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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. Sounds like the input shaft bearings have been the problem all along.
  2. dt502001

    have a look

    Love it bare bones bikes r so cool
  3. Space invaders .25cents a game at the arcade spent a small fortune. Commodor 64 with pong hours wasted.And the remote channel changer had a cord to the tv and rabbit ears.Why I don't know I think we only got 4 channels .1 phone in the house with a dial and a party line. And if some one hacked your personal info that ment they stole your mail or fileing cabinet.
  4. I don't know about seeing farther with tinted glasses but I am extreamly light sensitive.I use the same method of not looking directly ahead but off to the side,as well as i wear hunting glasses the type with a yellow tint they make everything seem brighter but cut the intence glare of on comming lights
  5. For the wr a set of motard rims and tires,For the boat a set of electric down riggers for me a winning lottery ticket.
  6. Well besides the basics plug, air filter ,compression test ,might be the power valve stuck closed.
  7. Yep the same rules here and the bike wreckers is full of big cc bikes with less than 2000kms I seen a zx 14 with 26 kms. I have always said that most ppl cant ride a 125 to it's full potential but ride big cc bikes. Honestly though the selection of small cc bikes for years was quite limited here so if you wanted a sport bike you prety much started at 600cc,it's better now with the honda 125 cbr launch a few years ago and the intro of the factory suported races for the cbr125.It's been quite well recived and growing as a afforadble way of going racing. Other companys should be taking note and getting on board.It's great because it's not about how deep your pockets are and how much you spend on the bike ,its all rider skill to win. Personaly I would like to see every new rider spend a weekend on the track honing there skills,the skills that can be learnd from a single weekend with instructors in that enviroment = years of riding on the street doing it all wrong and learning the hard way. The only thing now from stoping kids from riding big cc bikes here is the insurance costs a 16-20 yr old will pay as much for ins to ride a 750cc as they did for the bike.
  8. Happy belated birthday Kids are great but better if you can give them back
  9. Nice little bike to start a resto on should clean up nice with new spokes and the blasting.
  10. corect me if i am wrong but by hooking it to the brake circut the heaters would cut out every time you put the brake on?As the circut is then grounded.
  11. I like lava lamps and butterflies and I was thinking about lpg on a ...ooo look something shiney...........
  12. I hate scrubing in new tires,there is a old industrial section that is empty on the weekends and I can go round and round both directions. I like to go there for the first day and knock the chicken strips off. Funny what Kev said my name is Phil and i too have a 1200 bandit 2001 and been told my bike throws rocks must be all the torque? Or maybey were just both heavy on the throttle
  13. Now that was cool can't say thats going to happen every day
  14. Welcome your in the right place we love projects
  15. Well now I know what it is , and personaly unless I was running the baja I'll stick to just lubeing my chain the old way I'm not that lazy or want more crap on my bike to break and give me a false sence of protection.
  16. Yep with ken on this,infact when Ice racing we run automatic car tranny fluid in the 2x's gear box,,, the clutch pack in a auto and a bike are almost identical and the sun gears can spin faster in a auto than a bikes.I'd go with the oil change first.
  17. Ok i will bite I haven't a clue as to what you want to do.First what is a scottoiller 2nd how muck vac do you need to run the mistery thing.
  18. Zm is most likely the manufacture's own code ie zenith, as i call them peanut bulbs are all the same if the bulb will fit the then it will work,possibly someone changed the fuel one with one that was avaible.These bulbs are used in cars for door lights and hatch lights. Don't know if you own a car but if you do try poping one out I don't know how you guys over that side of the pond get along without a auto parts store,this whole buying everthing by post is BS. every bulb that a bike uses is avaible from them.Crikey we have them all over the place you could practily burn out a bulb every mile and grab another one all the way home even the gas stations carry them and every auto shop has them in stock. Personaly I go to the auto wreckers and grab a few hand full of bulbs yearly every shape and size normaly the don't even charge me for them when I buy something else. Hell even wall mart carry the bulbs
  19. Notice how may views and the lack of responce? Might i suggest you go to the new members section and say hello. Then post up in detail what info your looking for. Lots of folks here are a depth of info but not to first time posts that only ask for help.too many hit and run to be bothered
  20. +1 on the float height the different jet size is due to the ever tighting emissions. As for the electrics if the stator and cdi are a match set,and from what I read it thats what you have done,all is good. Most likely you will have already set the float height by the time you read this but, float bowl removed holding the carb at about a 45deg angle( eng side low a/f side up) the float will close the needle the float arm should be level or slightily larger gap at the farthes from the needle with the bowl mating surface.
  21. Only thing i can sugest is to tighten up the puller and give it a sharp blow with a hammer,not the rotor but the puller
  22. LOL who said anything about buying from the dealer,the only bike i ever bought from the dealer was my bandit and it was new,I bought and fixed up sold 4 bikes to come up with the cash. Every year yam canada suzuki canada harley canada ect has demo days and they bring the new bikes to different citys and you go and ride them .I never miss them it's great fun to spend a day riding nice new bikes and burn thier gas ,each ride last about 45 min now you can't out and out flog the piss out of the bikes .But by the end of the day the team riders now how good a rider you are, so i always ride the fastest shit last and they let me get away with wheelies,this spring on the suzui ride I was drag racing the lead rider on a gixer 1000 and me on a b king fyi the bking is faster .It was the last ride of the day and there were only 4 riders so we went out for 2 hrs I switched with the lead rider for 20 min and relised i would never own a gixer 1000 for anythig but racing it was the most uncomfortable ride of the day. The best part is when I get back on my bandit I remember how much I love riding it
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