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Everything posted by bippo

  1. Now that I have a bike with lights I can help out there! Oddly enough I'm looking forward to commuting this winter. The wet and cold I can handle, it was not being able to see over the Pennines at 5.30am that got me.
  2. I'm glad I rank above Kev. But then again I'm concerned Kev features on your list at all...
  3. Looks just brilliant Noise. Good on you.
  4. Happy Birthday! Have a great one with some whiskey.
  5. As long as you aren't riding in your Elvis get-up... 10 years on the road for me and I've been pulled once, something like 2am on a Saturday morning by a bored copper who thought I'd be an easy gig. I had some shitty Seat Ibiza (58 plate) where the left or right fog light would automatically come on when either indicating or steering a certain amount in either direction. So I was indicating right at a roundabout, therefore my right fog light was on. Every copper I've met has been very nice but this one was smug. Until I calmly explained and demonstrated that its the way the car has been built. I even had my car manual to hand as proof. New Mercs and VW's do it too I've noticed. No way of turning it off unless I removed the bulbs! As someone who hates the fog light brigade, the car got sold. Just one of its many pitfalls. As an aside, I hope nothing else was damaged on your bike matey.
  6. Ahh Wynatts Pass... I used to practice around there on my 125. Managed to keep up with a 'summer rider' on a sports bike at the beginning of summer. Granted we were going downhill and he wasn't trying, but still...! Your DT is looking great Paul, still amazed by its age. A true example of a bike.
  7. Oi, oi, people will talk Tommy... Rather more worrying that I've been seen in the flesh by you, Airhead and Drewps at the same time... Dare I say more...
  8. With the mental image of your mankini picture etched in my mind, I think you'll be able to squeeze into anyone's tent without even being noticed! Steer clear of Kev's though - based on what I'm reading above, you may get noticed a little too much in his tent... Sadly, some people would, ha ha! Yes, I did eat all the pies... DT - of course I don't mind! It was all rather amusing when I read this unfolding last night, alas a bottle of rum had rendered me incapable of responding until now... Oh and I'm very happily married, for now anyway I'll keep Foamy on my list for now... You're too kind Tommy - and a very good liar! Dare I bring this thread up again (after all it's where the mankini photo spawned from), but you'll see a wedding snap of me somewhere in here DT:
  9. Well... What I get up to of an evening is of no concern to you Tommy... Ha ha!
  10. bippo

    Run Foamy run.

    Just donated on your Just Giving site Foamy - good luck to you mate, a great charity too.
  11. Bristol Half Marathon is on 15th according to their website: http://www.runbristol.com/HalfMarathon/119/2013-Bristol-half-marathon.aspx. Can't remember if I've already sponsored you Foamy, let me take a look, and if not, well then I'll get on the case!
  12. I got into riding after years of riding as a pillion. Then again I'm a woman so clearly it's acceptable to spread my legs for others...
  13. Share pictures of your creations, would be good to see them and may well help others!
  14. NO! Any ideas what happened? And on such a glorious day too...
  15. Just ordered mine, chickadee for thee...
  16. Yeah, I live in a busy town (2001 cenus states population of 32,500 - much more than your 300, but not as busy as other parts of the UK) and can't just let him out the house without being on the lead. So I need to go out with him and wander to the fields or park nearby before I can take him off the lead. Then we both go for a good walk across the fields and round in a loop, but the moment we're back on the roads, the lead goes back on.
  17. He's only 5 months at the mo. Think he'll be quite a big adult, but should still only reach about 60cm in height - much smaller than a Malmute! I see quite a few Malmutes about and the size difference between them and Huskies is very impressive - 125lbs!! Wow! She sounds like a sweet mix too, got any photos? Well, enough talk of dogs, I'd best go take him for his morning walk. That's one thing to be said about Huskies, they need plenty of exercise...!!
  18. Great to hear Tommy, fingers crossed he keeps it up. Don't know what I'd do without my little Husky.
  19. Sorry to hear that Tommy, but glad he is doing ok.
  20. bippo

    Mod 1

    Woohoo!! Well done! Now to get out on that big bike of yours...!
  21. Jeez, I can see that on the swing arm now - quite a beast!! Just take it easy and you'll soon get used to it - trust me, my Tiger scared me, and I struggled to get my feet on the floor too. Not long after having it I slipped into the mindset that I was still on my 125, kranked the throttle back to over-take someone... Damn thing nearly wheelied on me! Soon woke me up, and I've not done it since!
  22. Sweet! Congrats on grabbing a new bike. I get the feeling you're gong to have a riot on it down those Welsh lanes!
  23. bippo

    Mod 1

    Congratulations! Feels great doesn't it?!
  24. bippo


    Bloody hell - keep up the recovery, stay strong.
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