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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. You are all complecating this go buy a leatheal dose of herion keep it handy inject the fucker then call the cops after thier dead. I live in the country and don't have this problem, Hell I don't even lock the doors, but if some scumbag came my dog would wake me and I would shoot the fucker and feed them to the pigs or plant a gun on them, then erase the vidio tape on my survaliance. Alternativly personal tazers are cheep and cops use them ,the crook will smell of shit and the cop will think just another junkie and hall them off.
  2. Sounds like you have the wrong Ign. switch. Tone gave you the layout now all you need to do is hook it up that way with the right switch.
  3. The white is the gear box vent put a hose on it and hang it lower than the eng. The snorkel is optional more air but louder intake noise,and yes that is it.
  4. From experience what I can say about traveling on a bike is throw out half the stuff you think you need,then re think it. my list goes like this 1 pair of pants 2 undies 2pr socks 2 t shirts 1 pr sandels 1 sweater 1 shorts 1 towel (small) tooth brush/paste/soap,camera, fork knife,folding cup,folding fishing rod and small bag of hooks,1 can of tire inflator /sealer...all this goes in the tank bag bottom lined with foil for cooking. Tent ,6x10 tarp, sleeping bag deep fry pan(doubels as a pot for boiling water) 14 ft of rope for drying clothes and hanging the tarp(for a roof if it rains while camping) a rack from a old refrigerator for cooking, a small russack (empty) gets straped to the pillion seat via a spider web style bungie. When close to the camp I stop and pick up food /beer put it in the rusack and wear it to the camp,the next day it's empty so back it goes under the bungie.When I shower so doo the undies t shirt and socks, if it's more than a week I'll stop at a laundry and wash everything. I don't bother with shavin Just pack light anything you need can be bought along the way.I dont have bags or a rack never felt the need. I'm off for a 5000+ trip and won't be taking any more that this list
  5. dt502001


    I'm not risking personal injury ever again,I'll have her over to change my bulbs
  6. You could try turning the mix screw out 1/4 turn,also are the valves adjusted proprely?
  7. Most bikes of that era had I run II run+lights III parking lights(tail only) reading the schematic that looks to be the case, high and low are controled by the bar switch 6c. I cant read the legend can you make it bigger? Also it looks like the rectifier is only employed during lamp use and run posibly dirty /weak conection in the switch not alowing full votage from the charging. Have you checked the ohm resistance of the charging system?
  8. Young guy save up enough money to take his new girlfriend out for dinner At the resturant she orders lobster and champane He askes her does your mother feed you like that She answers "no but shes not expecting a blow job tonight" He replyes what would you for like dessert!
  9. The linkage between the shifter pedal and the post comming out of the transmission the hime joints get slopy and you don't get full travel,kinda of a half shift situation.
  10. I bought 1 of thoes for my son when he was 4 $100.00 brand new, he rode it for 2 yrs and I sold it for 100.00.Just barely pulled my 175 lbs around. Bought him a pw 50 for $50.00( in a box) way more fun and pulled me around no problem.
  11. Well most everything is covered as to what to bring,might I suggest a can of tire sealer/inflator not the best way to fix a flat but simpel and will get you to a shop to have it fixed properly. Easier than tire irons and patches and I never seem to get flats when I have a can with me. 1000 miles is a long trip so break it up into doable sections your daily is 75 miles right? so doubling that is reasonable but don't over do it riding tired is the best way to ruin a trip,takes the fun out and increases the chance of havin a mishap. I'm off for a 5000 + to alaska but thats over on Foams thread Have funn and keep the paint up and the rubber down
  12. Check your shifter linkage isn't worn wobly as well,might need to be lowered to get full throw again
  13. How back asskward we got no snow left and +12 c yesterday and a week of +0 we should be up to our knees in snow
  14. Yo foams it's a 1 lung It sounds like everyother 450/250 wrf ,keep a eye on the valves or you'll be replacing the head
  15. NO NO NO NOT E bay as Cynic suggested contact the VJMC so you can get a realestic value of the bike,if it's not running now fix that first,by the sounds of things that should be fairly simple. The reason I suggested Barret Jackson is that is where the big money is people with a few million to spare go to buy new toys,i don't know what the seller fee is might not be worth it but 10% is not out of line
  16. dt502001

    xs250 rebuild

    Can you say oops,guess your goin to have to measure it all out. Take your time and measure everything 2x your going to need a snap gauge and a good micrometer or veriner caliper. It's a honest mistake for a first timer but I know you will never throw anything out before you have the new to compare to the old now.
  17. Lol just wait untill someone gets ahold of that avitar and photo shops it,honestly whats with the big hat???
  18. Wow your complecating things,just spray some gas in the carb inlet and crank the thing over if/ when it starts keep squirting gas at the carb if it dies when you stop spraying gas at it then the pump is not lifting the gas to the carb. If it dosen't start then you have other issues.
  19. dt502001

    xs250 rebuild

    www.plastigaugeusa.com you still need to figure out what thickness/clearence you need to measure The min/max clearence in the manual is what you need.Any machine shop will have it and you don't need to buy a case of 100. Or measure the crank and case subtract crank from case the difference minus the min clearence and thats the bearing you need.You could try and measure up the old bearings and order them that way if the supplier can confirm the ones they have are the same but most likely not. Not every crank from the factory is the same size. For example the 80-88 kz 750 used 2 crank dia's the smaller one34.984mm had no marks on the flywheels the thicker 34.995had a o stamped on the fly wheels completly interchangeable but you need the right bearing. I don't know enough about the 250 but I'm guessing thats the problem.
  20. The best road trips start with no destination,a small tent and sleeping bag a small fishing pole frypan fork and fillet knife.I have traveled very far and met many people.When people ( fellow riders) find out your just ridin blindly into wherever it's amazing how nice they can be.I have been invited to stay with complet stranges dinner and beers just by stoping a the right bars(pub) and chating with locals This year in june or july I'm going to Edmonton Alberta to visit a old friend who moved out there 5 yrs ago about 28hr drive going to do it in 2 days chill there for 3-4 days then set off north to Alaska to see the top of the world and catch some big ass salmon, wind my way back to Ontario over a 5-6 day period fishing and camping,there are lots of places along the way that I would like to stop and see and camping is prety easy it's very rural so just pull over and find a spot near a river and set up camp.If time permits I might skip comin right home and stay north swing through ottawa and hit the east coast another 2 -3 days ride and visit another friend in Fredicton New Brunswick who i haven't seen in 10yrs. So wher ever you deside to go, follow your nose when it's looks like fun ,over planing makes for a rushed trip pick some spots you would like to see and if you get there great but if you end up some where else o well. My buddy Mike ended up bring home a wife 15yrs ago after a 2 week road trip, so just go to prove you never know what the fun part will be untill you get there.
  21. Did you try squirting fuel in with a spray bottel? Or puting gas in the cylinder?
  22. Barret Jackson auction with a reserve in around 3k a original bike is worth more than a restored one but alas it only worth what someone will pay for it.
  23. dt502001

    xs250 rebuild

    You need to subtract the difference and know what the aceptable clearence is. If the crank has been turned down or needs to be then you need the larger shells.00stock .20 crank has been turned down .20" ect...This may have been done at the factory Also if you look closly at the bearing you will see a small dot on the side with the appropiate colour Best thing to do is to pick up some plastigauge and assemble with old shells and see if they are worn beyond use most likely they are still good. Plastigauge is easy to use just put a strip on the bearing and torque it all down then disasemble and measure how wide it is with the gauge on the package,presto you know the clearance of the assembly and if they are still good
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