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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Ditto! If only I was still at college - all the freetime in the world! Lol. If you get bored, mine is still a bit grubby!! In fact if I was still in college I could probably afford to have gotten rid of my L plates by now and my '94 SR would be brand new! Though I didn't have the motivation for much more than drink and ahem, 'other' pursuits lol. Feeling ashamed now - keep up the good work!
  2. Not wishing to split hairs but 180 there and about 250 back after a slight detour at Peterborough!!
  3. Cheers mate - I guess that's the gauntlet thrown down!! Maybe come summer when I can see outside after work........ Hmm wonder if I could get the kids doing some with Bar Keepers Friend with it being countdown to Christmas?!? I'll get some 'before' pics up soon but could be a while before the 'after' ones get loaded!!
  4. Ooh shiny!! What are you using to clean the engine? It's coming up a treat!
  5. Apologies for hi jacking this thread to rant - I woke up ill and got rattled! I'll behave in future!
  6. I've just had a quick look and I think if I remember correctly I had to remove the whole of the headlamp and its casing to get acces to 2 10mm nuts,1 either side underneath the 'dash'. They were a bugger to get to and even harder to put back!! I think it is unlikely that the wires there are shorting causing the bulb to constantly lit and is more likely to be shorting near the gear box - possibly at the side stand where there is a deadman switch connected to cut the engine if you out her in gear with it down.
  7. Hi and welcome - also a SR owner -'94 model with a few more miles on the clock than yours!
  8. Omfg rat you really are obsessed with your own opinions on absolutely everything aren't you? Can you really not accept that not everything is black and white and that sometimes there are shades in between. I'm not saying that you haven't made some valid points here and yes, endos on the main road is not in accordance with any Highway Code I've read BUT whats wrong with having a bit of fun every now and then on a bit of private land? I am really interested in where your qualifications are and just how much experience you have in biking? I have very little so take advice from the experience of others on this forum - who by the way all seem to be very nice people and even if they have a difference of opinion do not resort to playground name calling at the first contrary statement. For where I am reading it very much appears like you are just one if those people who likes to cause arguments for the sake of it. That either puts you in the age group of teenagers or a middle aged early retired professor/architect. Either which way yours is the only opinion that counts and you don't give a stuff about anyone else's. I have only been on this forum for a few months but I have not seen any member being as objectionable as yourself. This is a happy forum and we do have differences of opinion every now and then but generalising and calling people twats just because they like to show boat occasionally and have a laugh? This is obviously your second life and you have come back as a box of tampax you stuck up c***. Or to put it another way I don't think anyone is really interested in what you think here and maybe you should have been a blow job?
  9. Lol now that all depends on the value of your mortgage!!
  10. You can get access into the 'dash' but to be honest that will only get you to the bulb holders. Check out the cables as Slice said first. Pm me if you still need to get in. I have gained access to it myself just can't remember exactly how without looking!
  11. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UJwN4QYcs7c&feature=youtube_gdata_player&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DUJwN4QYcs7c%26feature%3Dyoutube_gdata_player
  12. If you search on here for SR125 bulbs you'll find my questions with a few tips from more experienced riders than myself!!
  13. What year is yours? Mines a '94 on standard bulbs. I had a similar problem. I checked all earthing points (removed, cleaned off corrosion etc) and also the bulb connections. These were wet but couldn't see evidence of bad earth. At the same time I also tried a higher rated bulb. I now use 40/45w and although they don't last as long as the car bulbs, seem to be behaving better. I've changed mine only twice in 7 months, last time a month ago. I only do about 15 miles a day and I know vibrations on the SR don't help bulb life!
  14. AndrewElvisFan


    Just wondering what a 80's porn star looks like?!
  15. When I looked at getting an Aprillia 125 the insurance quote was triple the cost of my SR125! Before I got the SR I looked at all different bikes and the 'sportier' they looked, even with all the restrictions in place, the more expensive it was.
  16. That was my first thought - unfortunately my boys don't understand the very real need for that extra hour!
  17. Ok, but back to the moon........
  18. Being only 37, my first taste of a kebab was in 92. Not after a drunken night out but during dinner break at school I tried some kebab meat on a portion of chips! It would then be a daily dinner - sometimes even as a full kebab when I was feeling more flush on a Monday after getting paid for my paper round! Only after I turned 18 did I appreciate how much better they tasted when pi**ed! Could do with one now for breakfast lol!!
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