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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. valve lash= valve clearence , cam to rocker to stem clearence.
  2. Cant recomed anyone your way but any shop who recondition cam shafts can spray weld it,weather they will is another story, and then you you could get it ground at any machine shop with a surface grinder. Competiton cams in the USA is about the first place that come to mind but I can ask around and see if any one closer to me does cams. Edit A guy I work with his brother owns a race eng machine shop I will ask tomorrow if he can suggest someone else who does spray welding,he got a cylinder re cromed for me a few years ago so he probably know's someone
  3. Ok now it's in the right spot you will get som more help just hang tight drewps will most likely have all the answers . But first the bike has points right? I'm almost positive it does and you need to check them first to see if they are getting power and opening then if thats all good then you probaly need a new condenser. It's been ages since I worked on one but I belive the points are on the left side of the head and under the 2 inch round cover with 2 phillips screws. Had you put a pict of the other side of the bike I would be sure. Like I said just wait and drewpy might come to your rescue,this is just bunch of guys who love bikes and have a wealth of know how not a repair site so sometimes it takes a day or 2 for others to see the post but mostly if they can help they will.
  4. Well glad your still alive,,just hope they don't rip you off,you should have just kept asking questions now your trying I would have been there every step of the way If possible. We could hav set up a skype and watched or something. Hope you haven't broken to many things attempting this. Just out of curriousity what couldn't you get open/done. Glad your back ,sorry for dumping on you for not trying,guess some people are just better off leaving it to others to sort things
  5. Quality parts,yam eng can't realy see how you could go too wrong.All the parts are sorced from different company's any way for any bike so IMO it's a yammy decked out with some nice aftermarket parts,unless they have problem with snaping frames the rest of the parts are easy to get parts for and the electrics are most likey the same as yam's as far as the eng controls so realy why not? Signals are signals and the tail light is a tidy so unless the dealer has no parts available again why not. Guess I would call/inquire and see how the parts supply is and if thats good then yep I'd be in on one.New bike for the price of a used bike sounds good to me. You guys are so lucky we don't get all the differen't bikes to choose from. the big4 japs hardlys huskys GIO victory and thats about it ducks, guzi ,gas gas,TM and pitster pro but realy hard to get parts for so unless you want to wait weeks on end for part every time your bike breaks then we stay away from them I had never heard of them but if I could get the 450 here I would go snap one up for that price. I went and googled them and look just fine by me and i learned something,, never knew where the eng's were built now I do!
  6. Generaly this section is just for sayin hello and then post questions in work shop. 78 hmm points and condenser most likely your problem,have you got a manual?
  7. I wonder if the vent is pluged in the gas cap,what happens if you pop the tank open and start it when hot? edit: also what do you have the valve lash set at?
  8. You can buy a db killer insert for most any pipe cheap to get it down under 96db 30-40 bucks.Some tracks now require them. As the bike was not equiped from the factory with a front brake switch and delivered for road use that way then the wr is exempt here not sure about there. But a banjo type brake switch is easy to install just need the longer bolt to fit it inbetween the master and the brake line. the odmeter is driven the same as any cable drive speedo so you can install one from another yam or aftermarket 1,just remove the 1 on the bike and install the spedo/od counter. Much cheaper than a vapor,thought the vapor adds alot of extra featuers and cool factor. EDIT ps the tail is on when running well at least on my 01 can't see they changed anything in the 2 yrs.
  9. You don't have to remove the starter to see if it works,just take a jumper cable and feed the pos to the starter 12v. Next do you have 12 v at the button,and when pressed is there 12 v comming out to the solenoid. why dosent your bike have the kill switch installed if the circut is not wired then that will stop the current from getting to the starter,when the kill switch is in the off position the circut is open so I think thats the problem.
  10. Reverse thrust bearing shot
  11. Thanks foams,ummie just what I want my son's teeth to look like NOT!!! hence why I don't buy it often. Hey Dirty DT all the other things I suggestd about getting the armature off what the hell try coke too.
  12. Ok my son just suggested what about freeze it off, so how about nitrogen to blast freeze it? Or alot of heat your taking the whole eng appart and replacing every seal ect.. so what about put it in the oven it's still under pressure (cook it at 180 for 3-3.5 hrs untill golden moist and juicy LOL) then torch heat the armature, or shock it with cold water ,it's under alot of pressuer so It might just pop yet. Or well this might seem stupid but a old guy once told me this when working on a old farm tractor and it worked" water put the rust on so it will take it off" what he suggested was to put a garden hose on the part with the hose running at just a drip 2 days later and the bolts came loose
  13. Lake loch river don't matter to me if there is fish in it then I will fish the water. I would put the mic carb on and be done with it, a nice flat slide keihin would be better,but then again if you can get the amal to work then it's stock and purest wont hassel you.Form a preformance view the mic or keihin would add a bit more power and dam the purests who keep bike's under glass only to show them at concours,every show I go to I just want to slap them and tell them to go ride the #u in thing you poser.Most of them won't even ride the bike to the show so I call them trailer queens.realy whats the point of owning a bike that you have no intention of ever riding,I'v even met guys who don't even ride but own a trailer queen because they thought it would be fun to restore what a waste of a bike. O well each to thier own at least that 1 will be ridden
  14. Try a commpression test and get back with the outcome and as task said make sure the cams are perfect 1 tooth out is all it needs to be . Also you said you cleaned the spark plugs have you tried new plugs? And when the bike fires up do both exhaust pipe get equaly hot?
  15. Nice list of bikes esp havin a rz track bike soooooo many memories with that bike.Can't help either with the exhaust but welcome to the nut house.
  16. Nice,but being a amal carb aren't you suposed to have to reset it every ride LOL. Them old trumps are cool to look at but the dependabilty is well lets say iffy.The xs650 has just as much charter IMO and run for ever .Cool to see someone who actualy might ride a 59 and not just oogle over it there are garages full of thoes ones. Thake her out and post a vid. PS love the lake view verry jellouse would have fishing pole in hand every morn.
  17. No you don't tommy look up egg and coke scarry what happens to the shell, Slice yea it only take the visable rust of that quickly but if it's small part,soak it in coke for a few days and walla the rust is gone. Try putting a rusty nail in coke for a month at the end of the month you'll be lucky to find a nail bigger than a needle.If ther is anything left It escapes me right now but 1 of the chemicals they us in making coke has to be labled hazzards corrosive material when they transport it in tanker trucks Trust me I used to work at pepsi 25 yrs ago.
  18. hey where is he must be tryin to get them reverse muffler bearings out still,come on groucho you have to be reading some of this
  19. Sorry but who new nobody showed you how to start a bike or that you needed lessons,O well thats a new one.
  20. If possible get a dremmal and cut a slot to make a way of using a screw driver,or beat a smaller socket on then buy new bolts either way. you can also buy some bolt biters they come in sizes to fit the bolt head and have reversr teeth to bite into what ever is left of the heads.
  21. As task said and spray some wd 40 around the intake rubbers and vac line when running and see if the bike reacts then you have found another air leak.
  22. Just saw this and thought about the UK members who deal with alot of moisture rusting thingshttp://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/removing-rust-with-cola/1gloovp7f?from=en-ca-quad
  23. If thats true about holding the throttle at 1 piont then the bike is rich,most likely but could be extreamly lean,what colour is the plug?
  24. Post a video so we can hear the can in action.
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