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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. Do you have a design, colour, writing on the back, size or possible delivery date
  2. jimmy

    Nailed It!

    Well done Bipps
  3. Alright Al Firstly I assume you know a wee bit about bikes (assume cos you didnt post an intro ) so the bike was running before you worked on it. Did you pull the plugs to see if it was sparking or if they were wet. If dry and sparking put a small amount of fuel down the plughole to see if it fires if so then it's back to your carb rebuild
  4. Cheers for the replies folks, In the main they mirror my thoughts but as I have put myself through part 1 and 2 of the promotion process (I did this a few years ago, but then promotion stalled), I'll go for the interview and if successful I'll make my decision then
  5. I posted this question earlier on another message board I visit. I received a number of replies but would like to see what our guys and girls think on here As some of you may know I while away my working life working as a Sergt/Cox'n on a Police Launch on the Clyde. It is a job I find very enjoyable with different levels of challenges each time I slip my moorings. I seldom come home fed up with the job, which I hear from a lot of my land based colleagues. Anyway I have been invited to attend an interview at the end of this month with the prospect of promotion, if successful. This would mean leaving the Marine Unit and being confined to mainly driving a desk. I don't see much enjoyment in that. So what price job satisfaction. On a basic monthly wage I would be slightly better off and with around 10 years til retirement I would get a slightly better pension, however in real terms I have not had a basic wage for a number of years so would in monthly real terms take a paycut for 2 - 3 years (although I would have my full quota of 'days off' each month). I will fully prepare for the interview and if successful, will make my decision then but anyone got any thoughts on this
  6. Cheers mate. I can get access to a set of spring compressors so I'll have a look at that
  7. jimmy

    yamaha chappy

    Probably not many folk familiar with this model. Can you post a pic of the offending item
  8. 535 Virago Anyone know if its possible to change the rear shocks springs. The one on the bike were obviously cheap and the chrome has worn out just leaving the nickel plating. If I can split them I'll get them powder coated
  9. Having had similar experiences, I now have a drawer I store all new stuff in awaiting fitting
  10. As you live in Aberdeen area and Hull is approx 400 miles away, let your run to the ferry be the judge. If you can handle that without feeling fekked on the boat then thats your yardstick
  11. Cheers for the replies folks. Good link as well, ordered two tyres from them
  12. No issues with that. First UK registration was 2003. My Speedtwin shows declared manufactured 1959, First registered 1984. It still qualifies for the MOT exempt and nil cost Road tax
  13. Any recommendations, need a set of tyres for my boys 535. Looking at choices, Heidenbau seem to be getting pushed by some. Anyone used / heard of them
  14. I bought something like that a number of years ago. A length of hose about 10" long with one end blanked off and that same end had a small slit cut into it. The blanked end was placed in a jar with some fluid (ensuring the fluid covered the slit, ahem), then you pumped away to your hearts content
  15. jimmy

    Virago 535

    Yea, easy fix...dodgy plug replaced and away it went......
  16. My boy tells me he went out to start his bike this weekend after the winter lay up. Bike only fired on the rear cylinder. It was running well when he put it in the shed. Now I plan to look at it today. Firstly I'll check for a spark then try and change the coils round before anything else but owt else I should be looking at
  17. Back home, feeling rough, knackered and fat. I have consumed more alcohol and junk food over the last 3 weekends than I would normally have in about 6 months. Added to that I had laid off the running over the same period so must have put on a load of weight (feart to stand on the scales) Ah well, reality dawns
  18. Well to finish of my burthday celebrations, me and 8 mates from the rugby club are flying out to Portugal tomorrow morning. Getting picked up at 0330hrs for the airport so expect to be on the beer by 0415........Yipeeeeeeee. See you lot on Sunday
  19. Well get it on Fleabay mate, cos I'm out as well. PM sent
  20. Yea and I agree with you
  21. Very nice mate. Are you putting in more power points, maybe for beer fridge, security camera, music box away from the work area. Oh can you post a link to the floor tiles mate
  22. jimmy

    Unridables Part 2

    Ron Haslam was my favourite rider, my memory tells me he was unbeatable in the wet, but probably not
  23. Get someone to machine up a sleeve for you
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