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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. I was out by 56. I said 1 in her possession the rest in the helmet.....I'm sure I'm right
  2. You need to watch the Insurance dont end up classing your bike as an economical write off
  3. Spent about an hour reading and watching the vids. Still cant decide if they are brave as fek or just plain stupid
  4. jimmy

    Meme challenge

    I wasn't there but...Maybe this would have been up yours thoughts
  5. jimmy

    YOC patch

    Drewps If there is one left, gies a call, I'll take it jimmy
  6. Tommy When our dogs were sick we would give them chicken and rice, as said above, little and often, or if tinned food we would give then Chappie. Chappie is cheap but is full of fish so it stinks, but was deemed to be the best for an ill dog dt The dog was an Explosive Search dog in training, so the explosives were there for him to find and indicate on, not eat tho' so from experience I would say he failed that part of his training
  7. Tommy I worked as a Dog Handler for 14yrs and never ceased to be amazed at the resilience of dogs in recovering from injury/illness so keep your/his spirits up mate. I watched a tv programme last night about the Army Vet Corp (based in Melton Mowbray, and an old stomping ground of mine) and they had an explosive search dog who ate some explosives whilst on a training exercise. This dog was taking seizures and falling about. The vets had no antidote to the poison it ate, so just gave it food and water. A couple of days later this dog was running around like nowt had happened.
  8. jimmy

    Question for Lee

    Well you're the man in the know, Lee. Its probs just the solicitors firm trying a new style of hard sell
  9. Well fek me, threat of revealing all in a reach around has him scrapping the car.........It must have been some job
  10. My local bike shop owner Ewan Haldane. Came 3rd in the 1954 Clubmans TT, was leading until his fuel stop went awry and cost him 30s which was the time difference at the end of the race. 83yrs old now still rides almost daily and still runs his shop. He still owns the Gold Star he raced back then My mate Otto, who gave me my first solo ride on a Triumph back in 1981, and had me hooked ever since Rocket Ron Haslam, who regularly kicked everyone elses arses, especially in the wet, back in the day in the Transatlantic series
  11. jimmy

    Question for Lee

    Slice That was always my thoughts until I read the link below Lee Cheers for that, as I read it on the link, although the Ins Co will pay the costs they will chase the costs off of the original guy Click Link and open Cancel Insurance http://www.whitedalton.co.uk/motorbike-blog/
  12. Reading a thread on a.n. other messageboard Basically the thoughts were, on selling a bike with a nominal term of ins left, that it was cheaper to allow a policy to run down than it was to cancel the policy with the associated admin charges. There seemed to be an agreement that this was the way ahead, although not strictly legit. The water was muddied somewhat with a link to a case where someone left his policy to run, but the new owner crashed the bike and was not insured. Bear with me, but the original Ins company was forced to pay, and they have stated that they will be chasing up the first owner as he did not cancel the policy. He is now possibly facing financial ruin. Any thoughts/advice
  13. That would probably work, and in fact it would add to the circus look he's going for
  14. Fuck me, at 20yrs old I cant even get my boy on my insurance for a poxy wee honda civic never mind an SUV/4x4
  15. Shampoo and water, then Autosol
  16. Haha Not whilst they still allow me to cut about on twin engine RIBs and (water)Jet driven launches, I wont be. I'm happy out on the water
  17. Looking on another forum, their brush cleaner is also marked as a chain degreaser, so maybes have a look in
  18. jimmy

    Run Foamy run.

    Alright mate just stuck a wee donation in, cool runnings
  19. I worked as a Police Dog handler for 14yrs and the advice I would give to folk is dont let your dog off the lead until you have control over it. Even now if I see folk getting dragged along the road by a dog, I feel like stopping the bike/car and taking the dog off them. dt 125lbs is a big dog, my 1st working dog was 110lb long haired shepherd and then I had a Rottie weighing in at 114lb.
  20. Its not?......oh right work related urban myth A few years ago a guy at work phoned in sick. Just how sick are you he is asked... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... I'm in bed with my sister....phone went dead
  21. jimmy

    Oy Drewpy

    I removed the cap for photographic purposes only, honest, oh and I used to use old engine oil until the wife saw it and complained...spoilsport
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