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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Nobody gives a fuck about anyone apart from themselves in society. I saw a kid come of his ped and no one stopped to see of he was ok apart from me.
  2. I can see the logic in her thinking.
  3. No they are going to look at that after the brakes/bearings are done.
  4. You will get a good quality chain and sprockets kit for around £70. If you are already familiar and confident with mechanical things it is a straightforward job. If you get stuck you can always ask for advice on here, but it's not a massive job so not a lot can go wrong.
  5. No mate, discs out of stock. Will be next week, they're going to sort the bearings, pads, discs and then let me know how much that is, then take it from there.
  6. Definitely, sports and offload are require totally different riding techniques.
  7. The thing is since getting the bike I have amassed a basic collection of tools, basically everything I need to repair and service the bike. I have been doing bits and bats and I am confident enough to do things like changing the discs pads, but I am really pressed for time and when I do have time I like to have a lie in and relax all day doing f'all or spending time with my girlfriend. I do enjoy repairing my bike and it is a good feeling when I have managed to repair it. I suppose there is an element of laziness and lack of motivation. After this I am going to go full on D.I.Y. with it . Dt502001 is right, I have let all the little things build up through neglect and laziness. Lesson Learned, lets hope it's not an expensive one : (
  8. It's because we are used to our little 125's and we have never owned a larger capacity machine.
  9. Well that's me well and truly fucked if it does turn out to be double my estimate. The garage I am using are good guys they're not conning rip off merchants. I just hope the engine isn't proper fucked. I have been lazy not doing the other more straight forward jobs, but something would of gone wrong and then I'd have been fucked.
  10. As most of you know my bike has been experiencing problems lately, a lot of them minor but still a complete head fuck. I have decided to let the bike garage take it away and fix everything on it. When I get it back it will be 100% spot on. This is the list of repairs......... New rear brake disc/pads New rear wheel bearings New horn New electric start Bash plate attaching Stand tightening Sidelight bulb replacing/ fixing And the main problem of the engine cutting out and not starting which is either so far going to be The CDI unit, blockage, air, or water getting somewhere. So far I have estimated about £300 as the final cost. I think the garage charge £40 an hour labour. I can hear you all shouting "you f'ing idiot, do it your self' but I don't really have the time and at least I know it is getting done properly. After this though I'm doing all repairs myself. I think they are ok, but I might phone them up and get them to do the valve clearances. Is this a big time consuming job?
  11. Never realised bikes were being built like that, it does seem a bit strange.
  12. Well she's in the garage now. I just hope the costs aren't ridiculous.
  13. I've run out of juice about 4 times, ever since the original speedo was replaced and I lost my fuel indicator light it started happening.
  14. Haha no mate, fuck that. Might as well keep her for the sake of getting a grand for her. When I do upgrade later this year I'll just put her in the birds garage and fire her up once a week.
  15. For a brand like Suzuki to withdraw their warranty just sends alarm bells ringing.
  16. Thanks DT, wasn't doubting your opinion from the other thread, just thought I'd ask Speedshop. It's all getting sorted tomorrow. Then I'm doing all the work on it from then on.
  17. Grouch

    Happy Birthday

    Well he has to learn some degree of work ethic. Still though he's a very lucky lad. I bet all his mates are well jealous.
  18. Could it be knackered wheel bearings?
  19. Grouch

    Happy Birthday

    That should make you popular
  20. Thanks for the input and advice guys, much appreciated. I am capable of repairing/replacing the disc, pads, and bearings but it would take me much longer than a mechanic and really stress me out, because I know for a fact things would start to go wrong such as screw heads rounding and bolts threading etc. there's a quite a few other jobs that need doing as well so I might as well get it all done while I am there getting the other things sorted. Also I work full time and am in my second year of a full time degree so my spare time is almost non existent.
  21. Same here Welshy, they just went in an instant, there was no indication whatsoever they were on their way out. I do rag my bike about and the roads are fucked in my city, pot holes everywhere. It is the first time they have gone since getting the bike 11 months ago.
  22. Wow, both extremely attractive machines.
  23. Yeah I know I should do it myself, but while its there I might as well get them done. I'm just getting everything sorted on her once and for all,. then I'll get back to D.I.Y. repais & maintenance.
  24. Today after 11 months of riding my bike was so fucked I had to rsort to a recovery truck. Luckilky I was covered through my insurance. With MCE I get free breakdown recovery within ten miles. It took three hours for the recovery truck to come and they tried their best to get out of sending one but I got one in the end. It was a bit silly really, a big fuck off recovery truck all for my little 125. Set off home and there was a clanking clunking metal sound and my back wheel was wobbling to fuck. I was approx 10 miles from home and I knew there was something seriously wrong. I had two options 1) Leave the bike in my girlfriends garage and pay for the motorcycle garage to pick it up which would cost at least £100. 2) isk it and try get home and pray it gets me there. I chose to ride on and hope for the best. A mile later I realised I could not get home as my bike was incapabale. I phoned RAC and they said I was covered and would be with me within an hour and fifteen minutes. Ten minutes later they phoned to tell me I was not covered as I was more than ten miles away from home and they told me to take it to a garage. I quickly corrected the woman and told her I was just in the distance limit and I am covered through my insurance. She then tried talking me into taking my bike to a mechanics (on a Sunday) silly bitch. Once again I corrected her and explained to her I wanted my bike to be recovered. She then agreed and said that they were sending someone out. Three hours and two phone calls later they arrived. Once I got home I inspected the bike and determined it was the rear wheel bearings. The bike coincidently is booked into the garage on Tuesday, also I noticed I need a new rear disc and brake pads. Thats me skint for the next few months.
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