Everything posted by twincle
Crashed today - all ok
Forgive me if a rant or a bit boring but some of you can relate to this Had my first crash today on black ice. Traveling down a country road, approached sharp right hander, no indication of ice as it was sunny and warming up. As I started the bend i was instantly planted on the floor making a physical check of the tarmac listening to the slide of the bike going westward. As soon as i hit the floor, in an instant I managed to think of a few things: WTF???? Bikes gone, shit I'm off Why am I off? God damn I can feel sheet ice below me I'm okay, just sliding i remember no cars in area, just wait till i stop (at stop) mental checked myself over before moving - no pain There was an old fella at a nearby bus stop (country one where a bus a week comes - so amazing timing) who was about 90 and probably worried the hell out of him With little or no injury my next concern was to get the bike up (luckily i had actually hit the kill switch by accident when i came off). A passing cyclist pulled up to help and as he got off his push bike he almost came a cropper too and only just managed to stay on his feet. Anyway we handle the bike up and after a quick switch off and on with the key it starts 1st time As for damage I mashed the crash slider which did amazingly well to stop lots of body panel and other damage and are the R&G aerofoil type, bent the brake pedal and cracked the rear hugger. I had a spare set of bungs so had that replaced pretty quick, pulled out the pedal with mulgrips and super-glued the hugger (i'll melt Lego over it to fix it if i have to as i refuse to spend £150 on a crappy bit of plastic ) Now with the demise of Heine Gericke, a lot of people complain of their quality as a contributor to their ending but i have one of their own jackets and even though i slid quite far I didn't even get a scratch on it or the trousers I have a couple of photos here: https://www.facebook.com/anthonywhincup/posts/10152137516181779?comment_id=32369831¬if_t=like Moral of 'my' story The dreaded ICE is here so please take extra care Fit protection like bungs/slider it'll save a few tears Wear proper gear Be nice to the cyclist - he may be lifting your bike up for you
any XJ6 owners ?
its the kit in that ebay link, the last tool on the right
any XJ6 owners ?
bought the 2013 diversion F and it has one as standard ?
Tail tidy's
pre tidy: post tidy:
Tail tidy's
I put a tail tidy on my brand new xj6. I have between nil and zero mechanical qualifications and have not worked on a motorcycle ever and had the job done in a couple of hours. Well most of the time was taken up trying to make the led plate light work that was kaput in the first place, cue new plate light in post. Then i screwed through a posi' wire and blew about 6 fixes before i tracked it down and eventually sorted it. But defo worth it and an easyish job to do - the most complicated part is running wires
as happy as a pig in s**t :)
gratz and enjoy the xj6
Nigerian Cook Survives 2 Days Under Sea in Shipwreck
wasn't Steven Segal (sp) the super cook too (are they related?)
Biker down >:-(
Glad you're OK, it could of been a different story - if they want to take it to mega-motorcycle store in Swindon, demand it back straight away and find your own repairer. Do you think they will repair or write off?
Well done her
Congratz to your Wife and your tash's graduation
Exploding cow Pat
now that's the funniest Ive seen for a while
Dickhead at work goes in my bag
show it to whoever matters to get him sacked or tie him to your old bike and throw him in the canal
Dickhead at work goes in my bag
or a little digi cam - get the evidence !
Back wheel locks up
thanks guys, i'm going to put it in to yamaha
Back wheel locks up
I have a ,recently reparied, xj6 divvy f. After the recent repair my back brake seems very 'soft' to push down but more alarmingly it locks up very easily? Could someone give me an idea what could be the caused as I now nothing about bike repairs?
My troubles are over. Finally I get what I deserve!
nice ride , by the thread title i thought you were getting divorced
Cant swear enough today !!
Fitting the heated gloves today, put the power back for the camera, give it a proper clean and put spare parts on fleabay - apparently the wife says we need to go food shopping ?
Cant swear enough today !!
AND I CAN BREATHE AGAIN !! the sexy beast is back, no not the wife, the other divvy - the xj6 !!! I've been lurking but without the yammie i've felt naked and violated with hire bikes and not worthy to join in. But no more, they dropped it off tonight all repaired - well almost - they didnt change the hugger but theyll get a phone call monday about that But god damn its good to get her back, now i've got a few spare parts for sale for a 2013 xj6 as i got them to bring them back too ! happy days !
Favourite motovloggers, or YouTube entertainers that use motorcycles?
Spicy (coz i used to live on hayling too), Royal Jordanian, Baron Von Grumble, Blah De Blah and his wife Maggie, Bikervlogger get my main viewing
This bike thief won't be stealing any more bikes
love it Judge Dredd
tinted visor
I've always ridden with a fully tinted visor and have had no issues from the policemen and women, thats not to say there could be a first time..... I havent worked and ridden in the dark yet so will probably carry the clear one with me (that is when i eventually get my own bike back)
The drift hd ghost is quite revered by vloggers: http://www.actioncameras.co.uk/drift-hd-ghost (baron von grumble, blah de blah, elkfazer1 etc) Also if you ring the site or watch the vlogs you can get another 10% off
Cant swear enough today !!
Just a quick update, I rang the repairers today and everythings been authorised - that £2500 worth of repair, plus ongoing bike hire costs Bad news is that swing arms, indicator and fairing are on 'back order' so amazingly there will be a delay in getting the bike back aaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhh still at least it wil be repaired at no cost to me
Has anyone on here ever fitted speakers?
+1 for scala G4, Bluetooth connectivity to phone and other scala sets for helmet to helmet and has a built in digital radio. Dont know what i'd do without it, especially if i had an Elvis playlist of his greatest hits (all of em)
Cant swear enough today !!
The bikes brand new so it should survive, but if they pay me and give the bike back, i can fix it for £900 by Yamaha
Cant swear enough today !!
The loaner looks good, but rides like a pig The people who took the bike rang back today with an update. Now i had it down for stand, box, hugger and r/h fairing. They have that and headlight, r/h footrest, rear brake pedal, r/h fork casing, r/h swing arm, r/h upper fairing, r/h wing mirror, r/h indicator and anything else they can add on ! And they are insisting they get all the replacement parts from Yamaha so could be a few weeks before I get the bike back At least I'm not paying