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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. cant see you needing to wrap it back anything like the amount you are saying, secure the fixed end into the case? then just hook the moving end over the arm...that's it
  2. will have a look later
  3. Greetings tfk monoshock of twinshock?
  4. Greetings Rob, yeah they a great little bikes and look forward to seeing you progress
  5. well done mucker...keep it up
  6. OK they'll come up like new but they may ask you to remove the paint first...not easy nowadays because EU legislation has rendered paint strippers pretty useless...be prepared for them to ask you to do it though!
  7. it sounds like a possible blocked pilot jet to me, i suggest a total strip of the carb though with it sitting for so long, best option is to have all of it ultrasonic cleaned, failing that buy a carb clean aerosol and spray through all carb passageways with it...keep it away from rubberised items though
  8. is there any aqua blasting done on Guernsey? as for the bearing surfaces, yeah a quick rub with white spirit to remove the crud should do it, if theres anything left behind after that then autosol should shift it but watch for any oil passages getting plugged up with the stuff
  9. yeah Steve post up a topic in the customs area with XVS650 in the title for best 'hits'
  10. Happy birthday drewpy...big five 'o' ehh
  11. Airhead

    A Guid day oot

    Yeah what a fantastic day, nice one Jimmy
  12. I'd have thought coils too but youve proved them to be ok...including all the coils in the engine and the HT coils?
  13. Awesome bippo, post a pic
  14. Bippo wont have a problem mike, she's an accomplished rider
  15. Nice one Josh it seems the old DT is in good skilled hands what about the brake spring then...we did have a similar question about a DT250...perhaps it's a similar issue?
  16. case in point, look at our foamy, we told him not to sell his first DT50 but to keep it, he sold it and regretted it ever since, now he has a dozen of them but I bet he'd rather have his first one back
  17. yep, thought it would go because it's a 125, ahh well re-list it but this time with a weekend evening finish
  18. good condition mainly, low miles is just a bonus...condition speaks volumes about how it's been treated
  19. shit ken, a sump plug is nothing to do with it mate, on a 2 stroke the crankcase is a sealed chamber and is nothing to do with the gearbox. The only sure way is a complete engine strip There may be alternatives but not as guaranteed as the complete strip down, sorry mate I know it's not what you want to hear but there it is!
  20. I bet shit happened somewhere near the end of that video too !
  21. awesome bikes, but finding a good one is a challenge
  22. yeah sure ken, just run around the port with a small grindstone or a file, just a small 45 degree chamfer...nothing big required
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