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Everything posted by Nick-Bikesure

  1. Can you PM me your postcode and surname and I'll see what I can do? Thanks Lee
  2. What blackhat said. We can insure of frame or chassis number, sometimes for the whole year. We wouldn't be able to offer storage cover though if the bike wasn't garaged. You would need to trailer it if it has no Reg.
  3. Hello, As it christmas, we thought we'd run a competition. Its similar to last time, this time its guess the key rings in the jug! Its 1 entry per person and the closing date is the 12th of December. The winner will win £30 of shopping vouchers, if ther is more than 1 correct answer, it will go down to a draw. 3 runners up will get a lovely Flux Babe calender. This is being run over more than 1 forum and if you could PM your guesses please. Good luck! (P.S I have Tommy's address still, it may be easier if I just post him the vouchers now)
  4. A study from an insurance underwriting firm, Equity Red Star has suggested that people who ride motorcycle's are 23% less likely to have a claim in a car than those who don't own a motorcycle. http://www.visordown.com/motorcycle-news--general-news/motorcyclists-23-better-behind-the-wheel-of-a-car/23971.html There's a bit of debate in office as to whether this is because bikers are better drivers or whether they just use their car 23% less. Personally, I think it's a bit of both. What do you think?
  5. Nick-Bikesure replied to jimmy's post in a topic in Insurance
    Hello, Barry here. Thought I would give you a different perspective from what Lee has given previously. I think the issue here is that the insurance that you have paid for will cover the vehicle for third party damages. However, the policy is only valid if the driver is the owner and registered keeper or if somebody else is driving the vehicle. Obviously if you have sold the vehicle then this is no longer the case and this is where it gets complicated. The vehicle is still insured for third party damages as this is what is required by law (whether the policy has the correct information or not) but as you haven't cancelled the policy then you have an invalid insurance policy and I suppose then the insurers will hold you responsible for them paying our for a claim unnecessarily because you didn't cancel. Had you have cancelled the insurance then the insurer would not need to pay out and I think this is why they would want to claim their losses back. I wouldn't be so sure whether or not they would be able to claim any money from you though - I think perhaps they would have a case to claim from the Motor Insurers Bureau, same as they would if you were hit by an uninsured driver. I've not heard of an actual case where this has happened though so I could be wrong.....
  6. Nice one. Loving the t-shirt as well!
  7. Well we only had 1 correct answer from all 4 forums............. It was from this one.......... I wish I could drum roll........... The winner and new world Bikesure competition heavyweight champion of the world is........................ Tommyxs with 57!!!! I'll be in touch.
  8. Ha, thats not the helmet, its a proper full face one, don't worry.
  9. One thing I should of mentioned, is I do look after 4 forums and its spread across them too.....
  10. Nick-Bikesure posted a post in a topic in General
    Afternoon, We've been on here for a while now and to say thanks for your support, we thought we'd have a competition..... Fancy winning a personalised helmet, signed by Foggy? Well now you can. All you have to do is tell us how many Bikesure stands the lovely Hannah has in her possession. One entry per person, PM'd to me, if there is a tie, it will go down to a raffle. Closing date will Monday at 9am. Good luck. Lee
  11. Nick-Bikesure replied to jimmy's post in a topic in Insurance
    Wow, talk about putting the fear of God into someone! I've never known a case where the policyholder has been held personally liable. Its always been down to the current bike insurer. Lee
  12. Afternoon, After hours of an in office debate, I thought i'd open this up! Who is your favourite riding legend? Past or present....... I'm interested in the responses! Lee
  13. Nick-Bikesure replied to jimmy's post in a topic in Insurance
    Morning, This indeed is a bit of a grey area. If the bike was sold and the policy allowed to run and the new owner had not insured it and an accident occured, it would be the INSURER that would be liable, not the policy holder. It is always down to the last known insurer (in this case the insurer of the previous owner) to pay out for any third party costs. It would not be the actual policy holder, so it is very, very unlikely that he will incure any financial penalty himself. The only thing that will go against him is the fact that the claim will be against his name as a fault claim, which can increase any future insurance costs.There would be no payout for the actual bike itself for either party. I hope this helps clear it up a bit! Lee
  14. Ha, hopefully you're there now!!
  15. Just so you know, if you do insure with us on a chassis number, we won't charge you to issue the new certificate once its registered. Lee
  16. Nick-Bikesure replied to kearnsy123's post in a topic in The Bar
    Not a lot to be honest! Even if the bike is restricted to 33 bhp and you've taken a CBT over here, you still won't be able to get insured in the UK. Sorry for the bad news! Lee
  17. Glad to hear it! You could use the highest number of years on a multi bike policy, we could keep any other no claims bonus active though, so it wouldn't be in any danger of expiring. Lee
  18. It would depend on the value of his bike and the postcode. With a majority of insurers we use, it generally would be classed the same, but some will offer a higher discount for a brick garage as opposed to a wooden shed.
  19. Hi, A lot of it depends on your postcode, I see from your profile that you're in Norfolk, this is classed as a low risk area, so generally a locked wooden shed would be rated the same as a garage. Depending on the value of your bike of course! Lee
  20. Did you try us? You'd get forum member discount? I can give you a call if you PM your contact number. Lee
  21. My mate got pulled over in his van because his back light was out..........he had his foot in a cast and ended up with 6 points because apparently this invalidated his insurance!!
  22. Just adding to the above....... The theft rate on scooters is horrendous, far far higher than any other style of bike. If you go third party only, it doesn't stop someone stealing it and writing off a 250 grand car or hitting a pedestrian and the insurer will be liable for this payout. Its getting to the stage where they are more expensive to insure than a 600cc. In the words of Run DMC..."its like that, and thats the way it is" unfortunately.
  23. And here I am! I would imagine its because it was originally an import and the online database doesn't show that model for that year. Its going to have to be an over the phone job, but will be no trouble to insure at all. If you PM contact details, i'll give you a call for a quote. Cheers
  24. How much practice must this have taken? Take a sports bike – extend the swing arm – add a turbo – drift it!!!! Nice short film http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoiVtXtS444
  25. Nick-Bikesure replied to bevo1981's post in a topic in General
    I'm from Norfolk, the UK version. Don't judge me.