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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. LOL kinda reminds me of when yam hired pewe gleason to set the record on the fj1100 of 10.43 in the 1/4 mile,that guy was abot 4 foot duck all 100lbs soaking wet.Forks straped down and 2 lt of oil in the motor.But yam could claim to be the first stock bike to break 10.50. I keep seeing vids of people riding these little bikes that are all hoped up,don't realy get it my self, why spend tons of cash to make a little bike to go like hell when a stock bigger bike can do it with no mods. though that is one impressive little bike,the rider needs his head examened though slippers and a dress shirt
  2. LOL what perfect timing that you just happened to be carring you gun,I hope you scared the shit outa him to the piont he will never try that again. And Left him batter and brused, naked in the street I would have
  3. Welshwan ufo sells a twin 2inch round spot style if you want that type not as good as the square single though.Ver easy to wire up and held on with huge rubber bands,so easy to pop off when off roading.But the Ufo one is way brighter than the stock. 35w the ufo is 55w-65w from the square one and road legal. Got that on my bike and it work great.I don't think the twin round is legal John the decompression lever holds the far right exhaust valve open so your not fighting full compression 14:1. WFO= wide f6in open I cant see your carb in the picts well enough but right behind the little black choke knob on mine there is another larger red knob to pull out when hot,your being a e start bike they probably didn't bother as you won't get winded pushing a button vs trying to kick over a bike just after falling off LOL. If the bike is hot and I just need to restart after stoping I just kick it over no choke or hot start normaly first kick it starts.Even cold it starts 1-2 kicks but you have to get used to getting it on the compression stroke,a problem I'm sure you won't have to often as you have the magic button and will only need the kicker when your battery dies in some remote place.If you ever have to bump start it use 3rd or 4th gear or the back wheel will just lock up. Don't belive anyone who says trees don't move,them F'n things can jump right in front of you I know cause it's happend to me in the middle of a enduro cross broken coller bone from that 1 minor concusion and a broken chest protector,and iwas about 4 mile from the truck so I rode it out,Probably the worst 20 min of my life. Jumps are fun but ask first and watch and get a ear for the revs and speed before trying the big ones wher you gap from the top of one to the landing of the next,you have to be in the right gear to make the gap without comming up short or over shooting the landing. If I were you I would hook up with welshwan and take him up on the offer as he know the trails and go to the mx tracks ,who cares if you get passed a hunderd times you will still come home with a shit eating grin from ear to ear you don't have to do the jumps just rollover them at first.Most alow riding during the week when the races aren't on cheap all the tracks around here charge 20 bucks for the day,and like I said you will meet new peeps to ride with MX guys and girls are the most friendly/family type of people always willing to help and give you tips eps if they know your a newbe
  4. Any quality oil will work cheap oils have a high ash content and will foul plugs and collect in the ring seat,synthetics are the choice of all the racers.As the oil yourputting in is what is protecting your motor buy good oil if you want it to last.Castrol seems to be very popular on your side of the pond and Motoul here. 1 rule of thumb is to always run the same oil don't mix and match,so while you might pay a bit more from a gas station for oil ,if that makes it easier to always run the same then thats a good way to go.
  5. Ok I thought you ment it was 14.8 at idle
  6. So the last few weekend been riding the Great lakes from beach to beach in South western Ontario and it's offical the closer you get to the beach the less pepole are wearing not just at the beach but most of the riders as well,even got asked by a waitress "aren't you hot in all that " .To wich I responded " yes a little a cold beer quickly please" Iv's seen every type of bike from full touring, sport and cruiser and for the most part Full face lids T's shorts and runners for the sport bikes seem to be a common,vests and jeans for the cruisers with a brain cap,the full touring everthing from full gear to shorts no common there,but what I found interesting was almost all sport touring riders wre in full gear,as well as the adventure touring bikers,I chalk this up to the fact that most sport touring and adventure guys owned full sport bikes at 1 time and have probable been off before so they know . What is realy scary is that scooter are making a real come back here15 yrs ago you would see 1 every now and then ,now lots of entry level riders are buying them,esp women, as the insurance cost is so much cheaper,but none seem to wear anything more than a open face lid. It's law here that you must wear a hemet thats it,I don't understand why people choose to protect there brain but not there face and the rest of there body.Over the years i have been off several time's and had a bit of road rash and had a ford pinto turn in front of me and I fliped over the car some how managed to cut my leg from knee to toes but not rip through the pants not sure how that happened. I have picked up many a riders bike after they crashed and covered in road rash and lots of this ends up in the news so most everyone is aware of what happens to skin when it meets road,Just puzzels me as to why people think oh I'll be fine I'm only rideing in the city or I'm not crazy like thoes nut's doing wheelies,and I'm a good rider so i'll be ok. I haven't been off on the road in over 20 years but I never venture out without full gear on,I bought the stuff and it's not going to do me any good hanging in the closet if I do come off now is it?
  7. Simple realy budget bikes are built with what ever comes along cheap/free so pick a theme cafe' and flat track can be less expencive becaus your going with the bare minimum to start with. Little point in going original as it's not and won't be untill you find the original motor cases if they haven't been turned into pop cans allready. Post some picts up so we can watch the build good luck
  8. 14.8 is to high IMO should be dowwn around 13.5 I would consult the manual 1.5 -2 volts over battery voltage is normal @ 2000rpm
  9. wow if you realy wanted a chalange you found it,Welcome and good luck with the restore
  10. With a melted twisted fuse the reg is either wanting to charge a weak battery and running the charging system at max all the time or the reg has gone open to full charge all the time.Both cases it's real bad for the charge coil to work it so hard will short the life by years if left that way. Best is to load test the battery fully charge with a carbon pile tester and a specific gravity battery tester or refractometer to check each cell,if it passes then check the charging as suggested,most likeyl the reg has failed and killed the battery from over charging it. A lead battery will give off a rotten egg smell when over charging and the battery will start boiling the fluids.If this has happend then you best wash the bike with baking soda to neturalize the acid that are now allover the bike and in the electrical connectors.
  11. Well this thread clears up a question I've had for a while.I knew you guys bought made your own plates and wonder why SO F"N BIG the billborads you guys have to run does look wrong on the back of a bike. Here we are issued a stamped mettal plate from the mto (cost 20 bucks for 200 you can get a personal ) all 4 inches x 7 inches and 2in alpha /numerical lettering for bikes that actualy fit on the back no wider than the fender look ok IMO.And for cars /trucks we get the12 x 6 size.Wher yours appear to be the same size for both.And a yearly road tax due on your birthday of 82 bucks No MTO required just pay and your good to go on the bikes cars every 2 years you have to have a emission testJust our gov's way of sayin Happy Birthday ,they give you a nice little 1x1 sticker to put on the plate with next years date/month so everyone knows what month you were born I guess So no problems form the coppers,unless you tamper with it. Where it get grey is the way some guys mount it,side ways at the axel is a fave with the crusers,mounted on the inner fender infront of the tire is a fave with the power rangers or on a rediclus angle so almost only seen from above all of these methods will surely get you pulled over sooner or later. The I'm going to run and not stop for the copper guys run a flip plate hinged at the top and cable operated so if a cop starts following the plate gets fliped up to the sky
  12. Hi lizzy breaking forum rules here as first post that are repair questions and not just a intro is normaly fround upon. First it a can style filter and shoud have come with a new o ring,so try first just giving it a we bit of a turn might not be tight enough, if that dosen't work possibly some dirt got on the o ring not alowing it to seal,then pull the filter off you will loose some oil but not the whole lot. good luck and welcome to the forum hope you decide to hang around not just get a answer a bugger off
  13. Hey john cold use choke 2-3 kicks then off( but miy bike is way more hoped up,full porting and yz cams quick adjust pilot mix screw and auto decompression) ,hot no choke with a we bit of throttle,if you dump it use the hot start( red button on carb) this lets more air in to compensate for the extra fuel that will get into the intake aft the carb.,if that dosen't work hold it WFO till it tries to start and then close the throttle as soon as it catches & close the hot start. As for getting used to the clutch.LOL thats nothing ,try light revs in 3rd and back off the throttle for a bilp of a second and crack it back open the bike will pop right up on the back wheel,mine will do it in 5 th. at about 45 mph. the track might seem expencive but BIG BUT you can do anything without getting tickets,And in no time you will have others to ride with and new places to ride.Most guys know of the seret spots you can get to or friends who have some land to bash on..from the short vid you posted you have just touched the surface of what the bike can do,and only on a track will you feel right about giving it full on. Gas milage unknown,because if your giving it the beating,, then fuel goes fast and I never put around to get max fuel range.So honestly I have know idea as to how far you can get out of the bike/tank.I have burnt a full tank in as little as 2hr though Cool to see it kitted out and your finnaly riding it,love that rear fender so much I put 1 on order.I'm guessing that with the pipe repacked and the DB killer it was good enought to pass a MTO dosen't sound that loud in the vid ......esp.. compared to a HARDLY. TTYL Phil K
  14. Well different name's from different places But ..................................................................................................................................... ...It's deffinatly not a reverse muffler bearing, they are all square shaft with left thread.
  15. Barbed threaded union,well thats what I would call it.
  16. Stu,as sacha said post it up in projects
  17. I'm alittle far away to ship it back and forth ,but I made my own out of a piece of 1/4 in plate steel.Not to hard to make just need torches to heat up the steel to bend it then a bench grinder to shape it. . Before I seen that type of tool I used to roll th motor over till the valve was open then wedge a piece of steel between the cam and lifter bucket edge( sort of looked like a ? so it wouldn't pop back out) then roll the motor over to get the shim out a bit of a PITA but worked. Hope someone closer can help good luck.
  18. I'm jellouse,I'v been looking for a older bike to restor for a couple of years now and can't find squat around here. Nice job TTB,just wondering how much you spent redoing that bike?
  19. dt502001


    +1 no need to abadon the club ya might get sick of the cost of owning a King Till Monday(ie great weekend toy but not a daily grinder) fast and sell it on for the better bike 660 LOL enjoy the new ride,,, my buddy has 1 ,,fun toy but $$$$$$$$$$ to own,serevice intervals are short as my wr or any other full on dirt bike. Yam just needs to get in gear and start offering some big tumpers in SM trim,can't even get the 660 here I'd trade the wr for 1 if i could get 1 in sm trim.
  20. welchwan you went and bought the 426 didn't you? Or did you go bigger? well john waiting to see the bike all kited up in one piece .I was going to take the wr out today but woke up with a knot in my back,so I think i'll just do a beach cruise again on the bandit ,holliday here today and have to work tomorrow so i don't want to limp into work and still have lots of good riding days ahead this year. You got to be chompin at the bit to get it out and let it rip,I'm waiting to hear your comments,you can do wheelies right? cause you will be first time you crack the throttle,you still have to mto it as well right?
  21. Nice job I can understand why you don't want to sell it I wouldn't either.
  22. No problem mike/carlo just for thoes with alpha v=97w-98x99 so work it out if you need to u would be96 ect.. the 8th diget/alpha is the motor 1st diget is country of manufacture I don't know them all but j=japan,m =mexico ,think e is england and I is north america,a for auzi anyone with a bike made in india? to add to the list or anywhere else
  23. Hmmm then this could be as simple as turning the idle screw in a bit or the pilot screw could need to be adjusted for more fuel at idle. As for the cable sounds like some routed it wrong when they installed the forks,post some pict's I'm sure someone will know if it's wrong,basicaly it should run infront of the right fork and then back between the steering head and fork ,between the upper and lower tripple clamps then under the tank above the front mounts.NEV has built so many of them bikes he will know.
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