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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. Tommy xs

    A wee run out

    Do I detect Green
  2. so if i hack me bike my up, I could get it in BSH!T oo
  3. Tommy xs

    A wee run out

    What only just got them!
  4. could have all been so different too, if only you'd gone with the toaster
  5. I cant see Foamy now, looking on ebay for a tiger
  6. I had Drewpy trying to bump start me on a garage forecourt once, was very funny as it was a hot day and he had all his gear on, oh how I laughed when I realized how dumb I was (kill switch) and how hot Drew Looked and no before you say it, hot wasn't in a sexy way.
  7. Thanks for the heads up Jimmy, watched it last night, can't say it took me back as was a bit before my time but did enjoy it
  8. Well done Drew, been meaning to ask why you called it that! is it cos its slow?
  9. Slice! I just have one question, how was it their cheapest when everything is a pound oh and 99p are you sure it was a pound shop
  10. Foams, sorry to hear your unfit, not worried about the donation, I know it went to a good cause This was just another prod to try and get you to finish something for once
  11. Come on Foams I seem to remember sponsoring you last year, oh and this time try not to book it the same day as Squires
  12. wow seen this, what a bargain & free postage too http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350942195173&ssPageName=ADME:X:DEW:GB:1123 or you could just get one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Tyre-Air-Pressure-Gauge-Tester-Calibrated-Tool-Analogue-Car-Bike-Motorycle-Truck-/121266192266?pt=UK_Hand_Tools_Equipment&hash
  13. I heard he got a bird maybe she won't let him play on the interweb .........think! it must have been big bird from sesame st sorry Oscar, I mean Grouch
  14. really good review NSD I enjoyed reading that. approx price ?
  15. yeah John, like the difference between tomy & tony Hi tomy welcome to YOC
  16. I have to work to catch up after having last week off with a bad back boooo
  17. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Digital-Motorcycle-Tyre-Pressure-Gauge-/390730323597?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item5af957968d I like this one
  18. I think we've found a new venue If Squires goes tits up
  19. Great tip John never seen that one done before! learn something new everyday
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