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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. jimmy

    1976 DT175C

    Looking good sach, and welcome back
  2. Good tip mate. I'll make a mental note of that
  3. My transport at work takes 1200lts in both its tanks and when giving it big licks (sorry, making best speed), can burn up to 200lts per hour
  4. I don't know if an 88 model would have a separate oil tank or if it's premix in the tank. I would think the latter and if so you'll need to add 2t oil when filling with petrol. Not sure of the ratio, some of the 2t gurus will be along soon and give better advice
  5. Hi If you haven't run it for a while it may be that the carb has gummed up with the additives in modern petrol. An Italian tune up* may work, failing that a strip down and all jets, airways etc will need cleared. * Give it a good thrashing
  6. Yip 380 odd posts and there is still no decision.....Imagine if we were talking about what oil to use in a bike or summit
  7. I had a similar issue with an old xs1100. Turns out there was a crack in one of the coils which would open when hot.
  8. Following on from that advice, remove your tank, or at least cover it, then loosen off the banjo union at the master cylinder and try to pump the lever then. Fluid will piss out so make sure your paintwork is protected. If there is still no movement from there then the m/c will need overhauled
  9. Lall I appreciate the work you and numan have put into this and as you ask, I preferred the grey with red print from the earlier attempts, however I dont want you to get fekked about with loads of different styles and colours
  10. The screaming blue is too much for me mate
  11. Hmmm Number 3 is too garish for me, think I'll opt out
  12. jimmy

    My Bobber project

    Can you post a video so we can all hear the sound of those pipes mate
  13. Yip Firstly make sure the new bearings are in your freezer, then.. Ensure you have removed any circlip or retaining clips. Then get a drift that's longer than the width of the hub and with a smaller diameter than the spindle (I have an old socket extension bar, ideal for the purpose). Fit this through one bearing and catch the lip of the inside edge of the opposite bearing. Drift out with a hammer. Turn wheel over and repeat for the other one. On refitting remove one bearing from the freezer, and using either the auld bearing or a suitably sized socket gently tap in the bearing until it sits on the lip squarely. Once again turn the wheel over and REMEMBERING to refit any spacers that were in the hub, and iirc there is one on the SR, repeat the process for the new bearing. Job done
  14. Didn't realise it was your first bike MOT, lesson learnt then mate. I do agree about inexperience tho. The 1st year or so of my bike ownership I used the MOT to tell me what was wrong with the bike
  15. Andrew I would question why you would present a bike for MOT with these, easy to find/fix faults
  16. jimmy

    My Bobber project

    Looking good mate, but I would need some padding on the seat. Years of Rugby, auld bikes and RIBs means a fekked back. Did you keep all the original stuff of flog it as you went along
  17. From leaflet INF104 http://www.direct.gov.uk/prod_consum_dg/groups/dg_digitalassets/@dg/@en/@motor/documents/digitalasset/dg_067666.pdf Motorcycles and tricycles There are separate provisions for motorcycles and tricycles. This means, motorcycles registered from 1 September 2001 must only display a number plate at the rear of the vehicle. Motorcycles registered before 1 September 2001 can display a number plate at the front, but do not have to. The number plate must be a “2-line” number plate and must be displayed on all motorcycles registered on or after 1 January 1973. Tricycles derived from four-wheeled bodies, such as saloon cars and quad bikes must meet the normal requirements above. Tricycles derived from motorcycles must meet the requirements for motorcycles shown below. Character height 64mm Character width (except the figure 1 or letter I) 44mm Character stroke 10 mm Space between characters 10mm Space between groups 30mm Top, bottom and side margins (minimum) 11mm Vertical space between groups 13mm
  18. Well done mate. Was it the diaphragm that was fugged
  19. John As I understand it, if it has never been declared SORN then you dont have to. However I see no harm in SORNing it as they have done away with the requirement to renew SORN annually
  20. I like this pic if any of the tech geeks guys can remove the background using that foatieshoappy thing
  21. Dont skip it. Its good for getting the chimnea going
  22. A dull start to the day (or should it be end, as I'm on my way home from nightshift)
  23. Katie Just back from the pub, read your post and laughed, read it once more and laughed again....thanks
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