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Everything posted by shambles1980

  1. should have an island some where to send them off to... And this time lets try to make it some where that isnt nice and sunny. but the deadly spiders and snakes should stay the same.. maybe we could import some inland taipan's or something and slap them on one of those islands off of scotland and send them there, give them some fishing rods and a shovel. and make one cement shelter big enough for people to sleep in. "they can take turns sleeping if it gets over crowded. so if you made a shelter big enough for a thousand people to sleep in at one time. give em 6 hours sleep and then you can squash 4 thousand in there. And any way the taipans would keep the numbers down. of course that would be for the more severe crimes.. Like Murder.. or trying to take MY stuff.. for the less serious crimes. then just send them off to old abandoned oil rigs.. or park one of those ships they would usually sink in the middle of the ocean. with its anchor Welded to the bottom of the ship cemented to the ocean floor. (probably have 6 or 7 anchors) again some fishing rods would probably be helpfull. dead inmates would make reasonable bait id imagine. and they could have a solar still to make water.
  2. i still think the listing is deliberatly keeping information a seecret. And anytime i think that i am really hesitant to bid.. Its like people who list things as "untested" this usually means "totaly busted" but i have to admit i have been tempted a few times because it was a joblot and i could understand why they wouldnt bother to test the things.. And the ones i did buy were fine.. but having said that i have bought plenty of things that turned out to be more money to fix than the things are worth too.. so i just send them back.
  3. i dont like that a mechanic said it could be something or nothing.. you can generally say "that sounds like... but could be something els" i would have imagined a mechanic would have said something like.. "sounds like big end bearings, or top end rattle, or so on" i just dont see how they wouldnt have made a guess at what it may be given where the rattle is coming from. id be hesitant to bid.
  4. i dont get the attitude.. no one was trying to criticize or be rude.. its just on this forum, people Join. then make a "hello" post then ask questions.. its just how its done.. you were given polite advice on how to get more replies. and a link to help you accomplish that. As mentioned previously. a lot of the members here wont answer your question if you havent made a hello thread in the new member section. any way, glad you found your wheel's
  5. the other day before the snow. i started puting together the bits for the new barrel for my rxs 100.. any way i have a reed block with fiber racing reeds on it and when i went to install it i noticed it did not like to fit in the inlet.. the reed stops had been bent outwards.. I assume this was so the petals could open farther, i was wondering if there is a set distance they should be.. i dont mind bending them back and measuring the distances to a rough accuracy. i really doubt that having the stops bent out that far helps the performance any, If no one knows thats ok and i can just compare to my other reed block.. BUT given that was on The bike with a bad barrel. i would not be suprised if they have been bent in or out too. .
  6. meh.. if i see some one tryong to steal my stuff i will be issuing physical justice followed by verbal warning and then deal with consiquences later if any arise. not a fan of the police, they have never managed to help me in any way. amd i doubt they would help the person that justice was issued to either... around here all they do is drive aroung looking for people with no tax/mot/insurance or who are breaking the speed limit. you dont see police walking around these parts any more only traffic cops and they arent any where near the villages. there used to be a police station in this vilage when i was a young lad. that was closed, and the nearest one was 2 miles away.. then they closed that down when i was a teen.. so nope the police around here dont do squat, if your house gets robed ad you call the police they MAY turn up 3 or 4 days later to get a staement. if you do go to the police station to make a statment your self. there wont be any one at the front desk. its probably diferent in england or even a city. but around here in the towns and villages, they just let us have at it.
  7. i figured he ment the over flow on the carb..
  8. was pretty funny. he had it up for auction listed as " a pice of shit " or something like that.. Went on and on about how it was junk. pannels only just hanging on for the picture, stuff missing because some one lent it to a friend. and really laied in to the bike "50cc appy" Then he added "SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD" to the listing, but didnt remove it.. And people were still bidding, he was getting agrivated, and started naming and shaming biders berating them. and calling them illiterate. the comments were allong the same lines.. it was actually prety funny to read, but i cant do it the justice it deserves from memory and my summary.
  9. id blame the mixture. And id start my exploration at the carb.
  10. if the police come and tell me i smashed some ones face in.. il tell them i did not, and if they dont have credible eye witnesses then its this guys word against mine.. and given im not the one who claimed i was trying to steal something when the aleged incident took place that his word is less than credible, and he probably had his friends beat him up to try and get some sort of compensation or payment from me as he figured i must be well off as i have a bike.. i would then add that my bike is always locked up safe and sound in my garrage, and so he couldnt possibly have been trying to steal it to start it. I would also point out that IF some one had been trying to steal my property wouldnt i have called the police? it would be up to them to prove that my bike wasnt in the garage at the time in question. that i did infact attack him. and honestly without credible eye witnesses he isnt going to get far with the claim.. Being in this innocent untill proven guilty society, I dont have to prove i did not smash his face in. they have to prove that i did. and as it would be assault it would be a criminal not civil charge so the burden of proof is higher.. And unless they have a video of me smashing his face in. or credible eye witnesses. then they arent going to even take it to court as the cps will just say Not enough evidence for this.. it wont ever get prossicuted, and a jury is going to be biast. In the end it wont be worth the polices time and money to prossicute. every one may Think that the little scumm bag is telling the truth, but aslong as they cant prove it within reasonable doubt. then im fine. and any way.. If i call the police. and they do come and they catch the guy. and my bike is messed up.. I have to pay to fix it insurance claims go up. and what does he get?? a slap on the wrist probably a suspended sentance, or at best a slap on the wrist 6 points on his licence for not being insured and a few hours of comunity service.. justice is a very strange thing in the uk. and over here where i live we tend not tobother the police much.. Unless your speeding or something els they can fine you for they arent interested. i have been prossicuted for assault, common assault and abh over the years, and it usually ammounts to court costs. and £50 compensation. and a one off £130 hit is better than losing my bike "possibly having it burnt" beeing marked as an easy target by this scumm, and higer insurance payments.. All you need to remember is if you break anything more than a nose it goes from ABH to GBH and then it gets a bit more serious.
  11. to be fair that only counts if your actually calling the police too.. give them a few good digs, kick em when they are down throw em on to the street, and then go back in doors and finish your coffee.. these people arent likley to report you. they are probably out on bail or parole any way, so they dont want the police any where near them. And ito be honest the only deterant to them is a good beat down.. Police are only needed if you didnt get to your bike in time to clout them.. And even then your usually better of asking around. and then going to get your own stuff back, provided its not in bits. or on fire.
  12. must admit ive always been on the hit them 1st band waggon.
  13. sounds like it keeps suckinng in more air than is needed. (or is getting less fule than it wants) honestly havent got a clue.. its all that up and down valvey open close springy stuff..
  14. i have to wonder what my insurance would be if i didnt use comparison sites lol.. with how every one is talking now and my current quotes.. i think id end up being paid to take insurance lol.. if i was able to get a quote for a £100 less.. that would make them pay me lol... I think my post code makes the biggest diference though.
  15. i may see what can be done with the now barrel less new engine.. but i need to get my engine out and in bits asap now. so i can do the rebuild. im happy to be using the original engine though as numbers all match up. i did all my detective work now. prety sure i have found every issue it had. nice new bearing all round. nice new seals and gaskets. everything torqued up properly. and il then see if theres something wrong woith the cdi "already have a spare just in case" i dont think the cdi is bad though. i really do believe all the issues this bike had came from some one with ham fists using a bar on a spanner. i have shiney new stainless engine bolts to to go back in when im puting it back together. il have to resist the temptation to just throw it together and jam it back in the bike, because i really want to sand the frame down and paint it with hammerite, im also going to send the pannels and tank off yo a friend to get painted properly. Im still thinking british racing green.. im not a huge fan of the stock red/blue.. black is an option. the guy can do pearlesent ?.. It changes colour as you look at it.. But i think thats a bit vain, so probably just a solid colour. And maybe some pin striping. the costs are starting to rack up if im honest, but it shouldnt be long before its road legal now. Still have stupid little things to get though. ignition barrel with key and petrol cap with key. (both of mine have been attacked with a screw driver, but apparantly not very well as only the key will start it) and i need wing mirrors. the seat is more than likley salvagable from what ive read. and the seat cover is in decent condition.. oh and il probably just buy a new rear indecator stalk and all. but apart from that.. and the fresh oil for forks, gearbox and 2stroke.. its just wating to get done. And we should be moving up there in the next week or so, as im prety much done working on the actuall house.. so i can have a few late nights tinkering.
  16. really happy with the engine i recived today. A bit duious about why the serial number had been hammerd in to oblivion.. But decided what the heck. il just take the barrel off and use it on mine.. just to make sure i sealed up where the reed valve goes to the inlet on my piece of junk barrel using instant gasket.,. and sure enough it works better.. So i tore round the garden some.. Its been snowing so i had fun spinning the back end around the obsticles. Still not running sweet or anythging but i was able to thrash it around the garden a bit.. went ahead and took the barrel off the new engine.. Decided that as the engine number was already hammerd to pieces id get the barrel off by undoping the nuts then using a teenye tiny smashing motion with a hammer aimed right at the engine numbers.. that made the barrel come off nice and easy. had a look and it looks in good condition. grabbed the calipers and its at standard bore size. the piston also looks in good condition as do the rings. think il just slap it on as it is "probably go and get new rings though" and 90% of the issues should be gone away. Happy days.
  17. Im tempted to bid just to set him off again lol.
  18. il see if i cant find a 115 barrel head and piston some where but i dont think i will. i had a hard enough time getting the 100 lol. i just dont see the rxs doing 100mph with 4 gears.. the rx 115 has 5 i think.. but i guess if you messed with the teeth you could tune it up for flat out speed. but i dont think thats a good option, il probably just get this running sweet and thrash it for a while. then set my eyes for a tzr 125 or an ar 125. the ar would have to have a full disk valve though. just that alone makes a huge diference. But lots of that bike needs tweaking to get it from the stupid uk restricted junk to the full on AR125 expieience... the tzr dont need much messing with though. but i have a soft spot for the ar125. my 1st bike "that wasnt a c90/rev n go/peddal/pump to start chicken chaser" was an ar125.. looked abit like this bought it for £70. then sold it on. now i cant find one
  19. im pretty sure i could squeeze out 70 maybe 75 from the 100cc. would need some tweaks though. 175cc does sound nice thoug seeing as i live 1/2 way up a mountain right now and im moving to 3/4 of the way up the mountain. even if i dont get much top speed out of it im sure it would get me up hills better. but im thinking that a 115 cylinder from an rx (all matched up properly) should be 85Mph ish "shouldnt it?" its just annoying that we dont have them here and would need to be sourced from india or some where like that. i still dont think id be happy doing 85.. but it would be nice to have 10-15Mph to fall back on if needed. i have heard that yo can get the 115 to hit a ton.. But i think thats wandering over in to the realms of "a bit far fetched" although i guess with good porting and everything like new.. and if you only wieghd 6 stone.. with the wind behind you.. going down hill... It could maybe do it But i dont think so..
  20. i know.. but i also know that he now has the stock rxs barrel on the bike too.. "dont know why though" but i managed to snag an rxs100 engine delivered for only 60 notes. it cant be any worse than my engine and mine is a runner "well kind of lol".. i may have to mix and match some parts from one to the other but i should be golden now. the really viable upgrade would be the rx115 cylinder. port it maybe bore it out to +1.00 should be pretty fast then, and i dont think the light frame of the rxs would have any issues with it. .
  21. Snagged a whole engine from http://www.abbeymotorcycles.com/ £60 delivered. says it has good compression. so thats going to be great.
  22. well i found some jusnk out.. the stroke is diferent.. 2.0 x 2.0 for the rxs and 2.0 x 1.8 for the rs.. but the pistons are diferent sizes.. 52mm for the rs and 50 for the rxs.. But they are diferent heights too.. 50 for the rxs. and 45.6 for the rs the rs piston wont hit the crank as its shorter, but the ports would probably end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.. (the piston would travel lower than the barrel is designed for but atleast its not going to smash anything up because it did that) it looks like it could work.. but really going to end up more work than its worth.. (or am i missing the point entierly) -edit-- just noticed that its not going to work.. the rxs barrel bolts down to the engine casing. and then has studs for the head. (8 nuts) the rs uses long studs to hold the barrel and head to the engine. (4 nuts) or atleast thats what it looks like examening the pictures i found. so the search continues.
  23. i still say gin/man traps all around the garden is a good idea.. i know that technically they are illigal and have been for a while.. and I know man traps are a bit ott if you put the shotgun shell in them.. But then they shouldnt be in the garden should they.
  24. its just im not sure about the lengthe of the stroke and stuff.. a rxs bore is 50 approx standard. and a rs is aprox 52 standard.. So i was thinking it must have less travel.. i know that the combustion chamber on a rxs is prety big for the size of the bore and it can take 52.. so i was thinking the rs may have shorter travel.. the dt is about 1mm to wide to slide in to the bottom end but you can shave some of the casing to mak it fit.. The rs should bolt traight on though.. but i dont see why it has a 52mm standard piston when the rxs would be at the max over sized at 52. but if it would work, then that would give me a lot of roome to eek more power out. im not sure the frame can work to well with 175 though, its a really light bike.
  25. Just thinking that a rs100 barrel should just bolt straight on to a rsx? just need the right piston? or would i need a con rod change and other dubious ammounts of work?
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