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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. NOOOOOO do not scar a v max or I will never forgive you ,the fj 1100 and v max, rz /rd350 and 500 are the only true bike's that yam built that need no up grades they are perfect just the way they are.. possibly the xs 650 as well a poor copy of a triumph but worty of the fact that it didn''t have lucas wiring or amal carbs. I don't want to hi jack your thread so if other's feel different then start a new thread and I will respond tommrow as the weather is so nice I am going for a ride.
  2. Looks good I was thinking the sig's would be to hard to see over the tail light,but they seem to be easy to see.
  3. Oh ya he probably dosen't knoe the hp rule yet that you guys have to live with.
  4. Give em a break he's new and we don't have to ride 125's for our first bikes NO HP limits here just road speed limits and day rules till he gets past his m1 Kinda like your L but easier to get to the next level. I still don't get why you guys gov think's riding a 12 hp bike will make you a better rider,I would be scared on the hiway if I couldn't pass anyone.Or had to wring the piss out of my bike just to keep up.
  5. LOL just like when you had a peddle bike EH! good you got it sorted thats what we try to do for thoes who post a intro otherwise I will fak with them !
  6. HAHA welcome Logan glad your not the knife/knuckel guy that might be scarry
  7. Spent some time last night on her rear end......hahaha your going to get on just fine around here with this crowd. we will have to get together for a ride and some beers Ps: the bike is comming along quick
  8. The clutch reverse bearing is seizeing up best to replace it. Or possibly you rewound the bidirectional ruban in the wrong way. Can someone please help this guy do the right thing.
  9. Ok after reading this 2x the only thing it could be is the clutch adjustment,or the front sprocket that you replaced. No way evey gear is going to go at the same time,as the bike is a kick start and it runs then the crank drive and clutch driven gears must be connected so that only leaves the clutch to transfer the power to the tranny. What happend to the clutch lever did the young ones take the bike out and crash it and remove it so you didn't notice it being bent or most likely they burnt the clutch out . Try bump starting the bike or just putting it in gear and pushing the bike in 1st gear if it has no resistance then the clutch is slipping/burnt out,as for oil in the clutch it's a wet clutch so you can cancel that out. And if your clutch is burnt out then some slaps to the head are in order to who ever was riding your bike without your permission and didn't tell you that they faked it up.
  10. dt502001


    Thats funny and worth waiting for. I was wondering when drewps would tell em to go look as he just reciently posted the info
  11. Your avitar pict is small but it looks as if they cut the back bone out and replaced it with a single bar to fit the sporty tank down lower? I'm guessing your going for a look simmilar to it,depending on your welding skills it wouldn't be that hard to do, just weld in some jig bars to keep the frame straight lower on the frame before cutting the back bone out then position in the new bar weld and gusset it to keep the frame stiff. then cut out the the jig bars.,Might even be possiblt to fit the new bar befor cuttin out the old If I were giving someone a estimate to do it I would be thinking around 12-16 hrs . Not a huge job but if you think you might want to do it ,you will need a hole saw kit to drill/cut the new pipe to fit to the neck stock and rear post, a grinder to cut out the old and finish fit the new,and lot's of gaffer tape if you don't have a welder hahah. The pipe you cut out would be re used to gusset the new pipe so cost wise it wouldn't be verry expensive as the only part needed would be a new pipe and some welding rod. I was never much of a fan of the crusiers but I'm now thinking of doing one as I cant find a srx600 anywhere on this side and your project has me thinking of what I could do with one. Just some more food for thought.
  12. I wouldn't suggest it,how about running them to the middle of the risers(center of bars) and covering the wires from both sides with some braided covering,a service/water supply hose for a toilet can be a cheap way to get some stainless braiding cut the ends off and remove the plastic inner then it would be big enough to fit all the wires inside. then into the head light bucket that should look clean Only reason I though of this is I just had to go buy a new one cost me 8 bucks. Utube "king of random" he has a vid about how to make a spot welder from a microwave transformer,and other cool stuff
  13. Welcome Mark as you can see most have other brands of bikes + our yammies,if your getting the 175 you have come to the right place Airhead knows just about everything about them and quite popular with others here.
  14. dt502001

    Spray Painting

    Well in short 1st clean it completly of any grease/dirt ect.. 2nd get a paint mixing cup,this makes it easier to mix the hardner/thinner as the cup is marked for each. 3 spray the bottom and hard to get to places and work your way up for the first 2 coats,lay them light and alow to tack up between. 4 for the finnal coat move in a slow steady motion and look for it to be wet but not to heavy to start runs,if you get a run have some masking tape handy and pull the run off and alow to slightly tack before carring on.You can paint out the marks from pulling the run,or paint the run out to a edge then remove. 5 if it all goes to s3it grab you gun wash and whipe it all off this will save you from having to waite for it to dry and sand it all off. Best tip's I can give you is to get a air regulator/water seperator as air get compressed it collects moisture and can wreck a perfect paint job,a wee bit of water and you get fish eyes( the paint opens up in small spots right back to the first coat). on the last coat. wet down the area so no dust can float up and land in the paint,make a tempoary paint booth out of plastic sheeting. Finnaly mix up some paint anyold paint and spray anything that could use to be painted,just to get used to how the trigger works on the gun first stage only air comes out second stage paint comes with,, the amount of paint depends on how far you pull the trigger,enamel paint is easier to work with as no clear coat is needed and you can get it pre mixed,or thin to your own liking. Good luck and have fun
  15. Right now it's all guess work! 1st determin where the noise is comming from. Lift both ends F/r and see if you can hear it when rotating the wheels. as it's only a 125 you can do this by lifting it on the side stand and have someone rotate the front wheel.Then repeat with the rear wheel. once you know what is making the noise then it will be simple to fix,just to many varriables to say"it's this go fix it"
  16. Yo Feliks welcome to the site nice to have a fellow ontarioan,just up the road from you in thorndale,friday 13 was A BLAST
  17. dt502001

    off roading

    Realy Kev that's stupid ,,if your dumb enough to ride without a lid then what ever happens to you is your own dam fault.And if you want to run from the cops your dam guilty of something I too learned how to ride in what was probably considered public land,and as long as I pushed my bike to the area the cops had no problem,but if they caught you riding on the street they would just conviently/accidentaly run your bike over when they caught you and trust me they would hunt you down back in the 70's and had no problem smacking you around,before taking you home to deal with your dad who then smacked you some more.I never risked it cause I would probably still feel the smack A friend of mine was given a drivers licence at 15(leagle age is 16),just so they could give him pionts and remove his licence for 4 years for riding his bike on the street without a helmet,insurance and what ever elss,his bike was impounded by the cops and sold by his parents to pay for the fines. Time's have changed and kids now have too many rights IMO,I have never had to smack my son probably cause I give him everything,BUT he knows F#k up and he'll get one up side the head laws be damed.And he can kiss all his stuff good bye. If this young lad is old enough to hold a licence then he should act like a adult,and suffer the consequences for his actions just like the rest of us.
  18. OK larry before everyone else bust your balls for asking a question before doing a intro,might as well be a fellow canuck. Do a proprer intro just some stuff about yourself,Ie skill level,years riding,then the other peeps here will help you with what ever info you need,but post your repair questions in the workshop area.Bunch of good folks here and can crack that serial number for you but won't untill you do a INTRO
  19. Priceless rex but you forgot to add the unobtainum cell,and I can't see where you add the bidirectional ruban
  20. Nope I don't think he shot it,, thermite is realy popular down his way BOOM. haha.... what did you do/find chris?
  21. Yes no sort of.hahaha yes thats the air/fuel mix screw,no seal needed,yes it was just pushed in from the factoy but realy shouldn't be that easy to get out. As long as it dosent leak fuel you will be fine,you can take a punch and open it up a bit so it fit's good and tight,open the end that fit's in the carb
  22. dt502001


    Fecck me what a horibal thing to happen , never met you Scott but get well,keep your chin up dude through these tough times ahead.
  23. 1 and 1/4 is just a rough starting point for adjustment this is where tunning a carb comes in to play. To get it to Idle better try 1.5 turns on the pilot air screw or inbetween,you should post a picture of what screw you think is the pilot air screw is just so we are on the same page,if you turning the idle screw than it won't make it any better. The emmie tube is removed from the top side of the carb ,slide removed main jet removed then push it out.It's the part that the needle slides into as you can see there is verry small holes that if blocked will mess up the mix
  24. First thing you need to do is determin what the charging system is putting out,it may very well have been converted to 12v and if your running a 6v battery your running a risk of it blowing up form being over charged. Get a multy meter and connect it to the battery with the bike running if it is making 12+ volts then shut the bike off immidatly and get a 12 v battery before you get hurt.
  25. First thing to doo is loosen the bolts on the tripple clamps and set the tubes back straight. And re aling the trippel clamps with the handle bars straight. If the tubes are bent then you will need a dial indicator a 10 ton press and 3 v blocks
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