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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Welshie " your head is a Spacer for your ears...
  2. Same happened to a Z1000 i had, the rummbling noise sounded like crank bearings, i used thread lock on screws.
  3. You got a steal ther mate " and thers a 400 lump 1 mile from me , without barrels & carbs, i will enquire if you need it , he wont sell to others , so no rush
  4. Bloody ell me china " your a real Diamond geezer pete,
  5. 33-1 was Yam pump Setting, good ,sounds like your near there,
  6. Good on ya bipp" weve got heat up here, no sun but warm air, been out last two nights great, weve not had this weather for 4 years,
  7. Yeh " you"L both be missed , its the same format as the 2 stroke meet dave " ride-out ,then back to Squires, camping there,
  8. Your on the right tracks " the choke plunger has a rubber washer on the end , it seats down on top of jet tube, when you had it out ,you shudda blasted down thru with carb cleaner, till it came out bottom of the long brass feed plpe, a;so check the rubber on plunger for wear ,
  9. Well done paul" you"v a degree in Mixture now , . i had knocking with the TS250, i thot it was detonation, turns out a rebore solved it, i had rebuilt the bottom end, and stuck a N.O.S piston in , on the standard bore,,, but she didna like it,, Am all ready for FS1E run,,, be good to meet up,
  10. Welcome loon" whats it like to ride with ape hangers,, they look awfull, ? i"v seen bikes on the M.way with apes. is it comfy,?,
  11. Yeh zak" save your money for the big bike, as ad ons sometimes look gash, Bye the way..
  12. Hi- jack " ... thers a XJ forum too , the Admin is a member on here,
  13. Yeh rick " more info helps, its the FS1E Rally at Squires next weekend,,,
  14. Ian " make your mind up what you are willing to pay,[ limit] then bang in that amount 2 mins before end, remember to sign in, as you"l not have time to do both , av lost out like that, was watching item- tried to bid - then sign in page appears, dam,,
  15. Welcome Stu, great intro. its amazing that you"ve taken to the smaller bike after a 1200
  16. Have a good 1 jim " you"l miss ALL that good weather were to be having,,,
  17. Yip tommy " i got a full box of springs at Staff show, for A tenner, all sizes,
  18. Yip paul. been haulin every bike to pieces in the last month, i"v rebored the TS250, its so smooth now, Fitted new spring on shifter pawl [behind clutch basket] twice, on H2 , as first 1 was too weak, And had the carbs off the Illiminator that often ,i can do it blindfold now, only to find out its the petcock diaphram thats goosed,
  19. Wheres that bloody Cynic " i want the conclusion, has he run out of oil AGAIN,,,,
  20. Yip , when lever is pulled in they should be loose. do you have a socket set, start by slacken them 5 bolts, if it turns ,slip a 2p in between them cogs, , and place every plate in order they came out, , clean the steel plates with sand paper, or the like as you install them in order, theyre will be rusted marks on them
  21. Very nice alex " thats a fancy tail light too, kwaker colours tho "
  22. Wow thats a cool steed bev" welcome bye the way,
  23. You look big on that bike , how tall are you. ? Try cats paw, tread pattern,,
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