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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. sunken inter a new level of low
  2. I have to work again for the next few weekends, saving for my Scotland trip, have a good time lallasro hope to see you in sept
  3. Hi & welcome Stu, sounds like an interesting one, as Sasha said look forward to seeing your progress
  4. Tommy xs

    Mod 1

    well done Alex, good luck for Thursday fingers crossed for you
  5. 31 years!! not needed one yet but there's always a first time she's in tip top condition she got well lubricated last time out behind Drew
  6. my bike isn't that slow I just choose to stop when the lights are red
  7. hard to believe its real, I'm not saying its not! its just incredible
  8. OK everyone the big one is looming closer think it is time for a who's going list ? how you fixed Foams
  9. I'm no shrink Foamy!! but you seem to have a lot of Cock on your Mind
  10. Just heard the greedy bastards are increasing the cost of a line to £2 from 5th oct. I know if you don't like it don't play, but think of all the people living on the breadline who dream of winning and put a pound on every week it was bad enough when they increased the draws for people who put the same numbers on religiously, now to double the stake is just taking the piss in my opinion.
  11. hey Ian whats up, not got cartoonist cramp have you lol
  12. Tommy xs


    Yamahead I had no idea, thank you Merv for keeping us up to date as Airhead said its awful news and I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say you're in all our thought's, you sound like a fighter and i'm sure you'll overcome this.
  13. its not f#ckin rocket science if you can't ride it, cos you don't know how!! get off it and rock it back & forth while clicking down on the gear change till you hit first, one click up green light comes on then you push the f#cker if you can't manage that, ask the Grouch , at least when this happened him he showed some common sense, you are an idiot and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a bike with a clutch or for that matter an engine
  14. I envy you Blackhat, west highlands is were i'd be if I had half a chance going to try & get time towards the end of this month. my sister lives in Oban so I have a good base (free) lol
  15. +1 on the battery or it could be the starter solenoid, either a loose connection or it needs replacing also check starter motor
  16. you'll wake up tomorrow to find you have bought this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261255119372?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1426.l2649
  17. Tommy xs


    there's a few who have defected but stayed on the forum Jimmy & Bippo for Triumph's, but YOC is better than TOC
  18. Welcome to YOC Grahame, really like the old RD's, nice you've kept her all these years, Iv'e had my XS from new in 1982 could never part with it.
  19. Hi Anzi, welcome to YOC post some pics of your LC please
  20. Hi Lantus, Welcome to YOC
  21. Tommy xs

    Fz600 Gulf

    be seen, be safe is what I was always told
  22. Tommy xs

    Fz600 Gulf

    anther orange theme you could consider http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=321178005218&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123
  23. I agree! but don't think I would have overtaken him and pulled him up, he could have smacked into the back of you, also maybe just binned the keys to teach the old twat a lesson
  24. would like to have gone to this but I'm working all weekend & the next one, got to pay the bills somehow
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