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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. jimmy

    Lock picking.

    Kind off related, but a few years ago, away on a rugby trip I lost my car keys and didnt have a spare set. I couldn't order a new key as the code card was inside the car (organised, me I am) and no-one would try to open the car ( You cant get into cars nowadays mate, the security is massive, was the common reply). Anyway, after trying all the 'legit' garages, I gave my mate a call and when I met him at the rugby club, he opened the door in about 3 seconds flat. I retrieved the card and asked him if he could lock the door................"I don't do locking" was his reply. We all need mates like that eh
  2. I wouldn't go for the 250. I will be soooo underpowered. My boy has the 535 virago, and whilst he's happy with it (it's his first 'big' bike) I would go for the 650 or above dragstar.
  3. jimmy

    Psychic Wizard

    I had Ivan the Terrible, he didn't
  4. jimmy

    Free hammer

    More speed less haste as my auld man used to say
  5. jimmy

    Yamaha XS250 1978

    I owned and XS250cw, the one with the rounder tank, but I couldn't say it it vibrated or not as the fekker would never start............."move on jim, move on"
  6. jimmy

    Fuel prices "

    neversaydie This one is slightly different in that the Saudis are actively lowering the price of crude oil. The reason being is that the Great Satan, sorry the US, is now self sufficient in oil due to fracking. The Saudis have costed a barrel of crude oil, recovered by fracking at $80, so they are trying to bring the price down below that so it is uneconomical and the US will then start to tow the line and buy their oil back off the Arabs. Unfortunately as everyone else has stated, we will not see the benefit of this
  7. jimmy

    Fuel prices "

    and you have a huge supply of burgers and sausages
  8. jimmy

    Fuel prices "

    ...and the Gov take about 60p per litre irrespective of the price, so them telling the oil companies to drop their price will not affect what the gov take in tax. Oh and if it drops below a certain price, 85p I think, then the gov say they will put their fuel escalator back on so their cut goes up by the rate of inflation plus 1p per litre. Then theres vat on top of all we pay
  9. I don't know what's up with it matey, but it must be urgent right enough, cos he couldn't even hang about long enough to post a wee intro.
  10. Hi steve My preferred method is through photobucket (pb). Open pic on pb click on 'get links', copy 'direct'. Once thats done open your post on this forum click on the little picture icon, below the smileys and paste the copied link into that box, click ok and the pic should appear on your post
  11. My boy has 4 guitars, a 5 octave keyboard, a mini squeeze-box, a bodhran (Celtic drum) and a didgereedoo!!! but no drum kit. I stopped short on that request
  12. I have a banjo, a mandolin and a banjolin (basically a banjo with a very short neck) although the vellum has split on this and I have stripped it down. I have a new vellum here and have been watching youtube, learning how to fit the new one.
  13. drool, drool....Triumphs and Yams....drool, drool
  14. Well I'm certainly not fast, but am progressing (slowly)
  15. Back in the day I was travelling down to Whitby on my Bonnie. About 3 or 4 miles outside the town I rolled to a halt. The barrel off the end of the throttle cable had broken off. So with a bit of Heath Robinson thinking, I picked up a small twig, wrapped the cable round that and taped it to my twistgrip. That bodge done me my weeks holiday, back up the road and about 3 weeks after that before I got a new cable. I always have a spare one now tho'
  16. Probably mate. They told me it would be sixty, now they are saying 67....buggers
  17. Very nice mate, my boy has the epiphone version in the same sunburst colour scheme. Me I settled for this Bought when over in Ireland back in August
  18. I just checked mine out and all seems in order, although they are telling me that everything expires on 20th April 2034....Does that mean they know when I'm going to die....Big Brother is watching
  19. Well meat, if your avatar is a fair reflection of you and not just some mad scientists idea of a crazed hillbilly, then no wonder they were staring
  20. A great thread with a great conclusion. As folk have said, now it's up and running throw away any ideas of selling it on
  21. "Agree with the above sentiments 'I was in the right' just doesn't cut it on your grave stone" Yea, we meet the same attitudes out in the water. Bloody great big warships or Tankers sailing up and some stupid yachtie just sails in front. When you speak with thme their answer is "I'm in the right, power gives way to sail" Yea tell it to the fishes
  22. Yip, set up to record, thanks for that
  23. jimmy

    Yamaha XS250 1978

    You are correct Tommy. Although I wish it was different, as I bought my xs250cw (the one with the bigger tank) and loved the look of it and for the first few months it was love.....Then it all went wrong Unk....Sorry to sound harsh mate, no personnel offence was meant
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