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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Yeh . i saw him rebuild an XT500,,, not shure this is same program,,i think it was Isle of Mann
  2. Is it him " or sombody usin his profile,,, i .PM"d him last week . i canna believe its him,,,,
  3. Very tidy Mac, great collection,,,
  4. Prices rising " http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Classic-Suzuki-TS250C-/111179767412?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item19e2d49e74
  5. If shes lookin for choke mac" shes runnin lean,,,
  6. blackhat250

    Shit Day

    Bugger jim" bad day indeed, more rain tonight too, you shudda felted the roof, reinforced felt is £7 a roll . 10msq. per roll. wudda kept it dry all winter in tacked on propper,, who left the blade lying around,,, . thots are with her .
  7. just checked , the RSX100 is 6 volt,,, lets get the correct battery , and go from there,,
  8. Welcome Mac " thers a few welsh on here,
  9. Put a meter on the battery when engine"s running , should be 14.5 volts . to see if you have a regulator and charging issues. [ thats if its a 12 volt system]
  10. Do you mean the battery dies , or the engine, ? these should start without battery,
  11. Welcome Mcnamara " simple wee 2 stroke . easy fix...
  12. blackhat250


    Just seen this " dumb-struck,,,
  13. The emulsion tube is the brass tube that the main jet locates into , wheres airhead wi that diagram,,,
  14. ..didnt know there must be certain no of turns on the pilot. I just tightened it back in. Its the Air screw he means , outside left on carb body, Airhead will post a piccy of carb adjustment , soon ,,
  15. If the clutch side is goosed it will suck gear oil. white smoke ,, . i would go gell battery nowadays , Motabatt
  16. Aye elsinore "[ honda yeh] of a district in Calafornia, ? Anyway boiling water will free slide as the alloy expands different rate from slide,,
  17. I know some one just done a FZ750, I will ask him gez...
  18. David" you need a photobucket server, [or similar] load your pics from computer to server, Then open that server on another page , Then when posting on here, flick on to photobucket, select "get links," click on IMG code, it should flash copied. then back on here, then right click on to post, then click paste, ..
  19. The post by Peabody " he was a clever witty guy, very clued up on history,, him and former Moderator Goff had a real ding dong,, it was epic,,
  20. Welcome sandrina" goo d intro , and some one will reply to your quest no doubt,,,
  21. Life in the fast lane " i understande andre "
  22. Yeh thats a "cool" radial finned head,,,,looks like the Maico"s of the 1970"s
  23. The pilot jet has small hole up the sides also. they must be clear, take it out ,,,use a good quality driver,,
  24. Did you take the pilot out,,?,you need a long narrow driver,,
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