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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. jimmy

    Then and Now

    Very good tommy. My first bike was an xs250cw bought, 1981, from wheeled machines in Glasgow. Unfortunately I never had as much fun on mine as you appear to have. Mine was a dog and would never start. I was always last out of the shipyards having flattened the battery then exhausted my leg kicking the fucker......Its saving grace was I passed my test in December 81. By contrast, my pal bought an xs250 us custom and he never had an ounce of bother with his. Maybe mine was a monday morning bike
  2. In todays Politically correct world, this has to be the quote of the year, or any other year dt says the way you jump around is like a retard in a room full of bouncey balls,oo look there's one oh a blue one no a red one, I like yellow???
  3. Some form of job satisfaction is essential mate, well done
  4. My 2 favourite spirits mate
  5. jimmy

    So True

    Most probably, but I couldn't be arsed hunting for it, and it passed the DDT scrutineering
  6. He may well have done, but my answer would have been the same
  7. Wrap it in a blanket and put it in the tumble drier........
  8. ....quickly turns off webcam.......
  9. Prior to stopping you he would have carried out a pnc check using your registration. If he had entered the wrong details then it would have shown up as something completely different, so would have asked a lot of questions there, therefore I would assume that his book will have the correct details Back in 1981 my mate and I got stopped on his bike. He had bought his bike brand new, but the shop had provided the wrong number on the reg plate, so when we got stopped it came up as a volkswagen van (coincidentally, it was a stolen van) and me and my mate got detained back at the nick until the whole thing was settled.
  10. You mean you cant I had edited a post a wee while ago and was then told I had edited it. I just assumed (and you know what they say about assuming) that the mods could tell, oh well back to unfettered editing
  11. Sorry mate, I thought you had already paid. Well you have the option to go to court with it, but as I've said when the cop presents his evidence he will give the correct details, and the ticket will not form part of his evidence. However it's your money, so your decision
  12. Instead of nuts and bolts, I prefer a length of chain that way its easier to remove. Not tried it myself but I've read of folks recommending flat cola. Fill the tank with cheap supermarket cola, leave for a day or so then rinse. As I say not tried it myself edited to add an n (since I found out the mods can tell if you've edited a post)
  13. If it was a fixed penalty, as far as I remember (haven't done one in years) the only thing that may void it it the court code. The cop will have noted the correct registration in his notebook and if he carried out a PNC check then the details will be there as well. The FP notice is just a chance for you to avoid court and if it went to court any mistake will have been rectified beforehand. As you have paid it anyway, it does not matter
  14. I'd best man up or I'll be getting bitch slapped by Batman
  15. Haha A few years ago I suffered a family bereavement and on my return to work I was sent to the 'head' doctor to assess my fitness to carry firearms. At one stage he says 'you carry firearms on your boat, have you ever thought of harming yourself' My reply to this 'oh the list is long before I get to my own name'.... He saw the funny side and I was passed fit
  16. jimmy

    Betty bit me!!!

    Noise Looking at your pics that was always going to happen. As long as you and Betty are ok, no harm done
  17. Having missed it last year and reading all the craic I would have liked to have made it this time, unfortunately just looked at my work planner and I an am working that weekend so ho hum.
  18. Yip, just clicked on a button and was duly ridiculed
  19. jimmy

    Then and Now

    Mrs Jimmy back in 83 and last year
  20. jimmy

    Then and Now

    DirectGov shows it as First registered on 19-03-'58. 500cc & maroon Tax due to expire
  21. Over here, it was told that it was the two fingers (a finger either side of the arrow fletches) and that was how the V sign came about
  22. jimmy

    Then and Now

    Thats what I was hoping for mate, so get posting all you auld gits. I missed Burns Night, Nightshift
  23. jimmy

    Then and Now

    Looking through some old pics last night, excuse the quality but I don't have a scanner First up, my eldest back in 2000 Then last year on his 19th birthday finally me back in '83 when I was 19
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