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Everything posted by lallasro

  1. for money? what money? look like she got nothing ) what can I say? if I don`t love my wife and I want divorce, why not for some money ) nothing wrong with this show but you can fail to take the money because of a smart question.
  2. are those images help you? http://imageshack.com/a/img716/3337/r98v.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img197/4172/fltd.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img547/2800/t5sr.jpg
  3. well I expect to see them die in a car accident, something like that. but not in a boom because they don`t know to read. this remember me about another "heavy" spot
  4. I don`t like, sorry. think about repaint the tank. is looking crap. I really sorry for this but I can`t say is looking good if is ugly. don`t know how the color is but the model.............why you don`t take a flame model from internet? print it and make a model.. freak, my english will be always shity. but i`m sure you understand what I mean. later edit: something like that http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/71792/orange-dream-machine-flame.jpg
  5. I edit the first post with a picture, I hope you can see the picture. anyway, is sunday 13 april 2014, meet at squires at 9:00, leaving squire at 10:00, reach the destination at 12:30 (lightwater valley), L plate friendly route, and this is the route is this
  6. ) super offer, buy an cucumber, get a free chocolate... or donuts with chocolate stick in the middle
  7. is somewhere in yamabyss, daily feed, I will not stay to search now but this is the video you speak about
  8. I think the bolt is better
  9. I try going here so they can take my measures, live in riding position. this can sound stupid but i bought one year ago some nice boats, I was forced to send them back. very confy if you walk. but impossible to change your gears or use the rear brake. I change them for some alpinestar, also good for walk but not so good when you ride. the only boots I have and are perfect for riding is some frank thomas boots.. but those are short version, not a very good protection. so< I decide to pay 250-300 pounds for some altberg, but i get what I pay for. about charger, is useless, I have one, with full charged battery, I can start the engine 4-5 times. if the battery is charged from alternator, 2, max 3 starts. so, if my allarm start for 2-3 min, or if I forget the lights on 10 min, i`m dead. anyway, is 40 shit miles against over 14.000 great miles on both bikes. so, nothing so bad )
  10. kev, don`t forget to buy this for this trip, so you will not need again a pump ) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Karrimor-X-Lite-Comfort-Self-Inflating-Mattress-2012-/350846648705?pt=UK_SportingGoods_SleepingMats_Airbeds_CA&var=&hash=item51b0170181 I own 2 of those (38 mm version) is awesome I recommend you all. and... you still can found at less than 40 pounds on amazon or ebay
  11. you are lucky what happened with me today: I leave my home at 13:30, destination altberg factory (to buy some boots), at 14:00 I stop on a petrol station because I reset my tom tom and I forget to connect back the phone and the headset... all ok.. just... take me something like 10 min to reconfig all this.. and in this time I forget to turn off the light soooooo, I can`t start the bike ))) I need change my battery, I kinow this for 3-4 months but I always forget about this. I try 4-5 times to push my bike but I fail... maybe because was under 0 C, first time, this summer when I try, was easy to start my engine in that way. after some time somebody see me trying disperate to start my engine and give me a hand. I was feeling like a shit pushing my bike to start the engine ) when I reach wetherby, I give up. 80m/h on motorway at 2C degree, was not funny for me. was first time when I wish to have a fairing, not a windshield. was a really pain to keep my hands on the handlebars. and this don`t was enough.. the f camera had battery just for first 10 min when I leave my home so you can`t laugh at me pushing my bike like a desperate ) what can I say at the end? FY altberg, I dont need your crap boots ))
  12. I wait for image/slogan because I want buy a personalised zippo.
  13. lallasro


    well, my bike is a cruiser not a sport bike )
  14. lallasro


    hey guys! this year I will change my tires. I already have 8500 miles with the old tires. those are dunlop and right now after 8500 miles I have 2,5-3 mm in front and 4mm on the back . now, my question is: any other recommendation? I had no problem with those dunlop but.. maybe is something better?
  15. I want make a trip in Romania in august, if i`m back until this meeting, I will come... and this time I hope I will camp.
  16. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=647059145364042&set=a.149483025121659.34721.147250932011535&type=1 https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1/1531560_647059145364042_586068461_n.jpg
  17. is also working for guys like me, elvis and foamy? )
  18. lallasro

    Then and Now

    damn guys, you are so old ) all I can find is a pic with Lallas, the sailor
  19. no more handlebars, I fit my camera on the engine guard )... I buy the engine bar just for this )
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