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Everything posted by pilninggas

  1. yes 03-05 5SL headers will fit with a bit of gentle 'dinting' so they clear the sump on the XJ6.
  2. Picked up the new XJ6 yesterday , was a mad day..my mate was picking up a new Hayabuse [jammy beggar] from the same dealer and chopping in 2 bikes. So i rode his FZ6 up and brought my XJ6 back. Was all a bit worrying as he had out-of-date paperwork and it was all a bit touch and go for him So glad to be back on an XJ6, like an old friend. It handles quite a lot better than the first one i had. Not too sure why, possibly that the fairing is just preloading the front suspension a bit more and making the rake steeper. We did a few miles as mine needed running in (Running in a hayabusa = supercar performance anyway so no biggy for him), but it seemed like every other vehicle we encountered wanted to take one of us out. I nearly got pinched up between a bus-stop and a silly bitch in the wrong lane, he nearly got taken out by an old-fart in a volvo. We both nearly got ran down by a chav doing a ridiculous overtake in a Saxo. All in all good though, forgotten how damn smooth these engines are....
  3. If you look very closely at the scan, maybe by zooming your browser's window, you can just make out a the right hand gesturing revving a throttle and the left hand feathering an imaginary clutch! I think you have a future Yam rider there. All the best to you and your missus
  4. pilninggas


    surely 180/55?
  5. Have you put fresh fuel in? If not i'd drain the old petrol out and get some new stuff in. A bit of easy start into the inlet will probably help too. GL.
  6. JHS Racing near me (keynsham, B.A.N.E.S), are Leo Vince agents. Google for their number. Doubt they will be competitive on price, but worth a call. I'd buy off of the continent if it is much, much cheaper; having said that the Hein Gericke near me will often match EU prices if ou speak to the manager - they did with my Givi rack (maybe other places will do the same).
  7. Pat, you won't get rid of him that easily!
  8. if you join up DT, i might just change it! On a more pertinant note; I consider this forum the daddy of the XJ6 forum . This place really seeded it, there of lots people on her who ride a 2009+ XJ6 with no model specific forum [until now of course]. Like Jim i will still be around here (maybe more ), but the forum will be useful for issues and debates for the XJ6. I think it'll take a while to catch-on, having said that Yahama UK (and Europe as a whole) have sold a lot of these bikes, so there must be a decent number of potential members out there.
  9. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Felge-vorne-Yamaha-TDM-900-RN08-/150542930916?pt=Motorrad_Kraftradteile&hash=item230d0ed3e4 felge = rim in german. Make sure you search europe/worldwide. I have bought lots from ebay germany and always had great service.
  10. Matt when looking at any Race Replica just apply some real common sense. Go for lower mileage (less thrashing) and better condition. It is a buyers market, so don't buy anything that raises any doubts in your mind. Try to go for a fuel-injected model, as they tend to be more reliable. Look for a caring owner with service history (nothing wrong if they have done it themself - imho ). And only buy with sensible modifications, not daft paint-jobs or bolt on tat. Avoid anything that has racy exhaust if the owner does not have the original in with the deal. Look at lots, heck you may be able to bid sellers down if you are the only person viewing.
  11. Congratulations your new Baby, to your Missus and to You.
  12. Bloody Hell, what a nightmare . I hope you get back to your former self asap.
  13. nah not ABS, just bog-standard pull-n-pray! Yeah i hope this one lasts, i had designs on doing 60,000+ on the last one
  14. yeah hopefully this one will last a little longer! -not sure if i'm wearing well, maybe wearing out! Will do
  15. i suffer from OCD when it comes to getting a bike at a bargain price.
  16. pilninggas

    another xj6

    After getting knocked off my last XJ6 and the bike getting wrote-off, i didnt imagine i'd get a new one for the same price as the first (£4100). However today put a deposit down on a XJ6S from George White for £3999 on 0%. Chuffed to bits...only downer was dropping the TDM coming out of work....oh well you win some you lose some. Will be glad to be an XJ6 owner again, they are so underrated it is unbelievable.
  17. the 2-smoke boys will be along to enlighten us all in a bit. as far as i know the energy induction system is designed to reduce the pulsation effects on the inlet, as the crankcase draws in charge. i dare say that the engine also 'sees' a larger vacuumed area may also help the engine to develop more torque lower down in the rev-range. knowing yamaha it is probably produces complex harmonics too (them being musical instrument makers and all ).
  18. Yes Foamy, finish this properly and you have a reasonably desirable, appreciating classic.
  19. Nice to see the US finally got the bastard. Wish i had been the US soldier who put some lead through him.
  20. i think it partial'd at 42000 miles and i went to 1st oversize. i always ran with the oil pump 'turned-up' a bit anyway. Solid little bikes really, i scraped it in the end as i had chucked it up the road a ton of times and the rear suspension siezed solid and resisted all attempts to free it off.
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