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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. Hmmm I would delete this thread and not mention it to anyone
  2. jimmy

    Deja vu

    Time to get Trading Standards involved mate. If I remember correctly, you put it in the shop cos it wasn't selecting gears. £350 odd later its still not changing gears
  3. Like Motorhead, covering Sex Pistols God Save the Queen, That to me is a nice blend of the bikes I like. What parts are Triumph Thruxton (tank, and what else) and what parts are Yam
  4. it may have been glued/stuck with mastic, so you may find a clean bit on the swing arm
  5. Hey Groucho Firstly I admire your resilience, if it was me starting out (relatively speaking) and all that shit had hit me, I would have chucked bikes, so well done for sticking it out. Now is the time to start learning about bikes mate. Enough folk on here have offered to help on numerous occasions and advice was given to enlist on a bike mechanics course at college. It probably hurts to add up the cost over the last 18 months, but weigh that against the cost of a night school course and I bet you would have been quids in both monetarily and self satisfaction wise, so come on mate take the plunge now
  6. The off roaders among us will enjoy this. http://speedtracktales.wordpress.com/2013/01/23/the-price-of-fame-steve-mcqueen-and-the-isdt/ Welshwan may like the section: Mapping the ISDT
  7. The same thing happened to my boy last week. A car coming towards him with no lights on, my son flashed him to let him know. The auld cnut driving slowed right down and gave him the finger. This auld generation have no manners
  8. jimmy


    Mike It started in among Ozzie Rugby players a number of years ago. They grew moustaches in the month of November (MOvember) to raise cash and awareness of Mens' Health issues, mainly Testicular and Prostate cancer. It has since spread, firstly through Rugby clubs but now pretty much most walks of life. I usually grow mine as a bit of fun, but this is the first years I've signed up for sponsorship
  9. jimmy


    Here's my Donate site, if anyone is interested http://moteam.co/greenock-wanderers-rfc
  10. jimmy


    I cheated and started growing a beard 3 weeks ago, then shaved the excess off yesterday
  11. jimmy


    Anyone on the board do it, I've done it for the last 6 or 7 years but have never set up a giving site (I must just like have a stupid looking 'Tache) I'll post a pic later, any and all pics welcome. Obviously Sacha, Bippo and Katie are excluded.....unless they particularly wish to partake
  12. Yes I wear one and encourage my kids to do the same
  13. jimmy

    Mod 1

    Well done mate
  14. We must be from the same age group. I was never into the LC then but would love one now, but I've always been keen on the XT or SR500
  15. and me mate I remember my first time seeing a doner kebab....London 1980 and I thought it looked disgusting (I was young and innocent then), anyway slide forwards about 6 years and the 1st kebab shop opened in Gourock, and I still thought they were disgusting until one night about 3 yrs after it opened. I had rolled out the pub at late oclock and missed the chinese. The only shop open was this kebab shop. In I stagger asking if they did any 'real' food. The guy offered me a piece of doner meat to try...Well beat me with a big stick, it was the best friggin thing I had tasted in my drunk life. I'm still miffed that I had denied myself this treat for 9 years
  16. No harm done mate. We've all made mistakes in the past, some we got away with, some not so lucky
  17. Heres what I was listening to in 77/78 Its still the ringtone on my phone
  18. jimmy

    Helmet LED Mod

    Doesn't it reflect off the inside of the visor when you have it down?
  19. Strapping Calves maybe Good vid mate
  20. Saffer I would say you contact the original garage. Plan what you want to say (even to the point of writing it all down), do not lose your rag no matter how annoyed you get. Give them a chance to diagnose the fault and see what they're going to do about it. Then take it from there. If no joy contact either citizens advice centre, or even trading standards and go from there. But first contact the original garage
  21. If you mean other than a car theory test the answer is Yes. My boy went through his last year and his cbt was c£120 including bike hire, cant remember the cost of part 1 and 11 but it was £60 for a two hour bike lesson, once again including bike
  22. Lots of Scottish sweary words tho, so if you have kids around, or sensitive ears, be warned
  23. That'll make it easier for you then, kev, not calling out the wrong name at the wrong time
  24. jimmy

    Handle bar grips!

    Mybe Katie has some Lobster lineage in her
  25. I put my wife out to 'work' one time. She came home with £75 and 50p. "What cheapskate gave you 50p" says I. "All of them" says Carol.......
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