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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. and plenty of photos as you go along. DTs advice of one at a time is excellent but sometimes we get carried away and start pulling wires, these photos will help if you fall foul to the enthusiasm
  2. Whoo hoo, That will save me a shit load of commuting time. I live about 8 miles from my work as the crow flies, but as the mighty river clyde separates home from work I have to travel 52 miles each way by road
  3. That wasn't Cops, it was the Royal Signals
  4. Well done mate. As you know, following a bad experience, I fugging hated my xs250 back in the day, but your xs looks stunning mate, oh and happy birthday
  5. jimmy

    Mods and Rockers

    Dont know, I'm not a TV Programmer
  6. jimmy

    Mods and Rockers

    2100hrs tonight on BBC4
  7. I sponsored foams as well, but whether he did the half marathon or not, as long as he donated the money to his cause then thats ok
  8. I used one on my Speedtwin (single carb model) but it never made much of a difference
  9. Welcome to the nuthouse girl
  10. Well in the absence of killer ants, I used this before his battery expired
  11. Take it to any good paint supplier and they will match it
  12. Welcome to the forum mate My pal is also called cheds, his name being crawford, as in crawford cheddars
  13. Welcome to the forum mate
  14. A good decision there mate, but I'm biased. Spares are plentiful and reasonably priced as well. The price of T140s have always lagged behind other Triumphs but they have been going up over the last year or 3 so make your move sooner rather than later mate.
  15. Well done mate, obviously you did a good job on it, making it easy for the guy to buy it.
  16. Falling off regularly reminds me of my first couple of months on the road as a 17 year old. I kept falling off in the wet and it took me a wee while to realise I shouldn't be thrashing up to junctions and then slamming on my brakes at the last minute. After about half a dozen mirrors and fek knows how many indicator stems later I started to understand the physics of friction, or the lack of, regarding rubber and wet tarmac
  17. as long as it does not say 'Not for Road Use'
  18. Is the thread totally fekked. Can you not just run a 6mm tap down it to clean the existing threads
  19. or the two girls 'sharing' a nice cup of the stuff
  20. Well done mate, now enjoy the rest of your (riding) life great intro by the way
  21. Welcome to the forum claire, where you at
  22. ...and they may want to invest in a T shirt
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