Everything posted by pilninggas
gloucestershire newbie
I'm in Bristol. A few things to google for ride-outs: 4 counties, just 4 riders and wiltshire bikers. also check out my sig. Welcome.
- Legal Advice...please
This bike thief won't be stealing any more bikes
i'm also a UKIP activist, hater of liberals and general nasty fecker......
This bike thief won't be stealing any more bikes
Great stuff, real justice real fast. Hope that robber died in agony.
This bike thief won't be stealing any more bikes
yeah they all be bleating about how he had a hard upbringing and how unfair it all is. i hope he had enough time to realise what a total f*ck up he was. compare and contrast to this joke of a country where a known drug dealer/gangster is shot dead whilst carrying a gun and the rigmarole that still rumbles on. Live by the gun, die by the gun.
Legal Advice...please
If you phone them you must record the conversation; in fact all communication with them, whatever the form must be recorded so that they can't change or backtrack on what they say.
Pilninggas's 2013 run to the Western Alps
The fort is at Venthon in the Beaufortain (near Albertville) - it was very high up; maybe 5500ft.
Pilninggas's 2013 run to the Western Alps
Me on Galibier.
Cant swear enough today !!
You've done the right thing - not going throught the insurance is dicey these days, people will change their stories after the event to try to get out of their liabilities. Hope your XJ6 feels better soon.
Spray Painting
i don't know what spray gun you've got, but i'd say get a gravity fed gun like this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Spray-Gun-Air-Hose-Tool-Gravity-Fed-Touch-Up-UK-Euro-/350282889741?pt=UK_Body_Shop_Supplies_Paint&hash=item518e7cba0d they work a lot better than venturi-fed guns, particularly with small volume stuff.
XJ6 Ixil Hyperlow Dual Exhaust
Those ixil full systems look great and the price is good (though it's still a whole chunk of money). you may need to get a oxygen sensor emulator (their about £20 on ebay) so the ECU thinks that lambda is still cycling when you are on a run, you may ultimately have to fit a power commander to be sure of the fuelling.
Pilninggas' new toy
I've ridden quite a few lighter bikes and can imagine that the front will be all over the place in the wet, so it'll be used sparingly in the wet. The width of the front wheel and the lack of feel of the front brake concern me a bit more, but I will strip and clean the caliper in the next month or two. two up cramped - not something that concerns me, i have the Fazer for proper stuff. Solo it's great for me as i'm diminutive, at least when it comes to height. I assume the dragstar has more torque than the xv535, but then it has 25% more cubes and is a more sophisticated design engine-wise. I like it, it's certainly different to the FZ1, where i just go charging around at license killing speeds (what fun that is though).
Pilninggas' new toy
Pilninggas' new toy
looks tidy
Pilninggas' new toy
Yeah it's decent, matches my very worn, very crashed alpinestars dyno jacket. No used my action cam (vivitar 'faux-pro'). It is like new, a little corrosion here and there but 12000miles and all mots and most history. i'm 5'6" and it fits me like a charm.
Pilninggas' new toy
Time to retake the thread from the dragqueenstar riders. Just went out, after work and did 140miles on it, what a great little machine. Hustles along a treat. Steers nicely on lanes and A-roads. Overtakes efficently too: Seems to generate a lot of interest too. Came back up the M5 at 80mph all the way, not struggling at all. Very pleased - looks like it'll be doing a euro run at easter, the Fazer being kept back for my summer grand tour. I don't get why you dr[f]agstar riders don't like the 535. The dragstar 650 looks like a tarts handbag by comparison (fuse lit, time to stand back)....
Pilninggas' new toy
thanks, i was never really sold on the look of any cruiser but want something a little different. Doubt i'll upgrade, i've got an FZ1 for 'proper riding'....
I saw similar something on another forum; a woman got stopped as her car reported uninsured on ANPR. It turns out her insurance company cancelled [they are SARing tof ind out why], but the insurance company had the wrong address (their old address from a number of years ago) and sent the cancellation there. At the moment the insurance company [esure] are not admitting any liability. Unfortunately no insurance is an absolute offence, the lady faces a £200 fine and six points, plus astronomical future premiums. The virago i bought yesterday will have a print-out of the certificate left under the seat, as I don't want to it to be seized if it pings ANPR.
Pilninggas' new toy
already touched down both pegs... you can filter with ease on it too, it's quite flickable. Just requires setting up for the turns and not to be pushed [i learn fast!].
Pilninggas' new toy
that's fair enough, i looked at a few dr(f)agstars, but they were a bit OTT for my liking.
Pilninggas' new toy
why do you say that?
Pilninggas' new toy
###photos will follow, when camera is located#### Just bought an xv535dx via ebay. 2000W for £1100. Never had a 'custom' before, so new ways of riding for me. picked it up, didn't have much go but sorted easily the carb diaphams were sticky (have an fzr1000 so knew the symptoms instantly). How accessible is this thing? Sorted it out in 5 minutes, then took it for a 20 miles sortie....excellent little bike, very different to the FZ1 i usually use. Front brake pathetic, but it overtakes well, handles predictably and is so, so light. Looking forward to some mini-touring on it, maybe the Netherlands again or Luxembourg.
How about GTA V!
Being a teacher [i loved San Andreas btw], I have to say it's a fucking pain. Loads of kids off 'sick' now - the exact kids that ofsted say we need to help do better... two kids in my class today falling asleep, as they'd been up all night playing. i wish some parents would grow a pair and (a) not let kids, particularly younger than 13 play it [it's rated 18 for a reason] and ( manage their kids usage, so they don't end up knackered during the day. roll on a week or two, when the novelty has worn off a bit.
France trip ..Triples club 8th sept
Great pictures John. Glad you got some miles in - top stuff to see a classic 2T doing that, you'd embarass some of the riders round here who think a 50 mile round trip to Weston-super-Mud, on their BMW mega-tourer is a big deal.
"You can twice as fast"
yeah 2005 or something - i'd not seen on here before and I just thought jaysuzz....