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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Grouch

    So it begins

    I know you think I'm being silly and wasting money but I want to give the bike a Yamaha FSH. It's just something I have got stuck in my head. With buying the bike new I just want to maintain as much value as possible. The plan is to do all the work myself now (as long as it's basic) then just get it serviced periodically when it just needs oil changing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Grouch

    So it begins

    If I did sell it I would sell privately. No way would I get shafted by a dealer. If I were buying a bike I would choose a dealer FSH over one without. I'm useless at mechanical/ practical things. I'm ok at changing oil etc but changing chain and sprockets I wouldn't be very confident. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Grouch

    So it begins

    I was only looking for a Haynes. I never thought about an alternative. Cheers Slice I'll have a look. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Grouch

    So it begins

    I can't find a manual for it, I've looked all over. In definitely doing all the work now. When I do it take it for a service it will just need minimal work, just an oil change. I just want the Yamaha FSH. I'm just going to start looking after her properly. I must admit I have been a bit lazy not living the chain and cleaning her. I might as well just keep the bike. I suppose I can use it as a spare/cheap run around when I pass my test. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Grouch

    So it begins

    They don't do a manual for my bike. I've looked everywhere. I bought the bike new so I want the warranty book stamped with a yammy dealer as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Grouch

    So it begins

    So the bike was due a service and I knew the rear pads needed changing so I thought I'd change pads myself, a nice easy job that I could manage. I tried to work out for a few days how to change them and I couldn't so when I booked the for a service the guy looked at the caliper and told me the rear wheel needs to be removed before they can be accessed. A bit strange and a silly design I thought, anyway took my bike for the service first thing Monday morning. The guy said would be ready around 2 in the afternoon. Get's to the afternoon and I get a phone call, brilliant my bikes ready! Errr no!The guy tells me that someone has snapped an allen key or something in the nut and that it will take ages and cost me a lot of money because they will have to drill it out etc. Mmmm how the duck can that have happened because I haven't done it, no one else has touched the bike apart from them the last time it was serviced. I kept calm and politely explained to him that myself or anyone else I know or have asked has touched the bike. So he started denying it. I then pointed out to him why would I come down and ask him to look at the bike if I knew I had knackerd it? Anyway after I pointed this out to him he said "Let me get back to my mechanic and I'll have a word with him. In the mean time I had a look at the previous services sheet and it stated it needed a new brake caliper pin. Why didn't they put one on when they should of when servicing it? Because it was them that ducked it and the mechanic who did it didn't want a bollocking so he kept it quiet. No wonder I couldn't work out how to change the pads! Anyway after not getting a phone call I phoned them and surprise surprise, we've managed to get it out. Telling me I'm lucky FFS! No your lucky you sorted it and stopped trying to blame me. So for a service and to change the rear pads it took 5 days. 5 days of me using ducking taxis and public transport. Why did it take 5 days? Because in the whole of the UK they didn't stock a brake caliper pin and they had to ship it in from Japan. I swear every single garage I have given custom to has ducked me over. I am sick to death of it now. This was a Yamaha dealer ffs. I'm going to make sure there's nothing wrong with the bike next time it needs a service so they can't shaft me. £150 to change the oil and put a set of new pads on.
  7. Blackhat I think they are just getting to that point now so I might just get away with not having to replace the disc Cynic I don't what I am doing wrong. I always use both brakes together and apply the front a fraction of a second before the rear. One thing for sure is the brakes on the WR are extremely powerful. A little too much pressure and your skidding. Mike/Cynic I can understand your arguments. You don't wan't some guy rushing to fix your brakes because he has two minutes until he knocks but on the other hand you would feel more confident knowing the job has been done by a professional.
  8. HAHA Jimmy you did make me chuckle. Bippo I've just done under 5k miles on her and I'm still loving especially with the nice weather lately. Drewpy/Cynic I spent a few days trying to locate the bolts on the caliper and couldn't find them. I thought it was me just been thick. I took her to a Yammy dealers and asked the guy to show me and he said that the wheel needs to come off. I know it sounds daft but thats what he said. I know I'm not mechaniccaly minded but I am able to do basic jobs. It would be pretty sad if I couldn't locate a few bolts.
  9. My rear brake pads needed changing badly. I was in danger of wearing them down to the metal like i did on the XT and damaging the disk and caliper. Easy I thought, until I realised you cant get to them or take the caliper off until you take the rear wheel off completely. What a stupid design. So now I can't even change the rear brake pads without putting aside 3 hours. The bike needs servicing anyway so they can do it.
  10. Ive got a black cloud constantly hanging over me.
  11. I got caught in snow blizzards twice on my bike and it was scary, I had to travel at 10mph because i was just sliding all over. The constant rain was a nightmare. It only seemed to start when i had to travel to and from work.
  12. Up in Yorkshire it has rained nearly every day for months on end and it snowed pretty bad a few times. It was pretty dangerous riding my bike in it, in fact it was stupid and I'm never doing it again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Been out two days on the trot now and really enjoyed it. The Yorkshire countryside is amazing. Can't remember the last time i went out for a ride just for the pleasure of it. The weather this past year has been horrific.
  14. At last we have some nice weather! It's been lovely this past two days, I have been able to go out and actually enjoy riding my bike. It has been a miserable year riding in the rain and snow and it has been a massive downer. The rain never seemed to stop.
  15. Grouch

    Pudsey, Yorkshire

    I'm still around lurking in the background. You can't get rid of me that easily haha.
  16. Grouch


    Yeah that's the one.
  17. I get free breakdown recovery with my insurance (MCE) within a ten mile limit. I have only used it once when my rear wheel bearings went. Luckily I was just inside the ten mile limit. I think it took them around two hours to come. Then the cunt said he hadn't eaten so we had to go to a subway for half an hour. Cheeky bastard.
  18. Grouch


    Get a visor with 'pinlock' they don't mist up.
  19. Never heard of them mate. Use google to read online reviews.
  20. thanks drewpy. won't be dropping this one.
  21. I hate mince pies, turkey, xmas pud and snow.
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