Everything posted by boon
It's that time. Who is putting their bikes away?
As my bike is my only transport, i ride all year round but if the snow/ice is too bad, i'm not afraid to admit defeat and cadge a lift to work. This will be the first winter on the ace, so i'll find out how manageable she'll be soon. Smoothness and reading the road is essential at this time of year. You do have to be a special kind of crazy lol
- new dog
Bit damp out aint it peeps?
He he he, adrenaline smells of poo!
Bit damp out aint it peeps?
Had my first ice moment of the year on way to work on Saturday morning. Adrenaline fairly wakes you up
How many of you riders filter/lane split?
do you know what the bit between the two solid white lines in the centre of the road is called? the motorcycle overtaking lane!
xs250 running probs
try it with the fuel filler cap open, could be a blocked breather vacuuming the petrol tank
Chicken or egg...???
lol g'night up yours sacha, the conundrum remains, but the question has been answered lol In the words of the Great Dave Allen, goodnight and may YOUR god go with you
Chicken or egg...???
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_birds lol
Chicken or egg...???
there's none so blind as those that don't want to see
Chicken or egg...???
hey, up yours, it must be true cos stephen fry told me on Q.I , and another thing, how did this end up being a religious thread?
best tyres for fzr600
i really rated the metzler metz3 sport touring,on my foxeye, think they were dual compound so were harder in the middle and didn't square off when touring or commuting, but sticky for the corners. really inspired confidence
Chicken or egg...???
the egg came first as a chicken is an evolution of a dinosaur, and dino's laid eggs, so....... eggs were here first, hope this helps you become a chicken plucker
Crimbo on it's way. What's on your list?
yeah man, i think santa has a better workshop than me anyway lol
Crimbo on it's way. What's on your list?
think it was neversaydie was looking for that one atocp, now if you could find me 48mm 1'' rise clipons cheaper than harris, i'd be happy lol
Crimbo on it's way. What's on your list?
A pair of Harris raised clip ons for the ace, already got myself a new cordura ''summer/ going out to pub'' jacket
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Happy birthday Foamy
Hippy Burpday man!
Power corrupts
thanks Ryan09, sheffiron69...it all started with the zup, they're a good bike too, funnily I always fancied the RU model (looked like the yzf750 and the fzr600r that i had) and ended up with the ace
Power corrupts
thanks Sacha, she's a little bit cosmetically challanged, the photo doesn't show previous owners scuffs on middle panel and the small cracks in the plastics, but she goes well
Power corrupts
Yeah, she is a cracker, had some gr8 times on her this summer touring England and Wales, though the riding position wasn't too good for me. Thought i would be ok with the fazer cos i had a fzr600r before and it had about the same power (similar engine, didn't find it lacking) but, the ace has corrupted me lol It's so much easier to make ''good progress''
Power corrupts
Well, after 2 weeks with the Fazer600, i had to get my Thunderace back, so basically it cost me £150 to find out I am addicted to power lol. I'm now looking at Harris raised clipons, to take the strain off the old neck and back. I know.... I should have done that first! Live and learn ay?
XJ650 fuel/power issue
It's ''CV'' carbs on the xj650, have you checked the diaphrams? All it takes is a tiny hole in the rubber to totally mess up carburation.
Free first-aid info now at hand
I've started wearing a u-tag ICE (In Case of Emergency), basically a heavy duty memorystick. It cost me £25, so not cheap, but worth it 'cos I'm on a lot of prescription drugs for a heart condition. It has fields for allergies, pre-existing conditions, next of kin contact details, doctors name and address etc. http://www.utagice.com/ for more info
1991 3CV FJ 1200 suspension link bearings
No probs, glad to help
1991 3CV FJ 1200 suspension link bearings
http://www.fjcatalog...om/bearing.html Is this what your looking for?