, etc... Worked fine for a quick ride but then started again... Took it back to him as and we were stripping it I touched the CDI area and it all started to work fine. Im pretty sure that is not a cable/loom as I can…
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Hello everyone, I have 2008 Yamaha Zuma 49cc 2-stroke that is having issues starting. I have spark, fuel (fresh gas) is flowing through the line when I suck on the vac line, but my compression is pretty low, 70 psi. I will crank the engine 7 or 8 times, my compression tester will reach around 70 psi, then I will hear a slight release of pressure and the pressure on the gauge will slowly bleed down. I'm performing the test with the carburetor off, reed valve (new reed valve assembly) cage installed. Any ideas on what to check next? Thanks
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Decided to get roadworthy after Around 11 years stuck in garage. Just taken fuel tank out and carbs off. All fairings off (have been since it was difficult to start some 11 yrs ago ) 1st issue ; front brake master cylinder has taken off some of the black paint around reservoir and control switch. Opened up reservior, it has turned a little jelly like. What is best way to clean out the old brake fluid in the system so I can clean up and repaint. 2nd issue; exhaust bolts snapped off trying to remove. Got exhaust off but only two bolts came out well. Any ideas how to remove the broken remains of the bolts. Last resort will be trying to take down to alloy casing an…
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Hello all I've just received back the very V50M I used to use when I was 16 - I'm 51 now! It was my mums before she could drive, then my dad's commuter, then I used it to do my paper round on and then my brother used it when I could drive. It sat in my dad's garage for about 25 years before giving it to a friend's son. After more years, friend's son now works for Triumph testing new bikes on track in Spain so poor V50 now a tad overlooked. Anyway, I was asked if I wanted it back as a resto project. Yippee - time to revisit my 16 year old self. So, I've been doing a bit of a "rolling restoration" on it - not much point spending too much time and money if it'…
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Hi guys, i need help for my bike to set the ignition timing right, i don't have a manual for this bike and i need support if anyone of you have one, my bike works fine at idle but has so little power on low throttle and i struggle uphills with 1st and 2nd gear.
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Anyone on here ride a virago 535? I've just changed over from an MT03 660 single to the '96 virago and boy the suspension is... rough. I've never ridden cruisers before and while I get on with the bike quite well (and understand it's a totally different engine), it's the suspension that's giving me trouble (I've already changed the rear shocks for softer ones, checked the tyre pressue, and confirmed the forks are working just fine). Anyone have any experience riding both cruisers and tourers? My voice is shaking from the ride (when I speak to my husband over our headsets) and my shoulders are taking a beating. Is this just "how the virago is" when compared to other bikes?…
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Sorry about this but another question...The exhaust on this heap is NOT coming off. Not sure what the previouse owner did but its a rusty mess, see pic. My question, can i get rid (cut off) the pipe between the two exhausts? If i can do this without comprimising the engine I can get two single baffels to put on. Hope I have made myself clear and any help greatly appriciated as always.
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Hi All, I am loving my 2003 TDM 900, travelled over 2,000 miles since december. The suspension is a bit lacking, bit it is a 19 year old bike, so time for some upgrades I guess. I've tweaked the pre-load and rebound which has helped a bit; bit less sure about the fork brace though ! The next step is progressive fork springs, I'm looking at a set from Wirth DE, anyone tried them ? Cheers dave
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Hello and first post from a newbie. Bought a badly kept XV 650 to turn in to a bobber. Stripping it down and when I removed the tank I found that the 2 plastic covers over the wiring (it also surrounds the ignition keyhole) was brittle and parts broken. Need to get a replacement but cannot find on the service manual what this part is called? If I am not making myself clear I can post some pictures later. Thanks in advance.
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Hi after some help with a transmission bearing please. Im rebuilding my yz125 2003 and need to replace one of the transmission bearings. The bearings is an ntn 6304x3nx2. It has a snap ring on the outer race. Is this just a normal 6304 bearing with snap ring or is it a specific bearing made for yamaha? As I am having trouble locating one without going to yamaha direct and paying the privilege. Thank you in advance, Tom
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Hey, I have recently purchased a dragstar off ebay and bought a pig in a poke. Its beautiful to look at and has been converted to a bobber. The previous owner has put harley controls on it and the existing wiring doesnt fit, therefore I cannot twist the throttle and I'm not a fan of holding the indicator switch as I turn (still a novice rider) I'm looking either for original controls or something that will do the job - by controls i mean left and right hand controls on the handlebars (brakes, clutch, lights, indicators, etc) Can anyone help me? Desperate to get on it as the summer months are rapidly approaching.
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Apologies if this topic already exists but I’m a newbie and couldn’t find a search facility. I’m looking for replacement side covers L and R. The model year is 1982 ie drum brakes front and rear. Any suggestion I’d happily subscribe if this works 😀
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