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Everything posted by welshwan

  1. ahhh Holland ehh? puff puff pass Been there a few times on holiday, Lovely country and so flat. No wonder we see so many dutch cars around my parts, probably come to see some countryside that is about as opposite from theirs as possible (except for the fact that a huge proportion of this area is also set aside for agricultural proposes, just that we have sheep and they have tomatos! hahahah) Anyways.....have a great time, lucky bugger!
  2. welshwan replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in General
    Certainly will drewpy hopefully it will knock a bit off the next bikes insurance....whenever that will happen is anyones guess though hahaha Tommy your right a few of us passed about the same time and i do need to update the picture! Getting more looks now without the L plates....but i'm sure some of the people that know a bit about bikes can see it's a smaller capacity engine
  3. welshwan replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in General
    Yeah i passed my bike test about a month ago! I did start a thread about it, u might have missed it but i'm sure i got a reply from you, maybe you just plain forgot lol Haven't been up to all that much on the bike as of late so not really mentioned it after. But now i have some room to work on it i will be striping parts and tarting her up a bit ready to try and sell for money towards an upgrade
  4. welshwan replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in General
    This thread got me thinking about my garage.....not quite a shed i know! Our shed is far too small to move around a bike even if we did manage to squeeze it into the shed. So yesterday i went to have a look at how much stuff i would have to sort out to fit the bike.......i looked pretty much like this OKAY maybe a slight exaggeration....but you get the idea So yesterday i spent about 4 hours clearing it out and getting rid of what i could, and about 6 hours today! no exaggeration! It was absolutely packed the the rafters with crap! Two evenings at it and my beloved XT125 is now in there! still not tons of room but at least it's out of sight should some thieving little pricks happen to pass. Even though this is a nice and quite area i still used to find my self having a quick check out of the window every now and again just to make sure it was still there! Next day off i will hopefully be clearing out the small shed so i can move some of the stuff that is in my way from the garage lol Well here's a quick pic of my bike in it's new home, i really wouldn't have bothered but with all this talk of sheds i thought it's about time i got my act together an got it stored in a better place then the middle of the back garden! (if you have no choice then you do what you can, but my lack of garage space was just down to laziness!
  5. i think we all have done something stupid...or will hahahaha. I once pushed my bike out of the garden put it on the side stand to close the gate behind me heard one fuck of a bang.......turned around bike was on it's side, should have put it in gear to park on a hill and maybe facing up so if it did slip it would only keep the stand in place better because if it rolls forward it kind of takes it's self off the stand if you see what i mean? Another time i was on one of the proper farmer roads in the middle of nowhere, farmer in front of me in his 4X4 stops to open the gate and waves for me to go ahead of him. I went past and thought to my self 'no way am i going to let him show me up on these tight roads (at this point maybe i should mention i was on bald supermoto wheels and only had front brake working as i had smashed the rear reservoir a few days before and was awaiting a replacement) so i passed him and went hell for leather down this single track road that was caked in sheep shit and gravel (in hindsight YES i know i was being silly, but at the time whatever you do seems like the right thing to do....or you of course wouldn't do it ). So i went over a small blind hill as i was just getting to see over it i could see that the road carried on straight so i gave it abit more throttle, i get a few feet higher up and notice that the road actually turns sharply to the right and down a bit of a steep hill...and what i thought was the road going straight was just a track for the farmers to get for their fields, at a quick glimpse i could see it was just soggy mud and there was NO way the bike was going to stay upright. so panic time, snatch the front brake- feel it slipping abit over the gravel so i ease off the brake and kick it down a gear or two, still not stopping so i thought i could slow it down enough to crawl onto that bit of farm track and stop before i got into the mucky stuff - NOPE bike just wouldn't stop - barely felt like it had even slowed down and the second the front wheel even touched the mud it came right from under me and i was on my side. Jumped up as quick as i could hoping to fuck off before anyone noticed what i had done, picked the bike up, turned it around, looked up and there was the fucking 4X4 parked behind me with the window open asking if i was alright. i was so embarrassed at the time i was just saying ' yes i'm fine thanks for stopping' (in welsh of course, farmers don't really do English hahaha) while in my head i was wishing he would just fuck off and let me get over this embarrassment. Ahhh well if it were to happen now i wouldn't be as bothered, because i know if you are going to ride like a prat- then suit up and expect to be off the road.
  6. welshwan replied to Garth Ellis's post in a topic in General
    AWESOME! congrats!
  7. MOT

    welshwan replied to woodburnyq50's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    yeah like Norcot said call the place you are taking it and ask. mine passed without mirrors a couple of months ago, don't know if that means much though- he didn't seam all that strict.
  8. welshwan replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in The Bar
    we have a box of these in the house and i must say they are very good for removing any bugs, mud, grease or general crap off your visor or goggles.
  9. welshwan replied to jimmy's post in a topic in General
    an hour or two late but happy Mervday birth, i mean......errmmmm hope you had a good one!
  10. welshwan replied to Noise's post in a topic in Yamabyss
  11. OR.......... this road eater:
  12. welshwan replied to Garth Ellis's post in a topic in General
    exaggerate your mirror checks so that he definitely knows you are checking them, don't forget to turn the indicators off! (sounds stupid, but it's easy to over look and the girl i was having a lesson with had failed for it!) 'life saver' checks!! some bloody crazy woman almost took me and the examiner out on my mod 2! So close that he actually told me to pull over about 50 meters down the road, asked if i was okay and had i noticed what she had done (i had obviously seen it or would have been on the tarmac, i think he just wanted me to swear first.... .) to which i replied with something along the lines of 'yeah, Fucking crazy bitch' ....he said that's about the nicest thing he could have called her, he then proceeded to tell me that had it not been in 'test time' that he would have followed and let her know that he was about to report her for it! It's not just something you do to pass your test! Most importantly of all stay as calm as you can be, it's not the end of the world either way! and BEST OF LUCK MATE!
  13. welshwan replied to mucker1983's post in a topic in General
  14. gymkhana is badass! would love to watch it or have a crack at it to compare with others speeds. They have a car one locally every now and again..but it's all cars. There is a carpark near here that is usually empty in the evenings and its full of those slippery plastic speed bumps so i use those as obstacles. Used to love it on the SuMo wheels but I must say in the ridiculously warn down state of my 'half 'n' half' enduro size wheels even they are pretty damn good on the tarmac(i have a set of enduro tires to put on but not been anywhere to get them fitted yet!)......That being said it's all fun and games until it go's down! , not quick but even that slow gets some big old marks down the plastics, at least. Would be cool to watch some pros a it, supermoto's, big super sports.... even the car ones are pretty cool to watch videos of! WR250X some car
  15. welshwan replied to Tommy xs's post in a topic in General
    I'm certain it is! Ahh well, few weeks and you will be blasting about! ....within the speed limit of course!
  16. not a bloody clue, but if whoever made it had some coolness about em...the headlight should definitely be the eyes
  17. welshwan replied to Tommy xs's post in a topic in General
    happy birthday bippo...for Thursday! hope you have a great week! Any idea when your new bike will be in your hands?
  18. welshwan replied to paul-666's post in a topic in The Bar
    Find one of your brave mates to have a go first ..... hahahaha
  19. does that have any effect on insurance? if it does i may consider some extra training
  20. Go hard or go home! HAHA only kidding matey, i have no idea...only advice i can give is be safe and have fun
  21. welshwan replied to welshwan's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Appreciate the input ken! Yeah the DRZ is certainly also on the list of possible bikes, they seem just fine TBH but the only examples i have come across so far are a bit out of budget- or more usually too far away to even consider. If you can ken, just go for the full license like bippo has seems like SO much less hassle. Are you old enough? or even if it's a matter of just waiting a few more months i say it's worth it.
  22. welshwan replied to mervin's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Happy birthday matey!hope you have a great one