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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Maybe I'll look at the kids clothing range!
  2. Yay congrats! How far daaan saaaf are you having to move?
  3. I'm no expert (see my other posts!) but without a filter to resist air flow you will not be getting enough fuel through. This is probably why she idles ok on half choke.
  4. With no real renumeration as incentive, as long as I was fit and healthy enough to do something I loved and get paid for it I'd keep the status quo. That said if my pension was coming up and it would make life 'nicer' I'd do the last few years behind a desk. Not sure about a whole decade though!
  5. Not that I've done much long haul rides, but I've found 5 hours to be my comfort limit!
  6. Managed to get to BP and back before cutting the lawn, hedges and repairing the fence. Then got out to the fun fair with the family. Fingers crossed for more dry sunny days to come!
  7. It was quicker than trying to pump it by hand!
  8. Filled up with premium just now with only half a litre left in the tank so I make that about 0.0025% ethanol in 10 litres. Only cost a little more than normal. I'll keep you posted if it increases mpg.
  9. Haha! Just re read what I put.... maybe I could have phrased that slightly differently!
  10. Probably not the safest way but I had issues bleeding mine. Using a clear tube over the nipple I sucked it through til I could see it coming. Tastes like shit and made my lips tingle but it worked!
  11. So in short, I'd be better off using Super in my '94 SR?
  12. I'll check it out later... my maths makes it £1.08 extra
  13. I had a similar issue. Take the cable off here, it should then move freely.
  14. I'm happy for you to keep hold of mine and let me have it back at Squires if you're ok with that? Extra £20 the missus doesn't need to know about!!!
  15. I just cut a hole in the side and pour into a hand spray...... or spend a couple of quid on a new can!
  16. Do we have a li'l competition for 'most unique' t-shirt at Squires then??
  17. Sounds like quite a ride - some great photos too!
  18. I had the same reaction when I got some vinyl out to play!!
  19. Glad you're ok - same happened to me a couple years ago. Luckily only a twist and go and only cracked the fairing and bruised my knee.
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