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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Yeh " a lot of low milage bikes up north, pisses every day,,, i wish i was in Washinton DC, [ record temps]
  2. As long as the ignition is on, you can disconect the black/white wire to iggy switch & handlebar stop , this should give you spark, ,
  3. Welcome Mrree" good to see some more young blood into bikes,,,
  4. Welcome cammy, too expensive to sqeeze more BHP outa your scoot,,, 125cc will be next move ,,, hang in
  5. Welcome T/child, MFN, is near you , great biker pub,,
  6. Good posting,,, ,, Get in touch with them ,,,tell them you"l return item , and block payment,,,
  7. It was brilliant, once in a life time rideout, it was mad sunday in belgium, there are ducatis / laverdas ,in there , as it was their 40th aniversary too, ,25 degrrees heat too, what a weekend, i rode there and back 1149miles, Heres the grid, i was front left, At top of hill, full bore,
  8. This is second lap of 4 , ment to be a parade , . safty car bunches group at certain points, http://youtu.be/kYb2pWxPyzw
  9. WelcomeWanderer" i come from a cose second wettest,,,
  10. Shafts are reliable, the only shaft issue"s i"v heard [ seen] is a BMW, CV joint on shaft breaking up, @ 100,000 plus. miles, good buy
  11. Welcome spratles" the crank seals may have hardened over time,, this will become an issue when shes running again,,
  12. Take the Mag cover off " see if points are sparking, [ kick over in dark area ,]
  13. I have 1 ,, I will take it to squires dirty" if your wearing yours,,,, true1970"s
  14. Welcome george " post questions in other sections,, as posts in here are buried fast, and will go un- noticed,,
  15. Yeh " i hear your the next in line for a euro bale out, after the TS250 resto ,,
  16. WHO told you ? do you have The V5 ? or are you seeking the V5 . you can M.O.T the bike on the V.I.N . Number,,
  17. Welcome Phill" help will be along post up in wokshop tho , as these threads are buried quickly,,,
  18. blackhat250

    Euro 2012

    It was a poor show , from highly paid prima-donas, i would have been embaressed, being out classed by better, lower paid individuals,,
  19. Hi simon" start with the obvious , = bulb, then the earth, then flasher unit,,,
  20. Have you disconnected the cable, then levered actuator forward , and still engaged ? f so its a clutch cover off job ,, ,maybe actuator is sheared, and doing nowt , An intro woukd be polite ,,,
  21. PAT " [two-wheels] has a fazer , 600, i"v riden it, its was fab ,,,, pat , any blips ?
  22. Welcome jimbo" the founder members of XJ forum are on here .post in aproprate section , will reap answers ,
  23. The wind noise isn"t too bad, some silms on utube are horrendeous, Thing i liked about roads in ireland , is the yellow marks, you can read the road. as when thers a bad corner thers little arrows. and notice " well before junctions ,thers arrows on road,[white] safe place to ride,
  24. blackhat250

    CDI Units

    Aye tomas " check the choke plunger is fully closed, if not seated ,this is classic symptoms,
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