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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. Haven't laughed for so long or for so loud in ages HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  2. I dont have a satnav and prefer maps, however if going somewhere new I will scroll through google street view to pick out landmarks near any junctions etc
  3. Very nice mate, and I would say worthy of more than one post
  4. Quick numan, delete that, we don't want this thread going down that route
  5. Happy St Georges day folks, we can all be individuals within our collective Union, stronger together
  6. No issues there numan, get foamy to start another T shirt thread then lose interest, you then take over and pop a few 'designs' on the forum watch every cnut argue for 3 or 4 months before finally settling on one then your money comes pouring in Surely there must be quicker ways to getting your insulation
  7. Looking Good mate, what size is the big one- 17' x 10'? I don't know what the weather is like in Micronesia but I would go for insulation, warm(er) in winter, cool in summer and will help cut out any condensation which feeds the dreaded rust worm
  8. Where are the carpets going on your bike
  9. As above mate, at least you're ok.
  10. If you've polished the tank with the cap on it can get blocked. If you run the bike and it starts bogging down, open the cap and see if it helps
  11. Basic one, but whilst doing the tank work and polishing did you ensure the vent hole on the filler cap has not been blocked
  12. 2 of my very good friends mate, and a happy 65th to your good self Anyway after a weekend of fun food and alcohol, it finally arrived and with it arrived a few goodies for my auld bike The Johnnie Walker was from one of my boat crew, to cheers to him
  13. This was us arriving in Arran for the Rugby 7s, half cut by 11am and then decided to play in a couple of the games. Getting too old for this shit If you're not goanny be on a bike then this is surely the next best thing, and now it's barbie time
  14. Unscrew the lead from the plug cap and using a stanley knife or similar cut off 10 mm from the end of the lead. If the other end is screwed into the coil, as opposed to being bonded in, then trim that end as well
  15. It will be water condensation, nowt to worry about there. When you changed the plugs, did you check the leads did not get disturbed either at the cap or the coil. Either way take the plug cap off and trim about 10mm off the end of the leads
  16. Cheers folks Happy 65th Mike and happy ?? to numan John, Buckie never made it to Greenock / Gourock we remained faithful to Eldorado, although mad dog make a small impact for a year or two
  17. I dont have any experience with the FJ, but I've owned both an xs1100 and an xjr1200 and both of them left me regretting selling them. They also outperformed my abilities (even the xs with it's rubber frame)
  18. Well folks, today starts the celebrations leading up to the Queens* birthday on Monday. I'm off work until next wednesday and am about to head to the pub to start my homage to HM. I intend to be mainly drunk until then, so if at any time I post anything offensive or out of character or personally offensive to anyone then I apologise in advance. Sometimes my sensitivity filter gets switched off with alcohol. Oh forgot to say, I share my birthday with auld Lizzie and as its a mid century milestone I intend to make the most of it....
  19. A great run home from work this morning with the sunrise over Loch Lomond
  20. Looking at them I cuss my stupid young self who decided he wanted an xs250, I mean a fugging xs250, instead of an elsie. Hindsight is a wonderful fugging thing........
  21. They do bike boots as well now I've wore Docs for years and even now I still hum the tune to 'Hersham Boys' when I tie them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCzPzZ2eRW8
  22. Copies of Lester Alloys as supplied with my T140D Special Sorry for the poor quality picture but it's over 30 year old. Oh and looking at it, that straight through mega was LOUD
  23. Nice looking motorcycles mate
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