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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. jimmy


    From the album: jimmys' album

    Happy Birthday
  2. jimmy


    From the album: jimmys' album

    The oldest boy, and his wee sister
  3. Slice Whilst I'm more than happy to munch my way through a kebab or two, I dont eat chocolate, deep fried or otherwise. A couple of months ago I played in a rugby sevens tournament, then the next weekend I played in a full 15 a side game. These two weekends bridged my 50th birthday, so not bad for someone with such a National stereotype to fill
  4. and so on topic its unbelievable, but here's my Bonnie tank with its very own Huntsman
  5. jimmy


    See post #5
  6. Birmingham bags, short sleeve shirt all with a tartan strip down the seams
  7. Yea, it's a 2 stroke thing. BSA Bantams were particularly keen on it
  8. jimmy


    or a tub of tyre soap, which doesn't contain salt. Anyway tyre now back on bike so we're good to go
  9. You should have tried the auld trick of calling her by the wifes name, then held on tight
  10. My xs250, although funnily enough it never started off that way. I was chuffed to f**k the day I bought it and negotiated my way through a city I had only ever visited on a train (no training required then). Anyway my relationship went down hill quite steadily until it got to the point I wanted to burn the feggin thing One time I had just got it resprayed and was going to pick up my gf, when I stopped the bike to wait for her the thing wouldn't start again.I got so frustrated with it I hit it a kick on the freshly painted tank only to leave a perfect Doc Marten footprint, which then became a talking point and was still there when I sold it In hindsight if the interweb and this forum was about then I reckon I could have had a better time with the auld bi*ch
  11. Welcome to the nuthouse mate
  12. Aahhh Vinegar My wife is constantly going on about all the invaluable uses of vinegar. I thought it was only good on your chips
  13. The price of a box of matches
  14. jimmy


    Well 10 days later and its still not fixed. My shift pattern changed to mon-fri so I couldn't get into the local bike shop. Eventually sent my boy in but the shop is closed for the Fair Holidays......Ordered an inner tube from flea bay and it arrived on thursday so took it in to the guy that does my car tyres but he's shut so went round the other car tyre places but no-one would touch it....as I said FFS Need to order myself a decent set of tyre levers so I can deal with any future punctures
  15. Why???? The money you waste on this shit, get yourself a full licence, then build a real chop/rat/cafe
  16. Welcome to the forum mate Burn It.......
  17. Haha A few years ago I worked as a dog handler and my job was getting dragged into the 21st Century and we were all getting computer access. They hired an 'expert' to get us all logged on, 2 at a time(important that I had an audience). Anyway when the guy was setting my account he asked me for an 8 digit password that I would remember, I piped up with a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h and kept my face straight as he tried to convince me to pick another, I didn't....
  18. When you crank it over with the plug out and touching the cylinder head, is the spark a big fat blue one or a weak yellow one. I'll go down the route of the CDI (don't I always) and this is because my boys SR displayed the same symptoms. Wouldn't start on the button, but would bump start and run like shit
  19. Good point, well made katie. Her name is still used as a curse in my part of the country...although if it wasn't for her I would still be bashing lumps of metal together instead of driving about the Clyde on fast boats and RIBs
  20. Good on you mate. My eldest is quite a good musician and plays guitar, piano/keyboards and trumpet. I have been trying the mandolin for a few years but not very good. He picked it up and after a few minutes getting the feel rattled out Johnny come lately by Steve Earle..... Me and t'missus did draw the line at a drum kit tho, so well done there.
  21. Drewps Any update...I just noticed your signature stating 5v (deceased)
  22. As sexy as he'll what, andrew, do we just fill in our own blanks
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