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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. come on guys play nice! what the're saying is do an intro in the new members forum before asking a question
  2. he was waiting for his walk
  3. got my Tshirt today! cheer's Foamy your a star
  4. Tommy xs


    Does it a tickle!! Foam's
  5. Glad to hear it twinkle, just in time for the good weather
  6. I always put some money in the box but don't take a poppy mainly because its so awkward with the pin
  7. Tommy xs

    Deja vu

    Good things come to those who wait Grouch on the other hand its your bike! get on the phone and keep phoning till its fixed if your to laid back some garage's will take advantage of your good nature and keep putting you to the back of the queue. Make yourself heard and they'll get it done just to get you off their back.
  8. cheers Noise that's the real reason I don't carve pumpkin's! my daughter is better than me
  9. Tommy xs

    Mod 1

    Well done finnerz onwards & upwards
  10. these are my daughters I don't carve pumpkins cos I'm not gay like you lot
  11. Quite similar looking machine's, should be round about same speed and just as much a target to thieving little bastards have you changed to a much newer bike so increased value
  12. I'm truly sorry for your loss Dirty!
  13. happy birthday foam's have a good one & stay away from ebay
  14. Tommy xs

    squishy earth

    Or more to the point WHY ?
  15. Yes Dwerp!! Slice has already posted this, get with the program
  16. still not answered my question! are the red/orangie bits deliberate ? or did you run out of black paint hehehe actually look good on pics
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