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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. send Paul Dawkins a PM he will sort it out for you
  2. Dave you should check the seal on the autolube pump shaft hasnt come adrift
  3. yeah he left the posse and the satnav in his wake haha speaking of satnavs it was great to see Paul Oldtimer on Saturday,
  4. bit of a misnoma that, in reality it's a gearbox (transmission) breather pipe . Whats the dipstick saying then? As you're new here Dave, how about an intro in new members?
  5. looks great drewpy, might use the guy myself now then thet semi downdraught carb...whats all that about then
  6. and they are also on when the keyswitch it in the second position (lights on) and so if your headlamp fails you will still show a front light so you can be seen by others
  7. yeah if you want any help with yours start a thread of your own but you should find all your info in here
  8. dont know the bike sean so without pictures i myself am a bit stuck fella
  9. yes if the exhaust and PV have not been de-restricted
  10. yep it sounds fully restricted to me Steve
  11. I'll second that Merv, get well soon Kishan and hope that your not hurt bad like Merv said
  12. This is it Tobi http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&cp=14&gs_id=8&xhr=t&q=kawasaki+zl900&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4GGLL_enGB401GB402&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&ion=1&biw=1024&bih=516&wrapid=tljp1346398207609014&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=BmhAUP_LIu6U0QXVsoDoDQ
  13. Greetings Lerch, see now you redeemed yourself
  14. batteries arent expensive, Its the battery and a correctly wired regulator that will keep the bulbs from blowing
  15. Yes indeed you need to learn to restrain yourself eh Hope mrs 2Wheels is better soon mate
  16. are you going to be using this on the road then?, How will it pass an MOT with no lights/horn
  17. I assume you will be fitting a battery next, you will need the little fuse that is in the battery + wire as well
  18. That is not the rectifier it is the voltage regulator. The voltage regulator has a yellow/white wire thet plugs into a single bullet socket also yellow/white. It also has a black wire that is secured using a ring terminal around the regulator mounting bolt, this black plugs into one of the black sockets in the pair you mentioned, the black from the battery negative plugs into the other. The other yellow is for the brake switch. Its a bullet socket at the brake switch and bullet plug on the loom
  19. Yeah when you get the multimeter study whats happening by referencing what I have just told you There is a brown wire to the rear brake switch thats correct
  20. The black/white wire to the CDI is the engine 'kill' wire when the keyswitch is off this wire is shorted to chassis also when the keyswitch is on and the kill switch in not in RUN position this wire is again shorted to chassis it follows then that when the keyswitch is ON and the kill switch is in RUN this wire is NOT shorted to chassis what do you mean what is the brown wire coded for? dont understand the question brown wire from/to what?
  21. I take it you have a multimeter?
  22. Well done Alex, Spain...now thats gotta be a great place to ride the SR
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