Everything posted by GREIGE
An old picture of me & 1st Big Bike
So when I get the XJ I'm working on now on the road I will have to find it and do a "Now" photograph ? Now that IS scary ! ! ! ( P.S. after catching up with one of the "Mongrels" I have found out the picture was taken about '94 or '95 )
An old picture of me & 1st Big Bike
This is a photo of me (& a few friends, Mongrel Motorcycle Club) about 20 years ago. Me on my XJ600. Scary photo....
Seen a poorlier bike than this?
£300 ? So many better bikes out there for £300. This one is too far gone. As slice says there may be a few pieces that are recoverable but thats about it. Would have put it on Ebay as a 99p No Reserve Auction.
Hey Bippo, think your box is big!!
Couldnt agree more AndrewElvisFan.
Hey Bippo, think your box is big!!
Whisky. Do like a wee Scotch myself. In fact I have Glenlivet 12yo,Lagavulin 16yo,Talisker 10yo & Cragganmore 12yo all sitting looking at me at the moment. And that's before I even get up & wander to the Spirits Cupboard.
Hey Bippo, think your box is big!!
Thats one scary top box ! Almost tempted to bid on it. For the bike & to just hide that box so it doesn't scare anyone else !
Wife lists bike lol.
A valuable lesson that's gonna cost him even more ! Got to say it looks a great bike. Dont want it though.
Hi Everyone
We are mad but you will get used to us. If you are mad already that will help.
Introduce myself
Welcome. This lot aren't that bad. ( never get to heaven now wi fibs like that....)
please sign this foks keep a killer behind bars
Signed. Up to 12,711 !
Xj600 pre diversion 1991
As wild foamy says. Fitting braided hoses to the brakes helps. Im keeping standard callipers with mine but have HEL braided lines to go on when I get to that point.
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
When I saw this picture I thought it was some sort of home made Mini Bike ! Done the link and found it was full sized ! Jaw hit ground & then recovered enough to start laughing ! Even if I was looking for another project bike I wouldn't even consider this one !
Xj600 pre diversion 1991
Be easier to sell & buy something with the performance you want in the 1st place......
Xj600 pre diversion 1991
Got a pre Divi XJ600 myself. Interested to see if there are any replies on this. I have been told that Triumph Brake Callipers are a straight swap but not sure which ones. That would improve the braking.
Rd r r - the tale of 3 RD400's - More of a saga than a project.
Jealous of the shed ( & the bikes). When I get my house sold I will be able to afford to get hard landscaping done to get my big shed. Wont be a 16x10 though. Might get a 12x8 or possibly 12x10 depending on how the space goes. Looking forward to reading this thread.
What Colour Do You Like?
How about a very thin silver strip round the rim ? ? ( Coat on. Running.... )
XJ600 Project
Non Standard Construction. Wooden framed. Plasterboard walls. Wooden cladding. If you lie on the slabs you can see all the way under the house cos its on legs ! ! Limited lenders for mortgages though. Limited = 1 ! ! Limited vendors for house insurance too. So went with the lender.
XJ600 Project
Hope this works. 1st pic is how we got our Bungalow. 2nd pic is how it looks now. The space to the left of the Bungalow on the 2nd pic is where my shed will go. Prob 12x8 or 12x10. not sure yet.
Mini Project XS 400 DOHC
Yep. Same Bike. Lots of good memories about that bike. I resprayed mine as well.Tank was damaged in a crash riding in snow. It was my only form of transport at the time. Didnt do as good a job of respray as you have done though. Dont have any pictures of my one though. One of my few regrets is not taking enough pictures of my bikes.
Mini Project XS 400 DOHC
Is that the XS with the single spine frame ? Looks very like my first "Big Bike" afetr my RD125DX ! Got told it was an XS400 Sport & the only thing it had that was the same as other XS400's was the bottom of the engine! Never knew if that was true though. Great bike though. Loved it as it was such a good bike to move upto from the RD.
XJ600 Project
Ballingry ! Wild West Outpost of Fife ! Will put up some pictures. Dont know when though. busy busy.....
XJ600 Project
UPDATE XJ sitting in back garden under a Oxford Bike Cover. Finally moved into Bungalow last week. Had a lot of joinery work done to it,some electrical. Heating sorted. Loft floored. All the spares are up the loft now. Will put up photos when I get them on Photobucket. Plans are to sell old house so have ready cash for hard landscaping. Slabbing the area where my Man Cave is going. Still hope to have the XJ on the road this year. Got a meeting tomorrow at work which looks as though we are going onto a different shift system It will include Night Shifts & more Unsocial Hours Payments. Which means extra pennies to spend on the XJ !
New to the whole bike scene from Perth. Yamaha xj600. Hello!
Welcome Aarron I have a '98 Pre Div XJ600 myself. Not on the road & a house move has put the rebuild on hold. Starting again in spring so maybe we could meet up at some point and swap notes about our bikes ? This is my 2nd XJ600 I have owned.
WR200 1995 model - help! DT200?
Must just be your generous spirit Airhead.
XJ600 Project
Makes sense to me. unfortunately S.W.M.B.O. doesn't really approve. Happy Wife. Happy Life. Therefore I mostly go when I'm at work. Or in Public Conveniences.( Well you got to get the smell in these places somehow..) p.s. pedantic me says :" Faucet." But I wouldn't listen to him.