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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. that's fantastic you should get a pic of you on your bike in that
  2. hey andy what happen'd to your pic? what a shame, Elvis has left the building
  3. yes i agree, just hope it stays ethanol free or at leased let people know if they change it
  4. Iv'e had an aldi one for a few years now, only use it for polishing bits but still works fine and as airhead said a fraction of the price of a dremel
  5. YES why not after 8 years i'd be looking for more cc i Learned on a 250cc . if i were you i'd get down to my local bike shop and sit on one, if it feels right. go and buy one, good luck and happy riding
  6. Tommy xs

    Theory Test

    yeah, they seem to just moving them goalpost, just go for it and best of luck, i'm sure a woman of your experience will have no bother hee hee
  7. well worth the the change for me as my bike's are over 30 years old and not ethanol proof makes you wonder about some of the aftermarket stuff for newer bike's. Do they care that 12 months down the line you will need more new parts, I don't think so, or am i just being daft
  8. Tommy xs

    Theory Test

    another step up the ladder bippo well done, sorry i,m a bit thick when it comes to what you need for a full licence these days. so what have you got left to do now ?
  9. Tommy xs

    Almost finished

    that looks like some ramp you'll need there
  10. Tommy xs

    Mod 1

    well done I;m glad I passed my test back in the 80s, when all you had to do was ride around the block while the examiner stood on the pavement and watched you. its all to complicated now and exspensive
  11. that's fine, i'll pm you my mob & you can let me Know & we'll sort out details
  12. Tommy xs

    Best Guess?

    wow slice! if i ever decide to sell one of my bike's i'll be asking you to list it for me lol. hope he at least got you a create of beer as a thankyou well done
  13. hey drewpy let me no if your going that show on the wirral i'm looking for inspiration what to do with my other xs. was thinking along streetfighter style but i reckon could also make cafe racer. I know the sohc lends itself better to that style but would be interested in your thoughts
  14. if there's room for one more on stafford run i'd be interested, I was going to camp over, but its what to do with all my gear while i'm there so think give the campover a miss this time
  15. sounds good drewpy, i'll put it on my calender thanks
  16. can't say anything to that, but foamy's looking for pics for march 2014 calendar why not put your 350b up. did you see how much that shed on ebay went for, some people have more money that sence
  17. yeah just done it thanks for the link paul
  18. don't know if there the same. try www.wemoto.com £34 hope this helps
  19. iv'e done that before, I always double check now before i post. hey could still be of use to someone
  20. Tommy xs


    fuse gremlins, i hate dodgy electrics, can take forever to find em
  21. welcome aled there's alot of 125 owners on here i'm sure you'll get it sorted in no time, looks good
  22. Tommy xs


    hey grouch, make a checklist out of this lot
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