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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. ....or just plain nuts http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13944598249138&key=95548d06b1f9b524a1f5ab6f4eac193f&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fmembers5.boardhost.com%2Fclassicbikemart%2Fmsg%2F1394445289.html&v=1&libId=269668a4-cc92-4a50-805c-9fc6fd1d9f2f&out=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fvideo%2Fembed%3Fvideo_id%3D137735646386035&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fmembers5.boardhost.com%2Fclassicbikemart%2Findex.html%3F1394459569&title=IKBA.co.uk%20Messages%3A%20Me%20coming%20back%20from%20the%20pub%20on%20my%20pushbike.&txt=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fvideo%2Fembed%3Fvideo_id%3D137735646386035
  2. Aldi are doing security cameras, and I think lighting, at the minute. I was looking at the camera, but not sure if it has a recording facility, will need to pop in the shop
  3. Ah, ok then. I thought it looked like its big cousins and was an wee elsie
  4. Foamy Would this be of help http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RD-80-LC-complete-running-engine-10-000-miles-10X-RD80LC-Yamaha-electrics-Cdi-/151248478822?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts_13&hash=item23371ca266
  5. No probs tommy, hopefully I'll get to one of the gatherings mate.....Oh and you were right about the BMWs
  6. Kev, There's a bloke on you tube does them for Triumph primary casings, so why not. In fact I just bought a set of hollow punches for the same reason http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=NDOcR592-Fw
  7. Hey Bipps I gave him a shot of my Bonnie, so it may be another Triumph dude on t'forum
  8. He says it was good, and appeared to have a great time, but I dont want to steal his thunder Well when this fella came off the ferry, I thought that must be ar kid
  9. Just shared a cup o' tea with our tommy and he's heading back home the noo.
  10. jimmy

    My Bobber project

    Looking good mate, although I would have the bars following the lines of the forks (but then my taste is in my arse, as t'wife says))
  11. Well done airman, but check the date
  12. jimmy

    Then and Now

    Cheers mate, just curious was all. Yea I had to get my auld man to go guarantor for my bike, an xs 250. I sat the same test and the only memorable thing was doing the slow walking pace part, my examiner had a limp so to a young very impatient dude it was the slowest walking pace ever, probably not tho' Happy Days indeed mate
  13. jimmy

    Then and Now

    Carl, As a matter of interest, can you remember why you chose a 100cc bike. Everyone I knew, myself included, went straight on to a 250
  14. I've never done it, but changing from 6v to 12v is quite common on auld Brit bikes
  15. Tommy If you're coming from Oban via Inveraray when you reach the Western Ferries, drive past for about 1/2 to 1 mile. There is a shop on the left hand side with the ferry symbol outside. If you buy your ticket there you'll save about 1/3 of what it costs buying it on the ferry
  16. Kinda forgot about the licence part. Yes its more than ok mate. I'm nights on Saturday and off Sunday so I'll be up anyway mate. Just gies a call when you're at Dunoon and I'll meet you at this end mate
  17. Alright mate.You're almost there. When you click on get links, copy the 'Direct' code and put that in the image box ta daaa
  18. Well done mate...Result. Suppose it's just like hiring a van. If you forget the paper part, my local van hire mob call DVLA and charge you £2.50 for the privilege.
  19. A few years ago my bike broke down outside a pub. Called the AA and took about an hour to get to me, only to say he'd have to go back for a trailer. 'How long mate?', '2 hours' says he. I'll be in there, nodding in the direction of the pub. Couple of hours later, he has the pleasure of a drunk Jimmy and mrs (then miz) Jimmy to cart home....ah the good auld days
  20. jimmy

    Then and Now

    Not me and not mine, but a good 'then' pic all the same
  21. Good selection of his videos there drewy, I'm the kind of boring guy that likes that kind of shit
  22. I had to replace my licence* recently, the 10 year rip off, and it took a week for the turnaround so you would be cutting it fine tommy. I have scans of my paper licence for sending off to new insurers etc, dunno know if you have that, or even if they would accept it**. * I had heard some stories of folk sending off their photo licence and it coming back with no motorcycle entitlement on it and with no proof they had to resit the testing process, luckily I had lost mine and lo and behold I found it soon after my new licence, with the bike on it, arrived, would you credit it. **Rather than it going to waste, I'm sure me or one of the other 'scotch lads' could turn up for you
  23. jimmy


    I try to use correct punctuation and spelling, but I'm not too bothered if others don't. I do struggle to understand what some folk are trying to say when all spelling and punctuation are missing tho'
  24. 'tis what I've advised all along
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