Yeh" thats a lot of brown paint on there, Oh you mean thats rust ... na seriously, Rd250/400 cases are the same , my mate had to cut and weld in the same area your has bust,[ chain damage] , good luck with the resto,
Great pics,,, i see now why your a dream club member" . And Dt 50 , in pic 1, you look like an 1980" pop star,,
I must dig up my mates photo"s , as i cudna afford a camera
Yeh" that illiminator i had did it every spring time, , its a float needle/ float hight thing,,,, fking 4 strokes.. .
You"d think the overflows would pss it out , but no , fills the crankcase oil,,
Good news tommo. Mind the waterproofs , rains every day up here, just dosn"t flood . as the ground has been shaped to run off .
thru millions of years of rain,,