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Everything posted by obriens65

  1. obriens65

    Mod 2

    Congratulations and well done
  2. I went to school wih a kid called Richard Head (no, seriously). I've always wondered just how much he hated his parents.
  3. What the f### have I just watched?
  4. What could car drivers do better to make the roads safer for motorcyclists? Just take that extra couple of seconds to double check at roundabouts and junctions. Where do you get riding tips from, other riders, forums, government advertising? More experienced riders, wherever I meet them, on forums or in person. List 5 words which would describe how you think car drivers see you? Idiotic, suicidal, maniac, speed freak How would you like them to see you? As just another road user who has as much right to be there as they do What’s the best part about riding? Just me, the bike and the open road What’s the best part of the riding community? You're never alone when you ride a bike If you could tell drivers 1 thing, what would it be? If you don't look for me you won't see me.
  5. obriens65

    Well done her

    Congrats to your wife Jimmy
  6. Congrats Tommy. Have a great time and post some pix when you get back.
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