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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. jimmy

    Frame paint ??

    I go with powder coating when I'm doing my auld bikes. It works out about £75 for a large bike frame
  2. Welcome to the nuthouse mate, although with 4 kids, this is probably a bit of sane escapism jimmy (3 kids)
  3. Well today was my first non wet, non windy day since about November, and as my rugby game got called off I decided to dig out the bike and go for a run. Great plan until I opened the shed door and it looked as if a bomb had been set off inside. For the last few months I have been converting my garage into a bedroom (hence the reason for the big shed) and it appears I have been just piling all the junk in my shed, so a serious clean out was in order. 4 hours later, the junk all removed and some rejigging of the shelves has freed up a load of floor space so I'm a reasonably happy bunny. Oh and my bike started after a few turns of the engine so it would appear petrol does not go off as quick as some folk would have you think. Maybe get a run out tomorrow
  4. jimmy

    Few upgrades

    Grouchy, your money, your decision mate, but get your full licence before more changes are brought in...You know it makes sense, nice bike btw
  5. sorry mate, I had just posted a couple of pics, so it was fresh in my mind
  6. When you click on the 'get links' copy the 'direct' then back on your post run the cursor over the image icon (below and to the left of the smiley icon). Paste in the url box and click ok. You should then see the picture in your post. Finally click post
  7. jimmy

    Back to work

    I worked my normal 4 on 4 off, so was working both Christmas and New Year. Back again tomorrow, ho hum
  8. No, no-one brave enough on that day, he is away to Norway for a rally at the minute and plans to ride it on his return.
  9. That is John Young from the Triumph Triples onLine forum. He owns a huge number of T150/160 Tridents as well as NVT Ramblers and Easy Riders
  10. Is it a new/different computer. I know if I access the forum at work, thats the display I get due to the security settings
  11. jimmy

    A Guid New Year

    Didn't the game get rained off.....after we beat youse at murrayfield as well
  12. jimmy

    A Guid New Year

    Still up and enjoying the rerun of BBC4s TOTPs 1979 and Beer
  13. Tommy I'm on a RHIB refresher course Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Nights on the Saturday. If you're leaving early doors saturday you're welcome to get the Western ferries from Sandbank to Gourock, about a mile from my house and come up for your dinner before heading home
  14. Tommy I'm off the 24th but back on on the 25th. If you are getting the ferry across to Dunoon, you can stop at mine for your tea or summit stronger
  15. jimmy

    A Guid New Year

    Whoo hoo Just finished my nightshifts (and very bouncy they were too) and now off for 4 so my New Year starts now....Beer anyone
  16. Well done mate, have fun and stay safe If you need advice on running it in, I'm sure grouchy can help you
  17. jimmy

    A Guid New Year

    ...and just heard the best line of the year (well of my year) There was once a Scotsman who loved his wife that much, he almost told her.......... The jocks will understand
  18. jimmy

    A Guid New Year

    Well that was the year that was, here's to '14 A Guid New Year to ain an' a' An' mony may ye see! An durin' a' the years tae come Oh happy may ye be! And may ye' ne'er hae cause tae mourn To sigh and shed a tear! To ain an' a', bath great and sma' A Happy, Guid New Year
  19. Well done then mate. btw I didnt mean that in a bad way
  20. Well done mate, a great looking bike..................but nobody gets nowt for nowt, what's the good lady after?
  21. Merry Christmas folks, and spare a thought for this poor cnut who has to work 7/7 nights
  22. jimmy

    New toy :D

    Well done mate. We could almost start a TOMCC wing of the YOC
  23. Tommy Is that your xs400. No kickstart? I had an xs250 back in 1981 and I tell you, if that pig never had a kickstart I would have set it on fire on many an occasion. I had always thought the 400 had a k/s as well. Live and learn tommy, live and learn
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