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Everything posted by DkD

  1. DkD

    Re-Applying ACF-50

    +1 : Given current weather, I hose off the crap after a ride and don't bother with cleaning / reapplying ACF. Then do a proper bike clean every 2/3 weeks with re-applying the ACF-50 then.
  2. Right sod it, will give it a wide berth and put the 25 quid towards a new headlight bulb or something.. Cheers!
  3. Hi all, Any views on whether it's worth utilising Microsoft's January's offer at a discount upgrade for Windows 7 users to Windows 8. (I'm thinking of my pc & laptop none of which are touch screen!). Love the idea of it being faster to load up and shut down but no 'start' menu option isn't good. pleased to hear.....
  4. "Like Bollywood meets Frank Spencer." - Quality!!!!
  5. DkD

    GB and the EU

    "Cameron promises a referendum by the end of 2017 IF THEY WIN THE NEXT ELECTION... " I personally cannot see the UK being 'allowed' to leave the EU even if they wanted too. It will take years and the restructuring process will be too expensive & further time consuming. Big publicity stunt I feel to get confidence votes.
  6. DkD

    Tesco Burgers

    I tried them Tesco Value burgers the other day.... .... gave me the trots!
  7. Don't forget that being a new bike the brakes won;t be fully bedded in so allow for that and most new tyres have some protective film on them and need a few miles to wear off so may be extra slippery. Either way best of luck and keep your wits about you. Being warm is vital too so layer up and if you are uncomfortable, pull over and adjust.
  8. Dam - it's been removed..
  9. The blokes a legend.... Although not the brightest spark (someone had to say it!)
  10. Ducking hell he's a quick little dude.... fast food?
  11. DkD


    Tried making wine when I was a student and it tasted like paint stripper. 9 bottles drank in 2 days (5 of us).. great laugh but ill for about 4 days after. Go for it!!!!
  12. Tried it last week. Got 12 feet before the back slid on some black ice in the dark. Stock tyres and shite lights on the YBR, so I went home, changed my underwear and took the crappy train into work. Brave souls who ride in the winter - stay safe & cautious. Will take the bike out at weekends for a little spin but life's too short for those kind of risks personally.
  13. DIY & research here too..... of course all depends on the size of the job!
  14. No wonder the water is brown!!
  15. DkD

    xmas shopping

    Cracking memory on him too....
  16. DkD

    new dog

    see you;ve had his nuts chopped too...
  17. Cracking right up there Old Man River... absolutely love the YBR custom (I have a full license and I;m not ashamed to say I take the custom out for spin regularly!).
  18. Dave, life's too short to worry about money .. specially with dealers. J&S are good guys and they do price match other stores so no harm in having a look there / doing a price comparison and you are under no pressure to buy then and there. Fully agree though, you have to try all the gear on as comfort is a priority (as is safety of course). A3 is a right bugger and Richmond Park is lovely just mind those cyclists - they ride all over the place (mainly due to the crap surface) - oh and the occasional dear bolting but fantastic ride none the less.. Happy riding!!
  19. Hi Funtime Dave, Congratulations on the dream purchase.... Good luck with the test and hope you love every minute on the bike. Just watch out on the A3 & Putney High street - some right mindless fouls on the roads around there.. .
  20. DkD

    Getting pulled over

    Been told that the police wont turn on the blues & twos until they believe it's safe for the driver to pull over (unless said driver is driving recklessly!).
  21. What the F.. Good one that..
  22. Cynic you where correct! The level dropped due to the wear on the pads (abt 30-40% wear).. so top up is what I will do (although dealer said it's not needed). As for the brakes positions, they are all ok - think it must have been the angle of the photo.. Appreciate all the feedback - been very helpful.
  23. Cheers gents, been away but will upload another picture(s) soon Bike with dealer at the moment so hopefully get some definitive answers.
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