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Everything posted by shambles1980

  1. theres a tzr 125 looks good with spare engine on ebay 600 lowest accepred bid says 800 BIN. if i had it id probably think about it.. the only other bike i want is my 1st bike back.. AR125.. seems they are like hens teeth though.. i know this is a yammy forum but those littel ar's are good bikes.. back on topic got a reply from the guy, he seems to know il get one cheaper if i wat but he isnt desperate so wont be lowering the price any time soon.. Just seems to me that if i pay the £70 for the barrel then get a new piston kit. and probably need a rebore 2. (it is used, and piston has taken some damage) then im looking at £140 ish all in just for the top end. i could just turn the bike over for spares or repairs throw all tyhe bits i have in with it. put the £140 i didnt spend on the top end in to the kitty, and buy a tax and tested rxs which saves me paying for tax and test for a while... maybe it would be different if the bike had sentimental value. but its just a fun run arround.
  2. I dunno i just dont see them being worth £60. i was thinking closer to £40 with postage. and thats in useable condition. the pisttons range from £15 to £30 new. with pins clips and rings.. and i dont mind paying that for new.. but i wont pay that for a used piston. a used barrel with new piston kit for the size. i would be be willing to pay £60 for, but a used barrel with a used piston no rings pin or clips? im just throwing that pistron away.. i really dont see it.
  3. ebay is infuriating.. People just pull numbers out of theiere asses and say "thats a good price" Im on there looking for a barrel for my rxs.. and i was bidding and lost by £1 as i was in the bathroom when it ended.. Never mind really as it had gone a bit more expensive than i expected. And i decided a nother would come allong soon.. well one poped up. £60! and £10 postage?? They must be crazy. I must have missed the moddel where they made the barrel out of platinum. dont get me wrong, you can get reasonably priced stuff on there. gasket sets bearings and so on really arent to bad.. of course you want a indecator lens and they are side screw versions which i dont know which version had those but mine has screws in the actuall lens. But seriously if i was to say "buy it now" on a barrel, and a carb id be £120 down.. (without postage) whats a tax and tested one of these go for?? 3? 4? 500? where the hell do they get these prices from.. It gets to a point when you look at these people and what they sell these parts for and you say.. "hell if i strip my bike in to parts. sell them for less than these idiots charghe, i can then use the money to buy a tax and tested bike.. or i can spend a fortune by over paying on parts. and probably spend as much as a tax and tested bike would cost just on a few second hand parts" i blame these people putting up bikes for 7-900.. I mean they never get a bid or anything. but some one says "i wonder what these bikes go for" and sees an over priced bike and think its an avarage price.. i dont have a TZR here people, its a 1990 rxs they have been made sinnce like 85 or something and i dont think they stoped till 96. theres a whole crap load of them. now snap the hell out of it please. -- I did word my email to the seller slightly diferent to that. but the jist was the same.. I dont think it will sell for that, and if it dosent and he decides he wants to try a lower price that he can let me know.
  4. mine gets put in my shed.. Its a PIG to get in and out because there is not much room between the back of the house and the actuall shed (its brick and cement) but i do ocasionaly just say "oh sod it i cant be bothered hauling it in there" and if i dont go up to the house for a few days i find my self worrying about it. lucky for us our new house is miles out of the way of any towns or city's and its a semi detatched in a culdesack. some one isnt going to just pass and say hey lets check the back garden of that house for a bike... So that lets me sleep a bit more soundly. there does seem to be a increase in bike thefts from what im seeing recently though, Which confuses me.. because its the winter. glad they didnt get your bike. Should be legal to put a gin trap under a seat cover on your bike seat. And then when they sit on it "SNAP" bye bye testies. i think that would be fair. Hell even some rusty razor blades on the handle bars would do. But noo they say thats inhumane. But if some one walks in to an electricity pylon and gets killed thats theiere fault.. you set up a shot gun on your bike so if some one tries to steal it they get shot, then thats your fault..
  5. told my wife i would stop, and put the money i spend on them in a jar for me.. not her not the baby.. me and my stuff.. According to my wife i am only allowed to put £4 a week in that jar.. i need more incentive than £4 a week
  6. just looking at them i prefer the xs650... but thats just down to asthetics. i think a V engine is a better design than a twin.. But id still prefer the xs if i had the choice.. But I dont lol.
  7. whats the deal then do i have to actually phone breakers yards or something because they dont seem to answer emails .. could really do with abbeymotorcycles replying to me but they dont seem to check emails?
  8. i need 2 stop, but it aint easy.. good luck though hope you manage it.
  9. stinky ebay bidders sniped my barrel when i was in the crapper.. sent some emails off to bike breakers now.
  10. thats a pretty serious price tag right there.. that whole thing must be worth millions in parts.
  11. id imagine a 175 may be cheaper due to learners not allowed to have them, and being a bit low of an upgrade from 125 for the people who want to go up a notch or 2.. i will have a look, hope i can just salvage the original engine, but keeping my options open
  12. id like a lc motor but i dont know where id stick the rad.. "well i know where lol, it wouldnt be going on the handle bars.. just cant see how to jam one on there without to much work"
  13. i went ahead and sent them an email.. "i think i may phone tomorrow lol" i wanted to know if i need to supply the piston + rings, as they state theyd prefer to supply them but i cant see any in stock for my bike. i also wanted to know if they needed the head, i dont know if the want to do anything to the combustion chamber too, (i need to add the bike has only done about 125-126k miles..) all the damage done to it was done by the previous owner. "well the one previous to that" and it is all down to heavy handed wrench usage.. Bolts snaped.. threads destroyed. some idiot trying to drill things out ruining the casing.. All of which could have been avoided. so its really quite annoying/dissapointing. Hopefully this last purchace will have the bike better than new. i have been pretty horrified so far with all the little things that have been wrong with the actual engine, and i have considerd just replacing it as it would probably end up cheaper. if its still a blowing air sucking cant produce enough power piece of crap after this il just see about getting a replacement. im sure there must be a good engine stuck to a bent/snapped frame some where. it just seems they all get striped to component parts. hopefully the new barrel will do the trick though. for a free bike this thing has been pretty expensive so far. and im still to tackel the wiering. replace bulbs new indecator lens and respray. But its a 2 stroke. and one of the better 100cc's so it will be worth it. and who knows i may be able to break the 70mph mark without much difficulty with the new barrel (but i really doubt that lol) oh.. will i need to change the jets after i get the rebore? im pretty sure just changing to reeed valves should be enough, but it never hurts to ask. and im changing to a pod air filter so im probably going to end up running pretty lean if i dont jet up?
  14. i may give these guys a go then.. " http://www.pjme.co.uk/acatalog/News.html " as reccomended by dirtydt seems a reasonable price plan for rebor + port tidy.. im going to strip the whole thing down whilst the cylinder is away. gotten to the point where i think i found all the little leaks that caused it to be low on power. all around the head and barrel, but as i got everything to do the bearings and seals il do that when its away. No reason not to without the barrel as i cant piss about with it without those crutial parts.
  15. hope you find its an easy and straight forward fix. i keep finding more and more to do with my project.. but atleast im in no rush for it "just for fun" dunno what id do if i actually needed it daily.
  16. ok back with what is turninmg out to be a little money pit of a rxs 100. you may remember that i recently found a bunch of mis sized bolt holding the reed and inlet to the barrel of my bike.. well there was a reason for that.. All the threads are knackerd. and the one on the top left.. Seems some bright spark snapped a bolt in that, then went ahead and tried to drill it out and destroyed part of the casing so if you screwed the bolt in you can see 50% of it (the right hand side) so theres no way thats going to work. Also they didnt manage to get the sheered off bolt out any way.. i could use an extractor. and use a full length bolt that would then give me atleast 20% of the length of the bolt holding, which would probably hold. But, i have seen a head and barrel for sale. But it would need a rebore.. Now im in gwynedd (north wales) and i want to know if any one arround me here is able to do the rebore. (form 0.5 to 0.75 or 1.00) and whilst they were at it could they port it too (may as well do 2 things at once) the porting is not essential. but i would need a rebore, the barrel isnt gouged or scored its just worn, so a +.25 would do, (from +0.50 to +0.75) but as they can go up + 2.0 Id be happy with going up 0.50 to a total of +1.0.. which should guarantee no defects. and would probably take the bike up to a true 100CC instead of the 98 or 99 they come out of the factory as. ok i am rambeling. any way that was the question i had, and whilst im at it does any one know the correct price for a service like this would be? comments like (rebore should be about £xxxx, and porting should be about £xxxx. and if you did both at the same time the total cost should be something like £xxxx) would be welcome. just so i know if im getting ripped off or not. I could take it to a local engeneering company and see if they could rebore it, but id rather find a specialist that wont say "that'l do"
  17. you need to stagger production so you have some ready every month or 3.. its a good idea to keep them in a warm place when fermenting. and you can make decent wine out of all kinds of junk you would usually consider "weeds" any way an easy wine to make from junk is elderflower wine.. here is a beginners recpie. http://www.farminmypocket.co.uk/home-brewing/recipes-home-brewing/elderflower-wine-recipe sloe gin is a good idea too. the only problem with sloe gin.. is that you actually have to start off with some gin.. but you get the little fruits from a black thorn bush. and they are every where "at least here in north wales they are" any way.. A basic reccipie.. About 500g ripe sloes About 250g sugar (the more sugar you use the quicker the flavour comes out but, obviously, the sweeter it is) About 1 litre of gin (any gin, or even vodka if you want a purer flavour) but thats not really brewing at all.. its just making gin tasty, and can be done with any fruit / berry really. so some sloe wine may be a better idea.. http://winemaking.jackkeller.net/sloe.asp --- beer and larger take a lot more practice to get anything pallatable. and is something to try with more expirience.,. although having said that. a 1st time beer maker will usually go crazy with the sugar, and then make some killer 20% beer.
  18. id be inclined to think the head warped due to extreme temp changes "when water was thrown on there"
  19. not so sure the fuzz would be happy with you using hand signals.. i doubt its worth the constant stops. and producers even if your perfectly legal. they get fussy if the things flash to fast or to slow.
  20. may take a whilke for the fule to make it through the system.. you could try turning the fule tap off then blowing the fule thats in the fule pipe in to the carb. re attatch it to the tap and turn it back on.. hope thats all it is. but you may need to clean the carb too. if there was no filter on the tap then it could have had crap from the bottom of the tank go in to the fule line and carb.
  21. mandatory bike lessons for school kids.. 14 years and older have to learn to ride a motorcycle safley in school. and no one is allowed a car untill they are 25. with a minimum of 2 years motorcycles expirience on the road. thats my way of removing SMIDSY's
  22. its still legal to transport things on a bar with no breaks. but it probably wont be for long. have transported a mondeo estate on a bar with no breaks. behind a skudo van. only hit some dual carrage ways though. Its not fun coming up to a junction on a steep hill. and the bar we have connects with chains so you have to start off on a straight line. and you cant reverse with it.. and it dosent like bumps.. apart from that its not too terrible... but given the choice of all things being equal, and if the expense was going to end up reasonably similar.. id go for some one els transpoting it.
  23. if your going to put them in a smoke chamber of 2 strokes. be sure to add extra oil to the fule. and make sure the oil pump works. that will show them what smoke really is.
  24. is there a little nut with a screw ? one of those slacken the clutch cable at the lever then un do the nut turn the screw till you feel resistance turn the screw slightly the opposit way after you do and then tighten the nut jobbys? sorry about being useless at explaining.
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