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Everything posted by obriens65

  1. I'll tell her you said that.
  2. If you can't see a fuel gauge on the clocks, chances are it doesn't have one. I've only ever had one bike with a fuel gauge and not having one has never been a problem. Find out how far you can go from full to reserve using the trip meter and reset it every time you fill up.
  3. Starter motor or CDI fault?
  4. Same goes for me. My wife was deep in the danger zone. If only I'd seen this before I married her.
  5. Because I can't imagine not doing it. Great quote and absolutely nail on the head.
  6. It's horses for courses really. I looked into classic insurance for my TR1 but in the last year I've done more than double the allowed mileage so for me it wasn't feasible. It all depends on how, and how much, you use the bike.
  7. Have a great weekend Jimmy. I'm over there myself in a couple of weeks for the Granddaughter's christening.
  8. http://www.rockthegear.org/ They don't sell bike gear they provide information.
  9. obriens65

    OH BO**OCKS!!!

    This might make you feel bit better. I did an oil change on my CB750. Flushed and drained the engine, filter off, new one in, cover done up nice and tight. Poured in the fresh oil, and poured, and poured, and poured . Noticed oil all over the floor, bent down to look at the filter cover, noticed the sump plug wasn't in place. I'd only forgotten to replace it after I drained the engine . And yes, Her indoors had about as much sympathy (fell about laughing and told all my mates).
  10. Anyone tempted to ride in just a T-shirt needs to read this girl's story.
  11. Sacha/Katie, I use a spray called burneze. Takes away the sting and cools the burn. Andrew, fortunately no blister to burst as I used the burneze straight away.
  12. This is what you get after fifty miles when you touch the exhaust taking the rear wheel valve cap off [emoji24]
  13. A good day out (apart from the hundreds of cyclists on the A25). This one used to be a 900 divvy. No Huntsmen but I did see an old Indian
  14. Shortly after I got my CG125 I was riding down a local road in Basingstoke when a twat called his dog across the road a couple of yards in front of me. The dog, being a good dog, did what his owner said and went running out into the road. I swerved to miss the dog, hit the curb and came off. I still have a scar on my knee. When I got myself off the road both dog and twat had disappeared.
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