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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. The other thing that screws it for me is I've owned it since new, so can't say it was already in there think i'll leave it till next winter as a project and do it while its off the road or maybe even get my other xs on the road while this one is out of action
  2. you could try electrolysis still think you'll end up doing the dad dance though, seen someone on youtube use fishtank grit then wrap it in a blanket and put it in the dryer think you'd need a big dryer though
  3. so that what they sound like with the auto pitch thingiemajigie turned off
  4. that was to close to say it was good, it was more luck than anything after he/she got him/herself into that mess in the first place & also didn't look in control of the wheelie at the end, probably fell off so had to cut the clip so as not to look a twat.
  5. no just read what Slice & Jimmy said so had to go back & click curiosity got the better of me
  6. I'll have one foams if you can do on one of those muscle push up shirt's would be great hahaha
  7. put your name down on the ride out thread Grouchy
  8. that's what I'm thinking drew, thanks
  9. yes you just have to wear a fat suit underneath
  10. I knew they were to good to be fecking real.
  11. Tommy xs

    engine swop

    I want to change my engine temporarily, while I overhaul the original, should I notify my insurance and will it cost me. edit: its the same model engine but 2 years younger
  12. well i don't want your looks, but wouldn't mind a bit of your luck
  13. errm can a mod move this post to the for sale section hehehe
  14. Just when I thought the balance of the universe was returning to normal, the one bit of back luck that DDT gets turns out to be good. I swear if he went in to a revolving door behind you he'd come out in front
  15. yeah I remember Drewpy saying that's why he didn't camp last year.
  16. Tommy xs

    Betty bit me!!!

    As Jimmy said looking at your project I was thinking the same thing, glad your both OK at least she's down now! can't fall off the floor
  17. I got some stuff off them last week, same as Paul website said what they had & what I'd have to wait for, received everything except oil strainer gasket which is no longer available but I wasn't really surprised by that as no one esle has them either lucky for me I remembered I had a complete gasket set in the garage so didn't need it after all, but Fowlers kept me up to date by email and even phoned me to apologize as it was Yamaha that said it was still available and they have now updated their records. I would recommend them to anyone.
  18. Anyone thinking of going who's not been before, I highly recommend it, its the most fun you'll have with your clothes on this year
  19. Tommy xs

    Then and Now

    thank you very much for the info everyone, good thread Jimmy, I'm still looking for some pics of me & my bikes no luck yet
  20. Tommy xs

    Then and Now

    Thank you slice I did try to look it up a while ago without any luck must be cos I thought it was a BSA , if I ever win the lotto I'll try and track it down, would love to own it. I think it must have belonged to my Uncle Tom so the original owner is same name as me.
  21. Foamy the'res still a massive difference in power to weight ratio. I reckon drewpy on his tracker is about the same as you on a donkey
  22. Tommy xs

    Then and Now

    no its a bit before my time
  23. I want 1!no 2 no 3 fuck it I'll get a dozen
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