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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. Thanks for the replies folks, I'll get a few hours kip then have a look dt In my experience and as the song says, 'it ain't necessarily so' His last bike went through 2 cdi units, granted, with the first one the bike wouldn't run, but with the 2nd unit the engine slowly lost power and would struggle to get the revs up.
  2. Alright folks My boy informed me today that his virago is not running properly. He says it will not pull away properly and struggles to get over 60, or indeed up a hill. Before I start panicking about the CDI Unit, I'm going to check the carb bowls, plugs etc to eliminate the obvious. Just heading out to nightshift, so while I'm away any other thoughts/opinions will be welcome. Sorry for the vague symptoms, but I've not had a chance to ride the bike myself
  3. I still cant understand how someones leg can get peeled coming off a bike. Surely there must be a piercing contact all round the leg, or the skin would just tear? Anyway no matter, I always wear an open face lid, leather jacket, gloves and boots, but will often ride with jeans on. I understand the risk involved, been riding bikes since 1981, so have seen and been in a few offs (including watching my mate fly off the back of another pals gsxr wearing only a T shirt and imitation leather (plastic) jeans, with only minor abrasions). My worst road rash involved me falling out the back of a transit van wearing just jeans and a T shirt. As stated above the cleaning up process at A&E was no fun
  4. You can buy the bowden inner and outer casings to make up your own, alternatively these people are available http://www.venhill.co.uk/About_us
  5. jimmy

    Bike Lift

    What is the overall length and breadth of the lift
  6. jimmy

    carole nash

    My renewal for the Bonnie came in from Bennetts: - £126 + £20 management fee + £25 legal A few quotes online and CN came up with £161.80 including free breakdown (inc home) and free legal, and that is for my Bonnie AND the Speedtwin combined. Carole Nash for me this year (kicks in on 01/08)
  7. Went and watched a local landmark disappear. Not my video, I was on the beach http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=2A4vT2R7h_I
  8. Cheers mike The starter is still connected up at the minute, but you've got me thinking. I can probably pick up an O ring easily once I get it off.
  9. jimmy

    money no object

    Here's something else Mike. The BFC you would have used as a navaid coming home to fazzers is being blown up (down?) this evening. I'll try for some pics
  10. jimmy

    Armed police!

    Merv Luckily, other than my quali shoots, I've never even come close to using any of them in anger
  11. jimmy

    Armed police!

    I routinely carry a H&K MP7 on a daily basis at work, used to have an MP5, SA80 and Browning 9mm (not at the same time tho)
  12. jimmy

    money no object

    Haha, I dont do cars, but if I had to have a Spitfire, and money no object, it would be the Supermarine version
  13. jimmy

    money no object

    REME My whole biking Life has been xs250 (81-83) T140 (83-89 stolen) 5T (84-87) xs100 (89-2000) Triumph Legend (00-05) T140 (04-11) xj1200 (10-12) T100 (12-present) 5Ta (12-present) So all that leaves me is the bikes I listed above. I know I've owned 2 T140s in the past, but they are great bikes, so another would be in my shed.
  14. Cheers folks I'm looking for a Genny cover gasket, and a starter motor 'O' ring. I know I can pick up a gasket anywhere, but it's the O ring I need
  15. Alright folks Looking for recommendations for suppliers of Virago spares Any ideas
  16. Cheers j0hn Very old punk sounding, just my style
  17. Remembering my favourite ride, it can only be this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bB-cCYnFJU&feature=player_detailpage oh sorry, wrong type of ride, well it has to be one summer back in the 80s I was riding down to Whitby and just after Thirsk I crested Sutton Bank about 5am, and the sun was just coming up. Status Quo, Easy Rider came in my head "Easy Rider in the morning sun, are you coming here to have your fun" I was never a big Quo fan, but even now I think of that song when out on the bike http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=uT4Vgl9Z1LI
  18. Never mind the bike, what was the music on the 2nd vid
  19. jimmy

    money no object

    Triumph T110 Tiger Triumph T160 Trident Yamaha XS650 Yamaha XT500 Triumph T140 Bonneville In that particular order
  20. Great What would have made it much better would have been to post an intro in the correct area, and then post this in the correct events section, then we wouldn't think it was just some chancer looking for free Ad space and that we'll never hear from him again.
  21. Haha My girlfriend (wife now) did the same thing years ago, a great painting of a certain cat on a T shirt, then wrote Garfild at the bottom. She made me wear it tho...
  22. Thats my wifes expression every time she switches the thing on
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYE8Vjih2cs edit Doesn't work for me. I have tried posting directly in the post, and via the 'add link' button above but all I get is the address above. Ah well, no worries Cheers anyway mate
  24. As stated above, filtering is not illegal as long as it is done with due regard to the other rules of the road. Filtering past stationary traffic at 80mph would be dangerous, crossing solid whites, overtaking on zigzags, etc A month or so ago I was out a run with my boy, on crossing the Erskine Bridge we came to a long line of static traffic. Ever filtered I ask.'no' was the reply. My advice was keep a safe distance behind me (incase I get knocked off), keep your eyes peeled for folk trying to close the gap, and only take the gap if you think it is safe. Never mind if I get through it, make sure you can. Finally if at any time you want to stop filtering just pull in. The filtering lasted right up to the Balloch roundabound, so was around 8-9 miles. The boy done good.
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